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Search results

  1. Cthulhudrew

    Threshold #3: Sea of Dread now available!

    Threshold: The Mystara Magazine is proud to announce the release of issue #3 of our magazine. Nearly 250 pages this time (!!!), focusing primarily in and around the Sea of Dread, that notorious sea from whence the Isle of Dread gets its name. Can be accessed directly at the Vaults of Pandius...
  2. Cthulhudrew

    Threshold Magazine #2 released!

    Our second issue of Threshold: The Mystara Magazine has just been released! Issue #2: Vaults of Pandius, can be downloaded free from (where else?) the Vaults of Pandius via the front page. Nearly 180 whopping pages of articles, adventures, and artwork. Revised material from the Vaults as well...
  3. Cthulhudrew

    Threshold: The Mystara Magazine #1 released!

    For those fans of the Mystara setting, the contributors at the Piazza have just released the first issue of their fan magazine, Threshold. Issue #1: Karameikos, can be downloaded free from the Vaults of Pandius via the front page. 180 whopping pages of articles, comics, artwork, and an...
  4. Cthulhudrew

    Technical Help - Screen Display

    Okay, here's something weird that maybe someone knows something about: Last week, my screen's display suddenly got this weird blue tint to it- as if the red was gone. I tried several things- I degaussed the monitor, fiddled with the monitor display, tried checking the monitor cable; I even...
  5. Cthulhudrew

    EVO Online- Any players?

    I've heard of this game before, but only just decided to read up about it a bit the other day. It sounds really interesting, but I'm curious if there is anyone that plays it, and what their opinions are? Fun, not so fun?
  6. Cthulhudrew

    Who Sues The Watchmen?

    Apparently, 20th Century Fox does. Wonder if that will hold up this movie. It's still in production, so my guess is simply that Fox sprung this lawsuit knowing how much of an investment was already made to back out of it, so they would just pay them off and keep going.
  7. Cthulhudrew

    Marvel MMO: Death Knell

    Well, it's been rumored for several months now, but it has finally been officially confirmed. There will be no Marvel Superheroes MMO from Cryptic/Microsoft Games. From the article, it was apparently decided that "there’s basically one that’s successful [Me- WoW?] and everything else wouldn’t...
  8. Cthulhudrew

    Chainmail Non-Vaporware?

    Given that they were so close to releasing the 4th expansion of Chainmail before it was ignominiously cancelled, does anyone know of/has anyone seen any copies of what would have been going to print for the Shadow of the Drow expansion? I'd love to know if anything at all existed, since I kind...
  9. Cthulhudrew

    Zombies!!! Anyone played it?

    I saw the Zombies!!! board game by Twilight Creations in a game store in Berkeley over the weekend, and thought it looked cool. Has anyone out there played this? Good, bad, fun, unfun? Stories they can share? (Mods: If this thread would be better off in another forum- it's not strictly an RPG-...
  10. Cthulhudrew

    Eric Noah's Black Pages?

    Am I mistaken, or weren't these still accessible here at ENWorld at one point? I was feeling nostalgic for the pre-3E days recently, and wanted to take a look at them.
  11. Cthulhudrew

    Magic the Mighty Marvel Way!: Can it be done?

    Prompted by a discussion on the CBR forums about the rules of magic in the Marvel Universe the other day, I decided to browse through some old Marvel stuff (specifically, the Marvel Superhero RPG, which put game stats to the system of Marvel magic as it has generally existed for a long time)...
  12. Cthulhudrew

    So no last Complete book for 3.5?

    Given the 4E announcement and the final product listings for 3.5, it seems there won't be a final/fourth Complete book in the line for fighter types, in the vein of Complete Scoundrel, Mage, and Champion. Any thoughts or speculation on what such a book might have had? Would anyone have wanted...
  13. Cthulhudrew

    Database Design question

    Maybe some of you guys can help me out here, 'cause I'm a bit stuck. I'm using Access to develop a database that will be capable of centralizing information about various customers. They all share common features (notably, they all use the same fields in terms of contact information), but have...
  14. Cthulhudrew

    Doctor Who Season 3 Speculation [SPOILERS]

    Marking this spoilers just in case, even though it's only speculation. In any event, as we wait another week (grr!) for the next installment, I thought I'd speculate a bit on the future of the series. Specifically, the words of the Face of Boe. As we all know, the Face's last words to the...
  15. Cthulhudrew

    Pathfinder 1E @$#&!! My Funny Bone!!!: Critical Hit Cards from Paizo

    I just saw the Critical Hit Deck over in the blog on Paizo's website. These things are awesome! Has anyone else used them in their games?
  16. Cthulhudrew

    Iron Man Armor Revealed (not the tin version) [SPOILERS]

    Comicbookresources has an article on this, I guess it was first published in Entertainment Weekly. First Look at Iron Man movie armor [EDIT- here's the Entertainment Weekly article]
  17. Cthulhudrew

    Warduke Ierendi Gazetteer: Please Help!

    Hey, all: We're a pretty resourceful lot here on ENWorld- I'm hoping someone has a scan of the original artwork/placeholder picture for Gaz4: Kingdom of Ierendi that featured Warduke as the centerpiece. I thought for sure it appeared in ads in Dragon Magazine, but I can't seem to find it in any...
  18. Cthulhudrew

    Life on Mars

    I've just started watching this show recently- it's pretty good. I liked the concept when I first heard it, and am surprised at just how good the performances are and how well they play with the metatext of the premise. It did get me to thinking, though- they should have a crossover with some...
  19. Cthulhudrew

    Profitability of Online Distribution?

    I posted this in the "Paizo No Longer Publishing Dungeon" thread, but it got kind of lost/ignored in the gazillion posts that came after it. In any event, maybe someone in publishing (print and/or digital) has some insight to provide?
  20. Cthulhudrew

    Looking for a thread

    Maybe someone can help me out here- I'm looking for the "vampire town" thread that was here on ENWorld some time ago. I thought I had it bookmarked, but apparently did not, and can't find it now. It was the thread in which people discussed what the development of a town that was known to be...