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  1. MythosaAkira

    Trapdoor Tech is Back With A Pathfinder iOS Application!

    I was having a problem with that myself, but there's a checkbox to the right of "I have read..." that's very hard to see (it's a slightly-less-dark brown on a dark brown background). Check that and the "Proceed" button enables. Also not a fan of apps that I have to create an account for just to...
  2. MythosaAkira

    FantasyGen - Name generator for iOS now available

    (Not sure if this is the right place for this, but nothing else jumped out at me; please correct me if I'm wrong!) Just wanted to let people know about FantasyGen, a name generation tool I've written for iOS that is now available in the App Store. Currently allows you to generate names for the...
  3. MythosaAkira

    Gamemastery Combat Pad

    There's an iPad app called "InitiativeBoard" that's pretty much the same thing. I've been using it for a few months now and it works great. I posted a screenshot here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9635205/photo.PNG The App Store link is...
  4. MythosaAkira

    There once was this tool... (Help me find it again?)

    Thanks, Mark :) The download page can be found here as well: http://www.mythosa.net/Main/TableSmith The latest version can be found there, though version 5.2 is targeted for Very Soon(tm)... Windows-only, though I'm definitely looking at porting to a mobile version in the future (either...
  5. MythosaAkira

    In need of advice: laptop vs ipad for tabletop gaming!

    When DMing, I was using my iPad for awhile, then switched to my laptop (MacBook Pro), and recently I've decided to go back to the iPad. I switched back primarily because I have a lot of reference material in PDF format (specifically for Pathfinder or D&D Next) and I find it easier and more...
  6. MythosaAkira

    Electronic copies of Dragon and Polyhedron now available from Archive.org

    I just downloaded a couple of the Dragon issues (#74 and #172) and compared them to the PDFs I still have from the old CD-ROM that WotC put out years ago. The file sizes were identical, down to the byte, and a side-by-side visual comparison looked the same - even blemishes from the scanning, or...
  7. MythosaAkira

    Reference for RPG programing for iPad?

    I didn't have the time to get into Objective-C (or the money for a Mac to get a native app onto my iPad), so I put together a web app to do what I wanted, similar to what you're talking about. It uses Javascript (which I wouldn't consider much harder to learn than BASIC) with some elements of...
  8. MythosaAkira

    Do you use a tablet? Which kind? With what game?

    I use my iPad2 for my 4E campaign with the following apps: * Numbers: Encounter building, PC tracking, miscellaneous stuff * GoodReader: PDFs * Notebooks: Organizing my campaign information * iPod (built-in): Background music * Photos (built-in): Store maps, pics of MasterMaze layouts, etc. *...
  9. MythosaAkira

    Compendium doesn't load on mobile devices anymore? Why?

    FWIW, I just tried on my iPad2 (iOS 4.3.2) using both Safari and Terra and it worked fine. Since they both use iOS, I'd assume the iPhone and the iPad are both using the same version of Safari.
  10. MythosaAkira

    City Generator

    Updated link: TableSmith
  11. MythosaAkira

    Laptops - What programs or resources do you use to help you run or play your games?

    I use the following when I'm DMing: * TableSmith: Random names, treasure, encounters, etc. * OneNote: Campaign tracking, journal, notes, adventure info, etc. * Excel: For tracking things OneNote can't, mainly stuff involving calculations (initiative/combat tracker, treasure tracker, etc.) *...
  12. MythosaAkira

    Can anyone identify what miniature line/series this is?

    Reaper had a similar set (Dark Heaven, not L5R) that looked like "battle nuns". Don't think they're what the OP is looking for either, though. But still cool figs :)
  13. MythosaAkira

    Which one, Droid vs iPhone?

    I have a Droid and I love it, though I don't really have much experience with the iPhone (my previous phone ran WinMo). The Apple AppStore has a lot more apps at this point, but the Android Market is growing. One of the reasons I went with the Droid was I could develop for it on Windows or...
  14. MythosaAkira


    I haven't found much beyond dice rollers myself, though the "Scryer" website (Scryer - D&D Insider Compendium Searcher) is nice for a front-end into the DDI Compendium. There's also a power card site (DnD 4e Power Cards Index), though I haven't looked too closely at that one. I've recently...
  15. MythosaAkira

    Chicago Gameday XXIII is July 18th: SIGN UP!

    Just wanted to chime in to say my wife and I had a great time in Vyvyan Basterd's 4E game. It's nice (for me) to be able to play 4E for once (we've been playing since last summer but I'm the DM :)) I believe Deron (our walk-in friend) had a good time, too! (He has an ENWorld account - I forget...
  16. MythosaAkira

    Character Planning Thread - An Uncanny Child (Forked From: Chicago Gameday XXIII)

    Just e-mailed you our character files! Let me know if they make it through...
  17. MythosaAkira

    Character Planning Thread - An Uncanny Child (Forked From: Chicago Gameday XXIII)

    I'm out of town right now but I'll send you our character files when I get back (tomorrow if I'm not too tired from the drive; Tuesday otherwise :)). In any case, I was thinking about a human swordmage myself; my wife is undecided at the moment. Edit: Looks like she'll be playing a half-elf...
  18. MythosaAkira

    Chicago Gameday XXIII is July 18th: SIGN UP!

    Please sign up me and my wife for Uncanny Child. Thanks!
  19. MythosaAkira

    Using Dwarven Forge dungeons

    I meant fill them in with putty or something :) I've never used the ties either, but I think the tiles would look nicer without the holes.
  20. MythosaAkira

    Using Dwarven Forge dungeons

    Yep. Den of Evil, Realms of the Ancients, Medieval Building sets, none have them. I think they've even gone back and filled in the holes on the old sets as well. I imagine they may have seemed like a good idea initially. I'd like to go back and fill in the holes on my old sets (rather than...