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Search results

  1. Tom Cashel

    Defeated by puzzle - campaign over: Here is the offending puzzle!

    ENsults are the only kind of insults allowed on EN World. Just have to say...this thread and the situation which (may or may not have) started it are annoying to hear about, and it's maddening that we can't get an answer to the darn thing. I'm with you. But... Those of you talking about (I'm...
  2. Tom Cashel

    Defeated by puzzle - campaign over: Here is the offending puzzle!

    We need to hear from the DM. I don't care how he runs his game; I'm starting to hate his guts just for refusing to visit this thread. ;)
  3. Tom Cashel

    Dawn of the Dead Help

    Watch the movies. Although the original is a bona fide classic of the form, the remake will be helpful with ideas for action sequences. All Flesh Must Be Eaten probably has plenty of non-system-specific info.
  4. Tom Cashel

    Defeated by puzzle - campaign over: Here is the offending puzzle!

    I think Roman should be banned if he can't give us the answer. Just kidding! :D (kind of) There's only one way to solve a Gordian knot. Hack the bastard in two. :D Three lesser temples...three symbols on the puzzle. All three symbols combined into one big picture...within the "big" evil...
  5. Tom Cashel

    Is this gaming product too offensive or merely funny?

    I've been forced to reconstitute myself several times. It's not easy.
  6. Tom Cashel

    Is this gaming product too offensive or merely funny?

    For the record, I am completely against the deletion of people based on the content of their posts, and I wish the Moderators would stop doing it. As for the Mongoose PDF, I think it's pretty damn funny. Lowbrow, not incredibly clever, and don't seek any depth...but funny. "She called me a PC...
  7. Tom Cashel

    Castle Zagyg is it 3.x compatible?

    To me, "conversion" always seemed a matter of looking in your preferred edition of the Monster Manual rather than at the published stats in the module. Yeah, this can throw off the level requirements, but that's why you do it the night before the game rather than day of. Anywho, long story...
  8. Tom Cashel

    What do you do after an RPG session?

    Except they just played that game for 6 hrs. "ZOMBIES!!!" is a great board game that can be played in under 4 hrs., easily. "Carcassonne" is another fantastic boardgame; it's won all kinds of awards in the past few years. There's also a board game called "Puerto Rico" that's fun if you dig...
  9. Tom Cashel

    [May] Campaign updates?

    d20 Modern: WINGS of ICARUS We're halfway through Season 2, and also halfway through the entire 3-season storyline. Acting on the whispered words of a compatriot, who then fell into a coma, the team traveled to Las Vegas, Masonic Lodge No. 523. There they did battle with the gang called Street...
  10. Tom Cashel

    Castle Zagyg is it 3.x compatible?

    I've finished editing most of Yggsburgh--Hi Gary!--and I can tell you it would be quite easy to convert/substitute material to make it 3.5-compatible. This is going to be a great series; it has a classic feel to it. Certain sections gave me that "Keep on the Borderlands" tingle, and I mean that...
  11. Tom Cashel

    How well do you have to know a game to run it?

    Sliding scale A sliding scale is the most realistic answer, I think. Meaning: the more experienced the GM, the more he can get away with. A new GM is going to need to know the system inside out, while a very experienced GM will have little trouble running a game of at least as high quality...
  12. Tom Cashel

    Should the Paladin pay for Evil Magic Items he wants / has destroyed?

    My vote is "Power Attack the Fighter and Wizard next," but that's not in your poll. Alternately, "dump salsa over the heads of the fighter's and wizard's players" would work.
  13. Tom Cashel

    Another new Batman Begins trailer

    Can you edit the link in your first post, please? I got needlessly hassled.
  14. Tom Cashel

    you drew the short end of the stick

    Just want to get a last post in here before things get locked down... Wulf, I completely see your point. Different stats do indeed equal a disparity in the odds over time. But the game is not based purely on numbers. If we were talking about a computer RPG, where nothing happens but what is...
  15. Tom Cashel

    you drew the short end of the stick

    He's actually a good friend of mine. Do you know him? Anyway, it sure felt similar when my character was getting his ass kicked. This was a one-time occurrence, and believe me, it's easier to laugh about it 15 years later than it was when it happened. I doubt there's even a hint of...
  16. Tom Cashel

    Kyngdoms Campaign Setting

    It is a bryght spot in the gyming lyndscape, a true pynnacle of dysign and creaytivity.
  17. Tom Cashel

    Enterprise - 04/22/05 [Spoiler Talk]

    And another thing: Does anyone else find TOS/Enterprise crossovers kind of stupid, if for no other reason but because the Enterprise-era ships look about a hundred times as advanced as TOS ships? They're getting all excited over an "amazingly advanced" ship that looks like a bathtub compared...
  18. Tom Cashel

    Enterprise - 04/22/05 [Spoiler Talk]

    I thought it completely sucked ass. I've watched every episode of this series, and I'm saddened by the cancellation, but this... It's just pointless. They're not the same characters. I don't care about them at all. There's no connection to the characters I do care about. And there's only...
  19. Tom Cashel

    you drew the short end of the stick

    Right on. The first character I ever played long-term was named Karadd-Tak of Arabel. He entered an average 5th level group as a 1st level (2nd ed.), true neutral mage. Not too dissimilar from the 25-pointer in the group of 36ers. I hired a henchman. I kept my head down. When the other PCs...