• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. nijineko

    Little known Free Virtual Gaming Table

    Fifteen years later... I appear to be the sole remaining community member of the Gametable project, and thus effectively own the Sourceforge site for this project. I have checked the Sourceforge site periodically for any bug reports or discussion post over the years, but there does not seem to...
  2. nijineko

    So what do you guys think of 2nd edition psionics?

    Having researched the history of psychic phenomena in general and psionics specifically, I have learned a few interesting things that I would like to share as background and history... which I will try to recall off the top of my head, as I'm away from my notes. One: the history of mental...
  3. nijineko

    Review of FASERIPopedia Rules Cyclopedia - a FASERIP retroclone

    FASERIPopedia Rules Cyclopedia FASERIPopedia is a retro-clone successor of the original FASERIP system using the OGL 1.0, created solely by a one-being team. It weighs in at nearly 400 pages. It is designed to be an all-in-one compendium of the original rule concepts plus additional options and...
  4. nijineko

    Is a new GURPS version in the works?

    Speaking as a long-time member of Steve Jackson Game's MIB program, and current Cell Leader for a chunk of the American Southwest: there has been no notifications of any uptick in the version of GURPS. We have been tasked to collect feedback from our communities; that is an ongoing duty for us MIBs.
  5. nijineko

    1001 Uses for an Immovable Rod

    {Clipping from The Daily Crystal} For the woman elegance, poise, and position on the go! This indispensable item is an absolute must for those situations where an entrance simply must be made. As every woman knows, the Descent Upon the Stairs is The Entrance. Behold, this stylish rod (with...
  6. nijineko

    1001 Uses for an Immovable Rod

    Design a special suit of clothes / armor / steampunk clockwork wearable suit which is designed to twitch-trigger a number of Immovable Rods mounted inside the clothing along various portions of the body. While a mime might be able to make creative use of this outfit, it will really show it's...
  7. nijineko

    1001 Uses for an Immovable Rod

    Create a mini construct that has the sole purpose in existence of clinging to the rod and pushing that button. The construct responds to a key word, specific user, or mental command for the psionic types. Connect a rope, or if you really insist, a whip to the rod. You can now throw out the...
  8. nijineko

    Looking for more combat feats

    Excellent comment on cold iron. I'll double check, but if we weren't already doing that, we will be from now on. =D
  9. nijineko

    1001 Uses for an Immovable Rod

    1) pay for custom ring gates that fit snugly over the button end of the immovable rod and firmly attach in place. 2) put the rod somewhere interesting or give it to someone. (as the button is on the other side of the gate, they can't mess with it.) 3) remote control the rod via the Murphy's Law...
  10. nijineko

    Spell range and duration limits

    You are probably thinking about the damage caps on spells (Page 36 of the 3.5 DMG). Range and Duration and any other non-damage level based parts of a spell don't have a cap unless the spell says so.
  11. nijineko

    Looking for more combat feats

    I've always enjoyed the Rule of Cold Iron when it comes to giving martials a method of dealing with magic types. For those not familiar it is traditional in many folk lore, fairy tales, and fantasy stories for Cold Iron to be the bane and/or natural counter of arcanists and arcane effects of...
  12. nijineko

    Getting Dangerous With The Elite: Dangerous Role-Playing Game

    I would suggest Oolite for those interested in an updated yet still true-to-core of the original Elite. Open source and mod-able.
  13. nijineko

    Look Back In Strangeness: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness Game

    Mutant Coyote with bouncing, stretching, and various physical defenses powers... was nearly indestructible. And a good thing too, as my DM watched the same Saturday morning stuff I did, so my character kept falling (or getting thrown) off of heights, getting things dropped on him from heights...
  14. nijineko

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] He is a Sapphire Hierarch; she is a Ruby Knight Vindicator. They fight crime.

    Completely RAW... until you reach the end of the table, that is. Also, I don't think there technically is a table entry that fits the 20th level monk's unarmed strike damage for size increases. Most people are using the superscript (1) note as justification for extending/extrapolating the...
  15. nijineko

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] He is a Sapphire Hierarch; she is a Ruby Knight Vindicator. They fight crime.

    Um, well the basic idea is to use the greater mighty wallop spell as a continual use item, and then stack on as many other size increases as you can that will fit your build. If the DM allows you to extrapolate the damage increase due to size increase table (see here or here or the Savage...
  16. nijineko

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] He is a Sapphire Hierarch; she is a Ruby Knight Vindicator. They fight crime.

    With the right mix of equipment and selections, a monk can put out more damage than any other melee type in the game. over 100 damage per strike minimum, easy.
  17. nijineko

    Identifying Items Without a Wizard

    Hire a psion. Erudite if anyone is picky. lol.
  18. nijineko

    Planar Bubble Issues

    Agreed. This is not as much a problem as it seems. the players are high level. they have toys. they will use toys. let them. but keep a strict eye on the duration, as Rabulias rightfully points out. Rather than cancelling the ability, think of ways to challenge them by draining their...
  19. nijineko

    How would you rule on Salve of Slipperiness?

    I plead away from books. ^^
  20. nijineko

    D&D 3E/3.5 High-level 3.5e Adventures

    Found this helpful resource of high level adventures: http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/11061/high-level-16-20-adventures I've ran some of these.