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  1. Metallian

    Why does Undead=Evil

    Thanks! That was what I was going for. I definitely appreciate your approach as well. It's true that it's more complex, but it also requires less "invention." I've pondered the question that started this thread many times in the past, and this thread has been very interesting to me as I have...
  2. Metallian

    Possibly Silly Locate Object Question

    A-ha! Thanks, Patryn! It all makes much more sense to me now. I'd still prefer it to be the other way, but I'll settle for understanding why it's not. :D The Metallian
  3. Metallian

    Possibly Silly Locate Object Question

    Hee hee, actually, I was planning to do something very much like this IMC. :D Still, I didn't mean to get sidetracked into a discussion about whether it's too powerful or not. I was wondering: - Does the center of the area of effect remain "rooted" to the spot where the caster was standing at...
  4. Metallian

    Possibly Silly Locate Object Question

    Well, it does mean that the local Cleric or Wizard (you don't have to be all that high level to cast it) can rather trivially track down any important (and therefore one for which "accurate descriptions" are available) stolen item within a city. Nothing important would ever be successfully...
  5. Metallian

    Why does Undead=Evil

    Okay, how's this for an explanation: An undead creature's existence reverses the natural flow of positive and negative energy through the multiverse, because the negative energy ends up moving "the wrong way." This reverse flow, in effect, "plugs up" the system. As a result, some new souls...
  6. Metallian

    Why does Undead=Evil

    Regarding Scion and Talon5: Talon5: Yes, D&D has absolute morality that has nothing to do with cultural relativism. A given society may believe that aristocrats should be able to kill commoners on a whim because the aristocrats' possession of wealth and status "proves" that they are "better."...
  7. Metallian

    Possibly Silly Locate Object Question

    That's what we've been assuming, too. But "Magic Circle Against Evil," for example, is described as an "emanation" whereas this is not. The magic chapter does not seem to cover "circles" in the part about Areas or Ranges. And it is really powerful for such a low-level spell that way. You can...
  8. Metallian

    Possibly Silly Locate Object Question

    After a few incidents where a PC cast "Locate Object" and then rode around a city on a fast character's back/flew around the city, I lamented that Locate Object should really be a one-time thing that works within an area...not something that travels with the caster. One of my players then...
  9. Metallian

    Underwater dwellers and pressure damage

    Right, but they don't build civilizations, either. I suppose it's possible that those types simply live near coastal areas, but it does kind of detract from the "Menace from the Deep" aspect somewhat. Since it appears that no such rule exists, I think it's something I'll probably houserule. Not...
  10. Metallian

    Underwater dwellers and pressure damage

    http://www.wizards.com/d20/files/v35/WildernessandEnvironment.rtf So characters take water pressure damage and cold damage from being deep underwater. Okay. Does this damage apply to creatures with a Swim speed? What about creatures with the "Aquatic" subtype? I haven't been able to find a...
  11. Metallian

    Defenders of the Faith: "Called" Armour Magic Ability

    My wife's character (a Paladin) bought this ability after a few combats in the city, or at night. It's very useful in those cases when a character who normally wears full-plate armor is unexpectedly drawn into combat, but, speaking as the DM, I've found it's no scarier than any other +1 ability...
  12. Metallian

    Why are things immune to crits?

    I meant a way to deliberately do more damage by choosing the proper way to strike. Some minerals have a certain "cleavage" that will cause them to break in half if you hit them at a certain angle and not if you hit them another way. Wood has a grain. Brooms have whatever it is that secures the...
  13. Metallian

    Why are things immune to crits?

    There is a certain amount of structural matter in a golem that can be whittled away until the golem becomes nonfunctional. A Crit or a Sneak Attack against a Golem could be considered to be a blow that simply does more structural damage than a standard strike. It would be like chiselling a piece...
  14. Metallian

    Why are things immune to crits?

    For all of the reasons stated in this thread, I always felt that there should be a feat for Critting/Sneak Attacking Constructs. I'd require many ranks in Disable Device as a prerequisite, though. I'd probably throw in another prerequisite as well, lest Rogues start wrecking Golems left and...
  15. Metallian

    Way to Improve the Save DC of Alchemical Items?

    If one wanted to create a viable "gadgeteer/inventor" type character, I imagine you'd have to find a way to improve the effectiveness of alchemical items...in particular the save DCs. I've noticed that most basic Alchemical items have Craft Check DCs equal to 10 + the Save DC, though I don't...
  16. Metallian

    RPG.NET down [Again] ?

    Whew...sweet relief. :D The Metallian
  17. Metallian

    Book of Exalted Deeds: A fundamental design philosophy shift at WotC?

    I personally love that stuff...I find the imagery of "flaming holy righteous wrath" or whatever to be very compelling. I liked the evil versions in the BoVD, too. Not enough of that sort of thing in the PHB, in my opinion. I don't have the book yet, because neither my Half-Celestial nor my...
  18. Metallian

    The rogue - is it a necessary class?

    Yes, I agree completely. A few levels of Rogue means you can almost always do something because skills are very versatile and generally have an unlimited number of uses per day. Spot and Listen are almost always useful. Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble are good because mobility is always useful...
  19. Metallian

    RPG.NET down [Again] ?

    Hmm, I guess we can't swear here, huh? The Metallian
  20. Metallian

    RPG.NET down [Again] ?

    I'll pay! I'll pay! I'll do anything! :):):):), I've been addicted to that place for 5-6 years! The Metallian