• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. nonamazing

    Two Dozen Nasty DM Tricks

    Hey! This has given me a great idea! Jones is an archeologist, right? So while he wants the big golden macguffin (for various reasons) he also wants to keep the place as intact as possible, the better for other archeologists to examine later on. He doesn't disarm all the traps in the room...
  2. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    Cyrial steps back and tries to make sense of the chaotic fray happening all around him. Noticing Mordras' wound, he whispers a quick prayer to Sehanine. A soft, silvery light washes over Mordras, refreshing and re-energizing him. I'm using Healing Word on Mordras as a standard action. I...
  3. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    Cyrial leans slightly backwards, melding into the shadows beneath the trees and vanishing. He reappears a small distance away, his form becoming hazy and insubstantial, his eyes red and strange. He stares at the strange flying creature, whispering, "You don't want to die here, beast. Run."...
  4. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    Hmm, Cyrial thinks, that's definitely the same bird I saw a few minutes ago. I'm certain now that it's following us--but how do I let everyone else know without giving us away? Cyrial increases his pace, slipping through the trees as he closes the distance between him and Fodor. As he does...
  5. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    Something about the seemingly peaceful forest sets Cyrial on edge. This...this is too unlikely. I just know there's another nasty surprise somewhere around here. Cyrial's paranoia pays off, as it drives him to be much more alert than he normally would be. Active Perception Check. (1d20+2=22)
  6. nonamazing

    Azor Grimcleaver's Pathfinder Chronicles - Chapter 1

    As his acid spell falls well short of its target, Chaine's mouth drops open in surprise. "I thought sure that would...I mean, what did I..." He shakes his head, attempting to recover from his embarrassment. "Ah...the wind--yes, that's it, the wind--is somewhat extraordinary today, isn't it...
  7. nonamazing

    PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP

    I apologize profusely for the delay. I have edited my post in the game thread to correct my mistakes. I will stand by the fumbled acid splash because A} I goofed up and B} it's actually kind of funny, and makes a point about the character's personality. Once again, I humbly apologize to...
  8. nonamazing

    PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP

    My error. I did indeed mean square S9, and not D9. As for the Acid Splash, I ignorantly did not even check the range. That was stupid of me! The glob of acid falls well short of its target, leaving the overconfident Chaine with egg on his face.
  9. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    "T-thank you, Mordras. I'm surprised myself--I've never tried this sort of thing before. Perhaps my goddess guides my hand..," Cyrial says, his voice trailing away. The small holy symbol, carved from sun-blackened wood, is smooth and elegant, its appearance a stark contrast to the crude knife...
  10. nonamazing

    Stranded - The Confused Group.

    Cyrial has been quiet so far, listening carefully to the others but refraining from joining the conversation. I didn't really get off on the right foot with Fodor, and I don't want to run the risk of annoying him...better for me to hang back, and let him get more comfortable with the others...
  11. nonamazing

    4e Stranded

    Sorry, I lost internet access due to some 4th of July shenanigans (someone's overambitious firework took hit a utility pole or something, I'm not entirely sure.) I will post with alacrity.
  12. nonamazing

    PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP

    I've posted! Chaine will try and stay out of the melee if possible, and will start making his way around the edge of the battlefield to join up with Mellisande.
  13. nonamazing

    Azor Grimcleaver's Pathfinder Chronicles - Chapter 1

    Chaine laughs at the goblin currently cowering before his summoned dog. "Ha! Not such a brave little warrior now, are you? Goblinchewer, avenge your fallen fellow canine and strike that monster down!" The celestial hound leaps forward at Chaine's order, snarling and gnashing its teeth. As...
  14. nonamazing

    4E - Stranded [IC]

    Cyrial seems unsurprised by Fodor's rebuff. "I don't disagree with you," he says, shrugging. "And it's not personal preference, but simple prudence--I'm offering my suggestions as to whose skills might work well together and complement one another." "Yes, of course we should abide by the...
  15. nonamazing

    4E - Stranded [IC]

    "Twelve missing? That's not good..." But it's not as bad as it could have been, Cyrial thinks to himself. Although if I know Sehanine, it's probably going to get worse. Lost in thought, Cyrial almost misses Fodor's suggestion that they split up and begin exploring the island. "Uhh...yes...
  16. nonamazing

    Azor Grimcleaver's Pathfinder Chronicles - Chapter 1

    Chaine grins at the gnome's impromptu warcry. "I'm right behind you, my small friend!" As he looks across the open square and spies the half-dozen goblins coming out of the woodwork, he mutters to himself, "Goblins...goblins...what do I know about goblins?" "Oh, yes! I think I have just the...
  17. nonamazing

    4E - Stranded [IC]

    Cyrial looks over at Szel with a wary expression of concern. "Are you alright? Damn, I wish we had some water. People are going to start getting very dehydrated very quickly out here." After making sure Szel is going to be okay, Cyrial attempts to answer her question. "I'm afraid we don't...
  18. nonamazing

    PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP

    I'd like to have a RG thread, if that's okay with everyone. It would be nice to have all our character information in one place. Also, I've updated my character background slightly to include Ilsoari Gandethus and the Turandarok Academy. I'm looking forward to the game Azor! Everything looks...
  19. nonamazing

    Azor Grimcleaver's Pathfinder Chronicles - Chapter 1

    Chaine strolls through the Festival alongside his friend Sivan, nibbling cheerfully on a piece of salmon. "Come, Sivan, you really should try this! Kaijitsu has really outdone himself." A bit of sauce dribbles down Chaine's chin as closes his eyes, savoring the taste. "Umm...fantastic! The...
  20. nonamazing

    4E - Stranded [IC]

    Cyrial's spirits are lifted at first, as the survivors are organized and practically no injuries are reported, aside from a minor bruise or scrape here and there. It's incredible, Cyrial thinks to himself, but no one is seriously hurt, and there don't appear to be any dead. Perhaps Melora is...