• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    4th Ed low(ish) fantasy

    I was thinking of how to go about giving 4th ed more low-fantasy feel where conflict with other humans is reasonable alternative to fighting ever more powerful monsters and where magic items are not necessary for character progression. What seems to me is that one way to get there is to get rid...
  2. B

    Question about power types

    Thanks guys. This makes sense
  3. B

    Question about power types

    I was wondering what happens with the melee powers in cases when one's melee weapon deals non-physical damage. For example, if one is wielding a lighting weapon would one get the benefits of the "Rune of the Storm" which kicks in when one hits enemies with "a lightning power". Common sense says...
  4. B

    Psychopacifist clerics

    In significant majority of the games I have played PCs have a definitively heroic reasons for doing what they are doing... Orcs are not just hanging out being "evil", they are actively invading the civilized lands, raping and pillaging as they go. Slavers are taking innocent people as slaves and...
  5. B

    4th Ed. Book Spine Covers

    Am I the only one who is bothered by the spine covers of the 4ed books. They *almost* follow a reasonable scheme but then they throw it all out for a loop. Starting books are PHB-blue, DMG-red and MM-green. Quite a few following books seem to follow this pattern: Adventurer's Vault (player's...
  6. B

    Masterwork Armour ?

    Can you guys perhaps explain to me what the deal with Masterwork Armour is ? The way it is written up in the PHB/AV it seems fairly optional and some of the benefits it give are worth at least a few item-levels. I have so far not given any to my players and they seem quite fine defence wise on...
  7. B

    Gaming Generation Gap

    What I find interesting is that in a thread on generation gap in DnD, noone mentioned original generation gap between people who saw DnD as a natural extension of table-top wargaming and those who saw it more as a story-telling device. In my opinion, the split between 1st and 2nd ed. reflected...
  8. B

    WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

    Or, you know, they are trying to be helpful and fix something they did based on feedback... I do not see why everything WotC does has to be interpreted (by some at least) as having some sinister ulterior motive.
  9. B

    Forked Thread: D&D needs to grow up (ala scifi in the mid-20th century?)

    I can not believe that you think that a group of people pretending to be different individuals interacting with an imaginary world envisioned by yet another person does not bring any new tools to exploring the human condition. I agree that most of RPG (or for that matter fiction, movies, music...
  10. B

    Let's Spitball a Hypothetical Situation---WOTC Discontinues D&D--What Happens?

    The "correct" answer was given in one of the very early posts. Hasbro (WotC) would almost certainly do what the UK gaming behemoth did in the similar situation. GW had property rights to WHFRP which they did not want to sell because they made tons of money of selling the tie-ins and related...
  11. B

    D&D 4e is pure win and I'll tell you why...

    I usually do not wade into this kind of a thread but exactly same thing that OP describes happened to me. My girl tried DnD 3 once (before I burned out on it) and decided that RP games are not for her. She later tried WHFRP and decided that maybe from time to time she can be convinced to play...
  12. B

    <Homebrew> The Port on the Aster Sea

    Sounds awesome; Seems that the astral sea = physical sea will be a popular notion. I have the similar thing in my campaign whereby one particular sea used to be material plane off-shoot of the astral and Eladrin were the sailors and high admirals of that sea. It all went well for many a...
  13. B

    Warfare in 4e

    4ed DnD implied setting is not really conducive to large battles. Culturally it is the dark ages. There are no large empires to field the armies. 99% of the military action will be skirmishes and warband on warband action, both fitting well within the DnD parameters. If the actual rules for...
  14. B

    So, then, what is D&D?

    To me D&D has a number of connotations, some bad but most good. - It is primarily fantasy role-playing game. In that sense Spycraft, M&M etc are not D&D despite their mechanical proximity. - It is differentiated from many other FRPs by a very non-lethal and non-graphic, one can almost say...
  15. B

    How Many Hours of 4e "Table Time" Have You Played?

    4 sessions of KotSF with pregens = 20 or so hours 1 game day session = 4 hours 1st session of my own campaign with "real" characters = 4 hours So about 28 hours so far. And perhaps about 12 or so hours of intense adventure making for my campaign. So far, loved every minute of it.
  16. B

    How Do You Plan To Interpret Hit Points, Healing Surges and Damage?

    I on the other hand see HP as mostly morale and exhaustion. Some of the exhaustion may be setting due to minor wounds but in principle I would consider an un-bloodied character to be just that - unbloodied (though possibly winded and tired). Bloodied condition sets in when one is sufficiently...
  17. B

    Build me a Halberd+Puffysleeves Gentleman.

    No, this is the in-combat armor for a soldier from the "Italian Wars" era. That era is not well covered by the dnd rules due to the decline of armor in the age of pike. I would *love* good RPG combat rules for the pike&musket era (there actually was a set long ago under DnD2 I believe). If you...
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    Mike Mearls Responds.

    sub foris Fora is a proper plural of Forum (not Forae which is only a proper plural of the first declention nouns - ie: ones that end with a in singular) but it is nominative case. If you are talking about hanging in forums then it is ablative case, forum is a second declension noun so ablative...
  19. B

    Fiery Dragon wants to share something...

    Very good stuff indeed. If I did not have minis I would be all over them :) Great artwork too !
  20. B

    When did you enjoy 3.x?

    I loved the idea of feats. I loved the notion that "martial" classes may become as interesting as the spell-casters I quite liked the simplified mechanics - at least in principle I ceased to enjoy it in RAW form as soon as wizard in the party I DMed for reached 5th level. I tinkered with d20...