• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    WotC Walks Back Some OGL Changes, But Not All

    "And third, we wanted to ensure that the OGL is for the content creator, the homebrewer, the aspiring designer, our players, and the community—not major corporations to use for their own commercial and promotional purpose." Ryan Dancy has already stated that this was for other companies to use...
  2. C

    Level Up (A5E) A5E Warlock Stories

    I really want to play a warlock with the Urbanist pact (from Zeitgest) while playing in the city of Ptolus.
  3. C

    Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!

    At minimum there needs to be a spell description section and a button to display that into the chat.
  4. C

    Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!

    Will there be a level up compendium available for roll20? I'm so used to being able to drag and drop spells into the 5e character sheet.
  5. C

    Level Up (A5E) Question About Skills

    Yeah I think that's a better solution.
  6. C

    Level Up (A5E) Synergy between thirsting blade and eldritch scythe.

    Its unclear with he wording of Eldritch Scythe. You make a melee spell attack but does specify if you are using a specific weapon (like you pact weapon) and your pact of the blade feature doesn't say you can use your scythe as a pact weapon.. Definitely could use some clarity here.
  7. C

    Level Up (A5E) Dangerous Strikes Combat maneuvere

    Could have added something like, if you fail to crit with any of the attacks you made after activating you regain the use of the exertion point. Makes it more reliable but you still need to have an exertion to use it
  8. C

    Level Up (A5E) Goodberry

    I definitely understand the removing of the sustenance part (and not providing supply) but not giving it anything else to compensate make it feel very underwhelming. Even just keeping it as 10 berries that restore 1 hp each at least gives it some dependability. I really don't understand the...
  9. C

    Level Up (A5E) Goodberry

    A few ideas for a fix: Anyone that consumes a berry also regains 1 extra HD during their next long rest. OR Anyone that consumes a berry also regains 1 exertion point. OR Anyone that consumes a berry also gains an expertise die on their next d20 roll.
  10. C

    Level Up (A5E) Goodberry

    As I know that the o5e Goodberry spell can be a bit of a headache for DM's ( as in it was for me in my last game) I went to take a look at what they did. Wow what a nerf. The spell only gives 2d4 berries and doesn't provide sustenance. So right away its not as good, but the casting a higher...
  11. C

    Level Up (A5E) So where do ya'll plan to start with LU?

    I had planned to run my 3rd Ptolus game in a couple of months (3e, 4e, and now 5e) and now I'm thinking of using A5e instead. So I'll probably start with the Character Classes and the adventure book then check out the monster book. I think using A5e in Ptolus will be a fresh start to the...
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    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    double post. There are some really great ideas here. Thanks everyone!
  13. C

    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    I was thinking that it would look somewhat like a dwarf, yes. That's some good forethought.
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    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    Oh sorry. They are level 8. Party comp includes: Dwarven Cleric/Paladin Tiefling Warlock Elven Ranger Half Orc Barbarian Human Wizard
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    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    That's a great idea. I had thought that it was built (or left) on a giant hot springs but I think this works better. I don't have a copy but certainly am willing to pick one up.
  16. C

    D&D 5E Crowd source my game

    I've set my party up to explore an old keep to find its secrets. They are looking for an ancient weapon and they have two keys to unlock it. The weapon is actually the keep itself which is basically a giant mech built by the dwarves long ago and then kept hidden. Since then it has been used as...
  17. C

    Help! Game in 3 hours and I have no idea what the villain's ritual will do!

    Thanks for all the replies and ideas! Turned out we had 2 players cancel and so I have another week to prepare. I think I'll be using Razjah's ideas here as they are a bit more compatible with what I have currently going. Plus my group isn't the type to want to have to kill a fellow player...