• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. hbarsquared

    D&D (2024) What do we call One D&D?

    With the first playtest document out for the next iteration of D&D, the most important question arises... What do we call it?!? There's also these important changes: Capitalizing all rule names Defining a d20 Test Calling out "Repeatable" in every Feat No half-races No background "Features"...
  2. hbarsquared

    D&D 5e is immensely frustrating

    Sitting here, enjoying a relaxing afternoon, reading through Volo's Guide. And it's difficult to express my anger. It's too good. Every third sentence is inspiration for a character, and adventure plot, a campaign! In one hour I have more ideas that I can use in a lifetime of playing. Not...
  3. hbarsquared

    Weird Orgy comment on ENWorld D&D Forum Post

    I'm not particularly overprotective of my kids and generally feel that it is best to calmly and discuss with my kids whatever adult things they may encounter. But I still find it strange that ENWorld, would allow an orgy reference in a D&D forum post, and that it would be made by a Copper...
  4. hbarsquared

    Non-urgent Adventures and Campaigns?

    This thread got me thinking. I've been reading too many published adventures lately that all have a timer of some sort. Some big bad Thing is going down, and the adventurers need to stop it. What kind of adventure/campaign can be constructed where taking a week-long rest doesn't result in...
  5. hbarsquared

    Narrating Hit Points - no actual "damage"

    I know, I know, the verisimilitude of hit points has been an ongoing argument for decades... This is something I would like to try when I start up my next game: All hit point "damage" is simply small, accumulated weariness. Damage is not broken arms, sliced open bowels, or arrows to the back...
  6. hbarsquared

    Best way to make a contribution?

    I've been meaning to donate and help support ENWorld for a long time, but I'm not exactly sure the best way to go about it. I contributed when ENWorld went completely down several years ago, and I guess I never set up my ongoing contribution at that point. So, Morrus, what do you prefer...
  7. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Eberron 5e - What do we want?

    Huge fan of Eberron, here. I love the setting, love the style, love the tone, love the options. Played in a couple Eberron campaigns, DM'd one. What do we want for Eberron out of the new 5e ruleset?
  8. hbarsquared

    Drizzt v Raistlin

    With the discussion of Drizzt's role in Out of the Abyss, I got to thinking... Drizzt and Forgotten Realms are argued to be the "most popular" and sell the most units. I don't know, and I can't argue one way or the other. But, wasn't Dragonlance the most prolific novel-setting? Didn't it...
  9. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Appropriate Rewards

    I'm not talking about "Expected Wealth" or "Wealth by Level" tables, or the tables for coinage you can find on monsters. I'm curious what people think of appropriate rewards a patron might give for fulfilling a quest, possibly by tier/level. In other words, if your level 1 party needs to save...
  10. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E 5e Eberron dragonmarks?

    So, in both 3e and 4e, Eberron dragonmarks are mechanically represented withfeats. In 5e, not only are feats optional, but you don't get one until 4rh level (1st if you're human and lucky). I'm starting an Eberron xampaign yestetday. Any dragonmark ideas? One) All characters get a bonus feat...
  11. hbarsquared

    Replacing the human "+1 all" bonus...

    I absolutely recognize the silliness of house rules before any portion of the game is ofdicially released. But I want to start a game next week, with the release of Basic and the Starter, and the "+1 all" to Abilities for Humans is a pet peeve of mine. So, here's a thread for ideas and...
  12. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Absolutely Clear on Definition of Basic D&D

    I've seen various comments from the WotC website, Mike Mearls' twitter feed, and Morrus' news updates.... So when, exactly, will Basic D&D be available, and what does Basic D&D encompass? From what I gather, Basic will be available on the WotC website on July 3rd. Is this genuinely correct...
  13. hbarsquared

    I Defended the Walls Kickstarter updates?

    Maybe I've just missed the emails? Or has there been any news on the Kickstarter front? I was hoping to see those custom dice soon (have they been ordered, are they on their way?) Plus, has there been any word on the T-shirts? I was hoping to proclaim ENWorld's success at some upcoming Cons...
  14. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E The Spellcasting Table and Apprentice Levels

    Preface: I'm a fan of wizards and of spellcasting, and I'm a fan of "apprentice levels" and not having full-blown class abilities until a couple-few levels in. Given that, I truly like the idea of "subclasses" beginning at the same level, instead of every class being different, or "complex"...
  15. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Your Favorite 5E Next Amalgam Rules

    Now that the Playtests are *over* I'm looking to start a 5E campaign! Several ideas have been running through my head, everything from the Caves of Chaos packet, to a revised Temple of Elemental Evil, to the Sunless Citadel. What I'm curious about, though, is if you were to pick and choose...
  16. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Ability Score Improvement / Feats: Class-based or Level-based?

    I am neither a mathematician nor a statistician. I am a fan of symmetry, though I also recognize when it does not serve a purpose in game design. Simple question: should the "Ability Score Improvement" class feature, which can optionally be exchanged for a Feat, be gained at the same rate by...
  17. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Spellcasting Bonus: can't we just lose it?

    So, seeing the presence of the "Spellcasting Bonus" in some columns for classes has been bothering me. It seems like an inelegant solution to just tack on these numbers. Why not have all attack spells rely only on a DC, circumventing any need for a spellcasting bonus for any class? I took a...
  18. hbarsquared

    Bug in Legacy Skin

    I just found the "Legacy" skin for the site and I was excited to go back to the color scheme I've always associated with ENWorld. It seems there are a couple formatting issues, though. It seems the links in the first bar ("What's New," "News & More," "Forum") are a larger size, and pushes the...
  19. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E Rituals and Wizard Traditions: the Scholar

    I have always enjoyed playing the knowledgeable wizard, or the one that is somehow prepared for anything. One of the reasons that I love the ritual mechanic, so far, in Next. I'm posting this because I think this has been a great implementation of Rituals. Not only do I not want to see it...
  20. hbarsquared

    D&D 5E What should be the 5E default setting?

    I haven't seen any specific confirmations, yet, but it sure seems like Forgotten Realms is gearing to be Next's default setting. I don't have anything in particular against the Realms, it just has never caught my interest. I would not look forward to FR being the default, and would prefer...