• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. E

    D&D 3.5 in Leesburg, Virginia

    We have a group (http://rpg.extremesims.com - light on content after a wipe), but I'm looking to play, as opposed to GMing. Drop me a line at mindflayer at mac and let me know what kind of game.
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    Campaign Llwellyn

    Kaila clenched her fist. She was able to use her arm completely now, even though the wounds were still healing. The gnoll had almost severed her arm from her body, and she survived only by the blessing of Aborelin. She looked over at Tallywack. The gnome tossed fitfully in his sleep, but at...
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    Campaign Llwellyn

    My campaign has four different parties in it, composed of three different gaming groups. Each party affects the other, and two of the gaming groups do not even know each other! So, without further ado...
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    My half-dwarf Half-dwarves: Short and stocky, sharing the hardiness of their dwarven blood and the energy of humans, half-dwarves are a rare race. Traits: Medium size. On the average, half-dwarves are 5 to 5 and a half feet tall. Base speed: 30 Half-dwarves get a +1 racial bonus to saving...
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    Wulf's Collected Story Hour -- FINAL UPDATE 12/25

    Adamantine bonuses do not stack with magical enhancements. >Does an adamantine weapon require a bonus before enchantment, or is the >natural +2 basis for further magic? For example, if I have an adamantine >sword, can I add the Keen enchantment to it? Adamantine is not magical unless you use...
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    Reading Group--Caesar's Legion

    Re: Chapter II -- Impatient for Glory Originally, colonels were "column leaders," more prized for their physical attributes than their leadership. Maybe that explains their relative youth.
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    Reading Group--Caesar's Legion

    Romans, Dark Ages, and Hobgoblins The Roman capacity for war was truly impressive, and a reason why Roman tactics are still taught today. Another thing to keep in mind, that most people miss when thinking about war, is the logistical side. The Romans were careful planners, and their ability...
  8. E

    Another Bard class idea

    In our groups house rules (we have several campaigns and several GMs, so we vote on a baseline of many house rules), we've increased the Skill Points per Level for a Bard to 6 + Int Bonus. It did not make sense to us that the class-of-all-trades would only get 4 + Int Bonus skill points. Just a...
  9. E

    New prestige class, focus on bards

    Thanks for the feedback! Funny you both would mention that the class seems underpowered. I was trying hard not to make it overpowered! I created it specifically for one of my characters in a friend's campaign, but will allow it in my own campaign. Good idea on the performance benefit. A +2...
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    New prestige class, focus on bards

    Inspiration from the Royal Explorer class and the Talespinners’ League from Song and Silence, a dash of Indiana Jones, and personal indignation that most of the classes from Song and Silence stink when it comes to bards. The Royal Explorer class is really hurting, in my opinion. The requirements...
  11. E

    New prestige class, focus on bards

    Inspiration from the Royal Explorer class and the Talespinners’ League from Song and Silence, a dash of Indiana Jones, and personal indignation that most of the classes from Song and Silence stink. The Royal Explorer class is really hurting, in my opinion. The requirements include the Alertness...