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  1. S

    Palm Familiar, legal issues, & possible solutions

    No, I understood. However, that has the same problem as other in-program formula display; from what I've seen, WotC does not accept having some way to display the calculations as being good enough disclosure. Otherwise, you could just list the calculations used in a help file, ne?
  2. S

    Palm Familiar, legal issues, & possible solutions

    Having the tooltip actually calculate the result would have the same problem; it's merely a minor detail of display. Whether it would be OK to just display the formula, and have the user do it, is grayish; it is kinda pointless though in terms of usability.
  3. S

    Palm Familiar, legal issues, & possible solutions

    AFAIK, none of the suggested approaches are fully technically compliant; that Wizards hasn't yet threatened them does not indicate that they won't. To put it simply, releasing source or simply indicating calculations are potentially fakable things, and thus not acceptable to an...
  4. S

    Palm Familiar, legal issues, & possible solutions

    *cough* Let's please keep the nitpicking about the legal interpretations to their own threads, please? There have been several such already; the reason I summarized the issue and the only (current, fully agreed) way out was to avoid having this argument and focus on the main question. Thanks.
  5. S

    Palm Familiar, legal issues, & possible solutions

    As you probably know by now, there is one main sticking point for making software that WotC won't sue over (or threaten to): "human readable". By WotC's interpretation - which I disagree with, but they have more lawyers than I so that's moot - this means "scripted". The question for me is: how...
  6. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Easy enough. ;) The only part that's slightly complicated is having feats affect stuff (like skills, via Alertness or Skill Focus or whanot). It wouldn't actually be too hard if I hardcode it (i.e., have something in the Spot skill that asks if you have Alertness, vs. asking if you have "a feat...
  7. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Okay. *Exactly* what do you mean by "the character sheet"? Listing of skills; feats; spells; etc., fine. HP tracking is easy, as is tracking any other similar thing. Tracking extensive mods - like spell effects, magic item effects, etc. - is hard. Having an area where you can enter whatever...
  8. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Isn't it the *only* example? (Barring BoH-equivalent items, like the magic quiver, portable hole, etc.) Not so. You could have a "custom" modifier to the Weight entry listing -X lbs. to account for it. But that is, of course, more inconvenient. I thought this came under the listing for...
  9. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    It's actually a fairly important point from a design perspective. Retrofitting a static system to dynamic/customizable one is a lot of work, depending on how modular it was made in the first place. Oh, I see. Well, of course; all items have a 'weight' attribute. Have it on you, and that's...
  10. S

    DigitalSloth - PocketDM

    I should point out that "realmscrafter's stuff" is, in fact, *mine*. Sure, Kozak will bitch about that, but the fact remains that everything *real* that was put out under the Realmscrafters name in terms of Palm programs - i.e., RPG Companion - was actually mine. The name is all that changed...
  11. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Okay... I'll break that up a bit. First, it presupposes that one can "equip" items, have something that says "where" that item is equipped, and (*way* more complicated) have those items actually affect stats. (more on that later) Limiters would be simple, with the second part in place...
  12. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    BOOYA! A years' work saved. I finally managed to recover my full Palm Familiar project directory. Not the absolute latest version, but close enough - beta 2. I know I made a bunch of unreleased changes since then; I'll have to check how far along this one is. And I'll have to refamiliarize...
  13. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Any suggestions, then? - Sai
  14. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    What bonuses, specifically? Give a couple examples. There's a couple ways to do this. The simplest would be to have a fill-in-the-blanks form that you then add as a memopad entry. More complicated would be importing from other programs' files, having a Windows GUI for data entry, etc. What do...
  15. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

    Since I posted that, my CPU, motherboard, and power supply all got toasted. Stupid :):):):)ty power messiing everything else up... ah well; another (hopefully temporary) setback. I'm starting to think the gods disapprove... :rolleyes: I fully agree... except I know myself well enough to...
  16. S

    I'm baaack... (no, really)

  17. S

    Where, oh where, has SaiZai gone? Oh wait, there he is.

    PS is, as usual, correct. The short summary is that I am now "nomadic". The long summary is on the SaiTech BB; the details are in my personal LiveJournal. The unfortunate fact is that the bohemian lifestyle (such as it is) is not very conducive to productivity. I haven't updated my website, or...