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  1. Kae'Yoss

    Jonathan Tweet denounces Power Attack

    Well, it's official: Wizards' target market for 4e is complete idiots. I guess it's a smart move, since there are an awful lot of those, but for the majority of existing players, this means that the new, dumbed-down, D&D will feel like going from university to "special class". I guess that...
  2. Kae'Yoss

    mystery race : what would you hate the most ?

    Same here. Too bad that font size only goes to 7, I'd like to point this out even more. This means that the 4e core rules will have lots of wasted space with some bs crap races that don't fit into most fantasy worlds out there. One more thing that convinces me that Wizards is long past its...
  3. Kae'Yoss

    Will you buy the preview books?

    No way in Hell. I'm not even sure I'll buy 4e. But I am sure that I won't pay for their marketing campaigns - not like that. I only pay for marketing campaigns when I buy the product in question. I don't pay them to sell me on something I'll have to pay for again. I'll only buy 4e (and only the...
  4. Kae'Yoss

    What's the name for a large group of marching soldiers?

    No, it's not! Protocol dictates that we can't lie to you! Hm... where did I leave my Companion Box? Oh, right.... Anyway, Legion sounds spot on.
  5. Kae'Yoss

    How do you. . .

    Yes. A fire elemental could tip a toe into lava. It would still die. Lava's thad badass. And don't get me started about magma.
  6. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

    I take all that gibberish and reply with a firm "Frikkin' Magic!" :p
  7. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

    Only if we start talking about whether it's right or wrong or should be allowed or not, not if we just mention the fact that it happens and is possible (And, for the record: I'm against abortion but for the killing of babies. That way everybody loses, and I win!)
  8. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

  9. Kae'Yoss

    What's the name for a large group of marching soldiers?

    We killed one last session. Those are the big dinosaurs with the horns, right?
  10. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

    Nope. Would be quite a trick, too. That's why I included family and friends. I never was in the situation, but I can see how mothers that were subject to rape are more likely to hate their children, them being a reminder of the traumatic events they had to endure. And there's abortion. It...
  11. Kae'Yoss

    Style, people!

    Divine insight.
  12. Kae'Yoss

    D&D is so METAL

    Or "The Whip".
  13. Kae'Yoss

    Why WOTC shouldn't have gotten rid of the Dungeon and Dragon magazine

    I don't know, but I do know that they've already plans for the third adventure path (read: Issue 13 and on, the 3rd installmeant is the current one) and for a lot of related products for the game worlds (including a hardcover Campaign Setting). And it seems that they're quite happy with how...
  14. Kae'Yoss

    D&Ders: Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants.

    Do insurance salesmen count for anything? Anyway, I got some med students. One studies Japanology and Sinology. One of the meds has amazing skills, like ignore you (unintentially) while you're sitting right beside him (really, he was pouring that guy some coke, even though he didn't want the...
  15. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

    It's not orc-elf. Or elforc It's one of those: erc elc olf orf I vote Elc. My sister was once bitten by an elc. Unless it was a moose. (Modron/Orc/Horse. A tauric half-golem monstrousity)
  16. Kae'Yoss

    Point of Light

    Extrapolating. They took less than one page to turn the Pantheon into a fourth-rate soap opera and from the little stuff they let out, we already know that "The old world has ended", the Weave is gone, the cosmology has been changed (yet again, after they made their own thing in 3e. Last time...
  17. Kae'Yoss

    A Big List of EN World Quotes...

    I know I had that in my sig for some time, with the power corrupts part.
  18. Kae'Yoss

    D&D is so METAL

    I usually don't play anything with vocals when I run D&D. But there's enough instrumental material to see me through a dozen adventure paths.
  19. Kae'Yoss

    Why no Half-elf/Half-orcs?

    Yes. Treebeard mentions it when he says that trolls are just aped ents - just like orcs are aped elves, and the Silmarillion also tells how Morgoth managed to get to the elves first, made some of them afraid of the Valar, and later tortured them for half an eternity, eventually transforming them...
  20. Kae'Yoss

    Point of Light

    Not changes like this. The funny part is that Drizzt stays (not that he's "the" über-npc in the Realms, anyway). They "just" erase a bunch of stuff that, in my opinion, was a big part of the Realms' identity. I guess if they had set out to lose as many old fans as possible while winning as...