• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. L

    Any prestige classes for Naked Berserkers?

    I might play a Wiz5/Eldritch Knight 2. Then I could go naked and still have lots of mage armor, etc but also be a decent warrior.
  2. L

    Any prestige classes for Naked Berserkers?

    I thought about vow of poverty, but I want a sword. Although a Bear Warrior with vow of poverty would be insanely powerful I think. At least offensively. Woad armor would be nice. Magically hardened and flexible paint or something... What does a ring of vampiric regeneration do? I mean...
  3. L

    Bear Warrior

    It says that a bear warrior can go into bear form any time he rages or frenzy the only limit being how often you can rage. Then it says that once per day you can take black bear form (at first level). So which is it? I'm confused.
  4. L

    Any prestige classes for Naked Berserkers?

    I might go with the Bear Berserker PrC.
  5. L

    Any prestige classes for Naked Berserkers?

    Any PrC's for Naked Berserkers specifically or any unarmored warrior in general? I want to play a naked barbarian with a greatsword and a smile, and obviously magical rings and amulets and whatnot, but not armor. Any idea?
  6. L

    Does Speak with Dead compel an honest answer?

    I had PC's use it once in my game. There was a huge (actually gargantuan) giant corpse they found in this rockslide. They had reason to believe that it had loot and the PC's figured it probably had a home nearby. They used speak with dead. PC: Do you have any treasure? NPC: Yes PC: Where is...
  7. L


    Why are all the characters I played in 3.0 nerfed in 3.5? Am I that much of a min-maxer? :) Hobgoblin archers and Ogre Barbarians got the SHAFT!
  8. L


    Level adjustment +2? Where is that changed? I thought in Savage Species it was only +1
  9. L

    Hands up if you use a familiar!

    Off topic a bit but my Half-Ogre Barbarian character was kind of dumb (obviously) and he idolized the wizard in the party. So I bought a pig for like 2gp and insisted everyone treat it like my familiar.
  10. L


    I don't have the books handy but I'm trying to create a half-ogre. +6 str, -2 dex, +2 con, -2 int, -2 cha is that right? +2 natural armor? Or is it +4 natural armor? Size large?
  11. L

    Starting Gold

    How much gold does a 7th level character get?
  12. L

    How much would an item cost that turns you into a half-dragon?

    1hr duration, is that activated once per day, once per week, etc?
  13. L

    How much would an item cost that turns you into a half-dragon?

    A player of mine has a Sorceror and wants to make an item that turns him into a half-dragon. How much would this cost? Any other ways of doing this that would be decent.
  14. L

    Map of Kalamar

    Is there an electronic map of Kalamar floating around anywhere? I have a paper copy at home, but that looks sort of conspicuous unfolded on my desk at work... :)
  15. L

    Mystic PrC

    Thanks! Do they ever get more spells known?
  16. L

    Mystic PrC

    I used to have a copy of the Mystic PrC from the Dragon magazine. I can't seem to find the photocopy anymore. Does anyone have the info? Has it been updated to 3.5 by anyone? I don't remember the magazine it was in and the old ones got thrown out/lost in the move.
  17. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Update to Savage Species/Arms & Equipment Guide

    But some critters like Vrocks are more powerful yet in Savage Species they still use the 3.0 Vrock.
  18. L

    [rant] Spiked Chains are for Power Gamer

    I find the feat to be very powerful against certain things, and less powerful against other things. A nice balance IMHO. Against a hoarde of 12 goblins a spicked chain wielder in front will maul them very quickly. But that's cool, everyone should be good in certain situations. It's not...
  19. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Wildshape

    It seems goofy to me that a Druid can use two hands in a claw, claw attack without penalty but a Monk has to use flurry of blows. No longer is a Monk the master of unarmed combat!
  20. L

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Wildshape

    It says if you have extra limbs you get extra attacks but would a wildshaped druid still get claw, claw, bit? Or do they get their normal number of attacks and they can choose to use their claw or bite with them?