• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. UD

    Dwarven Women: Beards or no Beards?

    Consult the official fantasy refrence (Terry Pratchett) who says something along the lines of: The majority of the dwarfen mating ritual consists of trying to find out what sex the dwarf under their beard is. Quotes: All dwarfs have beards and wear up to twelve layers of clothing. Gender is...
  2. UD


    Ditto Piratecat, check em out, there quite good.
  3. UD

    is D&D evil? Thoughts please

    My Dad introduced me to DnD. He's a Priest in the Church of England. he dosn't think its evil, neither do I... I do have a freiend who thinks Im a satan worshiping freak, I agree to disagree with him cos hes not quite all there, bit to fundamentalist.
  4. UD

    [OT] Girls who can beat you up

    My Girlfriend. Shes nails.
  5. UD

    [OT] What are you listening to?

    Redhot Chilli Peppers, Nickleback, Oleander, Halo, System of a down and Creed.
  6. UD

    On-line gaming tools

    Hmmm, hadn't thought of voice, thanks Uller
  7. UD

    On-line gaming tools

    My FInal Year Project for my computer science degree is to build a Online Roleplay manager for Chat based DnD games. It will manage character sheets, etc, have the ability to interface with PCGen and TwinRose's software etc. Just doing some prelimary research into the mechanics of it at the moment.
  8. UD

    Famous Last Words

    Mage PC: "This isn't really an old man out to give us useful information, its an evil minion of the dragon, no doubt a mage or cleric with a hat of disguise or change self spell!" Me as old man: "What are you talking about?" Other PC's: "Come on he's just a helpful old man, leave him alone..."...
  9. UD

    WOW!! My players surprised me

    We once played a 4 hour session of cyberpunk 2020 with out anyone dieing, without a gun or weaponm beenw ield and without any threats. I think we gave the GM a mild heart attack
  10. UD

    Player has a super rogue, DM needs help.

    Give a fighter the Pressing Attack feat (can't remember which boook its in) i think it lets a fighter take a 5 foot step forward if his opponent takes one backwards...
  11. UD

    [Humor] The Lord of the Systems.

  12. UD

    What is Awakened?

    Very good Bonedagger!
  13. UD

    My conscience stopped me from submitting.

    I feel the same as Ranger Wickett on this one, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
  14. UD

    [OT] How thick is Jade?

    Bad Bagpuss! One place I thought was free from Big Bruth'r ! Its not like my gf goes on about it all the time. Arrrggggg! (Although intresting to note that in a room of 6 people when the first broadcast came on and all you heard was her voice the entire room was like 'She must die' before we...
  15. UD

    Shifter PrC -- werf it?

    The problem with Shifters I have found is that they loose spellcasting and don't really get any good monsters to turn into till the higher levels of the class. I stuck with bears and a scimitar for some time...
  16. UD

    [OT] Do you believe in ghosts?

    Very good. Don't worry Germany will beat you ;)
  17. UD

    [OT] Do you believe in ghosts?

    Yes I do, although I don't believe I have ever seen them. My opinions on this matter are influenced by my religion so I will stop right here :D
  18. UD

    [PR--TG/Dragonstar] Cover art-"Heart of the Machine" is here

    Neat, now all I need is some cash...
  19. UD

    Fading Suns D20

  20. UD

    Fading Suns D20

    In the Heretics and Outsiders book it is listed on page 88 d20 System Rules: Wyrd Point Recovery. Basicly you recover 2 times your total character level in wyrd points a day no matter what you do. (So a 5th level character gets 10 back). If you spend the day medetating (anyone can do this no...