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Search results

  1. Storminator

    Your favourite gaming mechanic?

    This gives you the basic mechanics of hero points. M&M has a few differences, like granting a re-roll on a d20, or granting a bonus power for a round. But the great part about them is the pacing currency. M&M has a rule called GM's Fiat, where the GM breaks the rules (the villain makes his...
  2. Storminator

    Eberron, Sharn inquisitive campaign – session zero 5e

    Breland and Aundair have pretty extensive write ups about their spy networks, and you could extrapolate a Cyran spy network from there. That give decent info from 3 of the 5 nations. The gnome can easily work for the Zilargo Trust - the gnomes of Eberron are actually key players in espionage...
  3. Storminator

    Your favourite gaming mechanic?

    Mutants and Mastermind's version of Hero Points
  4. Storminator

    Eberron, Sharn inquisitive campaign – session zero 5e

    There are so many great game opportunities in Sharn. Classically Eberron is for pulp games or noir games (tho you can do anything in it). Do you have a leaning one way or the other? I find noir is a little harder to maintain in a D&D game, just because it can get a bit over the top, and stray...
  5. Storminator

    Why does fantasy dominate RPGs?

    Many sci-fi shows have a derelict space ship episode. That's basically a dungeon crawl. Aliens was a dungeon crawl. The scene in Han Solo's other ship in The Force Awakens is a dungeon crawl. The Reaver ship in Firefly was a dungeon crawl. It's actually pretty common. PS
  6. Storminator

    Any good examples of TTRPGs with high degree of "Asymmetry" I might have missed?

    Mutants and Masterminds. It's a point buy Supers game, and getting a different power suite makes your character play radically differently. PS
  7. Storminator

    How often should PCs level up?

    In my game I let the players tell me when they level. We're around 30 sessions in (only 2 hours per session tho) and they're 5th level. I doubt they'll want to level before we get 4 or 5 more sessions.
  8. Storminator

    Need help for Explosives rules

    I prepared explosive rules today
  9. Storminator

    Shadow marches and droaam

    I do have access, tho there doesn't really appear to be a way to search (or even get article titles. . . ) the online versions. I've found some indices for older magazines How about some brainstorming instead? What sort of city would be out in the backwoods between the Shadow Marches and...
  10. Storminator

    need advice on a good trap for a Beholder's lair

    Literally every inch of the floor could be trapped, since beholders levitate Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
  11. Storminator

    Shadow marches and droaam

    My players are headed to the borders of droaam and the shadow marches. There is very little published about that area. Has anyone had a campaign out there? Any ideas? Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
  12. Storminator

    How Old is Your Oldest Die?

    I have a d12 left from the 80s. That's the oldest one I bought new. That's the one I've owned the longest. I also have some d6 cast using an experimental new material called Bakelite from the 1920s. That's the oldest. PS
  13. Storminator

    D&D 4E 4E WotC Tools dead?

    I just found out that 100 custom monsters is the limit on Insider. Boo! :D PS
  14. Storminator

    Shattered Realms - a Homebrew Cosmology

    Do the various levels have "quantum states" for lack of a better term? Is the drop from a High Heaven to a Mortal Realm sharp and obvious? A campaign set in the fall of a plane would be pretty awesome. PS
  15. Storminator

    If you were going to steal a dungeon map from a module, which map would it be?

    Assume you're DMing a dungeon crawl, and your sole purpose of using the map is that the map itself is interesting. Assume you're going to strip everything else away and just use the map. What map do you pick, and why? PS
  16. Storminator

    WotC / Digital River Not Accepting Renewals of Existing Subscriptions to DDI

    Don't know if this helps, but I also got the error message you describe. I searched their FAQ section for Insider Support, and found this page: http://wizards.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2297/=1.01 I followed all the steps there, and somewhere in the shopping cart I gave them new...
  17. Storminator

    D&D 4E 4e ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    One of my players wants his PC to transform between regular and demon forms. Is there a class or PP that supports this? PS
  18. Storminator

    [Eberron] How would The Church of the Silver Flame react to an aspiring god?

    The Silver Flame believes that when adherents die, they join the Flame. So as long as he's faithful, Frosty will be part of a god. It's a not far from there to being a separate god, from Frosty's perspective. If it were my game, the Church would be all for adding to Frosty's power and letting...
  19. Storminator

    How Do You Get Your Players To Stay On An Adventure Path?

    I ran the Savage Tide adventure path, and at the end of one of the adventures there is a shipwreck, and the PCs wake up on the beach at the beginning of the next adventure. Me: *reading boxed text about the storm.* Player 1: I use my Cloak of the Manta Ray! Me: No you don't - it's an adventure...
  20. Storminator

    D&D 4E Who's still playing 4E

    I use the adventure tools for my monster stats, and I've noticed that the newer monsters seem to do enough damage, and the older monsters get new monster damage if you level them up one then level them back down. If they didn't I would also boost monster damage. I haven't really noticed a need...