• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. cimbrog

    Looking for Fantasy Atlas

    I'm like you and prefer to build from existing maps. I've been collecting them over the years. I've grabbed them mostly from Reddit's map focused subreddits, Inkarnate's browsing feature and just random stuff I've seen browsing around. I'll shoot you a link to my folder(s) since I'm not...
  2. cimbrog

    A question about Highlander

    Oh, hey, I still have those! Here, let me open a share. We ran a Highlander game using those rules, too. But we did made the one-on-one immortal duels use a special set of rules that combined the Highlander CCG with the WoD rules. (Basically, in the CCG you had attacks that mapped to a 9...
  3. cimbrog

    D&D 5E Continuous Initiative in 5E

    My homebrew for AD&D 2E used this kind of system. Certain actions had action point values that you added to your initiative roll to determine when your next action was along the track. Movement was usually considered to be part of the action if you wanted it - you determined where you were...
  4. cimbrog

    D&D General Dwarven adventures recommendations

    When it comes to dwarven cities you can't beat Milby's Brazenthrone. They're maps, not adventures, but they are fully labelled in a way that makes running them easy.
  5. cimbrog

    D&D 5E Really different magic & psionics systems for 5e?

    There's Aka5hic Mysteries which brings Dreamscarred Press' Akashic Mysteries from PF1 to 5e. (Akashic Mysteries bring 3.5's Magic of Incarnum to PF1 but more balanced.)
  6. cimbrog

    D&D General Does Earth (or at least a fantasy version of it) have a crystal sphere and exist in the D&D Cosmology?

    Mystara IS Earth's past. Just look at Mystara's world map. Our complete lack of magic is due to overuse of the Nucleus of the Spheres.
  7. master-set-outer-world.png


  8. cimbrog

    Anyone got Into the Wyrd and Wild?

    I've always considered this more of a setting book. I'd recommend using your chosen system's exploration and survival rules (in this case Shadowdark) and use the random generation tables and setting from Wyrd & Wild. They work well enough.
  9. cimbrog

    D&D General Maps, Maps, Maps! Dungeons, Ruins, Caverns, Temples, and more... aka Where Dyson Dumps His Maps.

    Out of curiosity, how do you all organize your Dyson maps collection, if at all?
  10. cimbrog

    D&D 5E Phandelver & Below's Full Description

    It mentions Lost Mine but not Dragon of Icespire Peak?
  11. cimbrog

    D&D General The Fate of Bargle

    Please refer to items #2 and #3 in the first post. In item #2 Bargle is seen to have a long, white flowing beard. However in item #3 the culprit clearly has a somewhat shorter black beard. Why we are trusting the spell-addled mind of a simple fighter over visual evidence is a mystery to me...
  12. cimbrog

    D&D General Amalgam World

    Sadly, there used to be a massive version of this map but I can only find the version for ants, now.
  13. cimbrog

    D&D 5E In Search Of: The 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

    I don't have it with me at the moment to reference but it had all sorts of advice on scene structure, combat structure, adventure structure and campaign structure. It also talked about practical matters like player types, preferences and goals. This was on top of all the 4e specific information...
  14. cimbrog

    D&D 5E In Search Of: The 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

    It IS possible to write a DMG that teaches you how to run the game AND is still useful to experienced GMs. The 4e DMG is an example of this. I had been a DM for over 20 years when I picked it up and it was still a great read.
  15. cimbrog

    D&D (2024) What older setting do you want to see next?

    Anyone brought up Thunder Rift yet? A setting for people using the free SRD documents only?
  16. cimbrog

    D&D 4E What if Controllers also had a signature ability?

    Controller used to be a primary role in WoW that was effectively eliminated after an expansion or two. Probably for the same reasons.
  17. cimbrog

    D&D General One Piece of Art VI (Maps)- What is Your Favorite D&D Map?

    This one by Crooked Staff Publishing has always inspired me to create settings within it. If you look at where there are ruins, where there are clusters of civilization, where the terrain is - it all suggests a story that can be told many different ways.
  18. South Brimden Big.jpg

    South Brimden Big.jpg

  19. cimbrog

    Any clever ideas for a dungeon mapped onto a sphere?

    You could always use the Paint 3d app that comes with Windows 10 to make a map.
  20. Untitled.png

