• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. L

    Do We Need any more d20 books?

    I need more d20 (or and RPG) books like I need more Legos :D . Sure I could make what I want out of the tool/parts that I currently have, but sometimes a new set has just the right tool/part I need to create a better version of what I have. The "need to be entertained" is just as valid a need...
  2. L

    DM gives you your PC; annoyance or opportunity?

    Put me down for opportunity reveler. But I like to experiment a lot with different games and ideas. It should like you are handling some of the "random" aspects as well as seeding out a few special abilities among the characters. As long as the growth of the character is in the hands of the...
  3. L

    Run away screaming or not?

    Well, since it is now moot... When DM'ing, you have to consider, the Maturity of each player, the maturity of the DM, and the collective maturity of the whole group. For me, if any of those maturity levels are in question, or unknown, I am more likely to impose restrictions. Cross Gender...
  4. L

    Your experience with RPGA events..good or not so good?

    As someone who just tried the local RPGA, I had a completely different experience. So for the most part, its all a matter of location. I would guess that events that host only one or two tables are going to have some level of cliqueish-ness. If the event is more open, like a convention, then...
  5. L

    Please Help Paladin and Paladinwife...Award winners listed!

    Since we are just full of advice (and other things :D ) I would recomend one of the "non-traditional" colleges that do one class at a time and you meet only one time a week, (usualy in the evening.) These programs are geared around the working adult so are a lot easier to schedule. The up...
  6. L

    The Skirmish Game is Fun

    Well thats odd. Though I have not realy read the rules with a fine tooth comb. I am still using "what makes sense" from my collection of 3.0, 3.5 the stats on the cards and a few notes I remember from the rule booklet :) -The Luddite
  7. L

    Please Help Paladin and Paladinwife...Award winners listed!

    Well, I have yet to see one of your bags up close, but the pictures look nice. Even if it is "the best bag ever," I would still have to give a nod to my current dice bag. Made by my wife out of the same fabric as the vest I wore for our wedding. :D -The Luddite
  8. L

    The Draconomicon and Complete Warrior at 60% off? Insane but true!

    I am suspecting that this is a short term sale. Most likely some over stock that they want to rid of some inventory. So I too jumped yesterday and got a whole slew of books. 5 Hardback for $110 US including next day delivery. Not bad. As for supporting your FLGS, I don't see them as a place...
  9. L

    First we had halfling riding dogs, now this ...

    But what are the possilbilties of ovine avaition? -The Luddite
  10. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 weapon sizing: compelling reasons?

    I am not sure I agree that the current rules make thing more complicated then before for the "common" use. If anything it is alot easier. For everyday use, a character just looks up his weapon and moves on. What is a Light or Two-Handed weapons is now Explicit. The only "complications" come...
  11. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 weapon sizing: compelling reasons?

    Here is my take on the new weapons sizes... In 3.0, I as a DM had to make a House Rule to state that a "Shotsword" is a "Dagger" for a Large Creature. Therefore a PC Orge Sorcerer could use it as a Simple Weapon. What 3.5 did was explicitly state that a Large Dagger is a Large Dagger. Sure...
  12. L

    Advice on Opening a Game Store

    Well I can offer the following as a customer of Gaming stores. Things I like/look for in a game store. - Non-Scary staff : Don't hire gamers who know all about the products but have the socail graces of a cow. - Educated staff : The staff should know about the big names and common products...
  13. L

    Menace Manual on Amazon over 50% off NEW

    Looks like a lot of WotC books on the 60% sale right now. Books on my "will get when looks good" just got got. -The Luddite
  14. L

    Help with player with Foot in Mouth disease

    A few things stand out to me in the oringal post. The use of "player accidently" or "player inadvertently." What this suggests to me is that the Player and the DM have different assumptions on how the game-world works. And when the DM tells the player that an action is a bad idea, the player...
  15. L

    Talk Ars Magica with me

    Traditionaly...(as much is there any tradition in Ars Magica) Each player creates a "Primary" Character. Usualy a Mage or similar type of power character (Fay or some other options are available) Then the player will create a "Companion" character that would be a bit more of an adventure...
  16. L

    New 'how old are we' poll

    Instead of doing this poll from time to time, would it be possilbe to put up some type of ENWorld User Survay. Just so we can collect some data about the users of ENWorld. Granted we enwolders are a particular bunch of gamers, but lets at least get an idea where and who we are. -The Luddite
  17. L

    New 'how old are we' poll

    Well, being someone who can't help but pull a theory out of my Rectal Database, I hearby make the following theory.... ...which is mine... ...all mine and completely orginanal.... Orbital Mind Control Lasers that were testing in the early 1970's that affected infants by giving them greater...
  18. L

    Where have you been all my life? (Spycraft)

    Hmm...I find that the lack of percived budget points for particular classes to do their "Shtick" is more an issue of either poor planning, or poor team work. Poor planning could be based off of poor initial intellegnce, ie the mission objectives changed mid-mission. But players should still...
  19. L

    So a player presents a character with really high ability scores--what do you do?

    When I first DM 3rd Ed, I had all my players roll in front of me. Not because I did not trust them, but I wanted to make sure that everyone had "similar" stats and would have the stats to make their characters viable. Also at that time, I was still under the 2nd Ed notion of any thing less...
  20. L

    Great D&D article in today's Boston Globe!

    Fine. Take all the umbrage :) Generation is not strictly age based for RPGs. It has more to do when person started playing. Anyone playing in the mid to late 70's with the various box DnD games would be a First Generation RPGer. Most likely I would consider those that played ADnD when it...