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  1. Tokiwong

    SCION: HERO - Discussion

    I started a thread to discuss maybe running a SCION oneshot :)
  2. Tokiwong

    Werewolf: The Forsaken "Historical Eras"

    Just an idea I had in my mind to set a werewolf game in the historical period of the warrring states era of Japan, not exactly super accurate on Japanese history, but close enought o evoke the feeling. Like The Last Samurai with werewolves... Anyways, yeah I am not sure how much interest there...
  3. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #15

    Online Web-Comic Teaser #1 “I am not sure if they are ready for this Cardinal,” Metatron spoke slowly, as if begging a parent. “They have no choice, there are factors that I cannot see, paths moving in the future that are unknown to me,” she replies, “these unknown factors could destroy me...
  4. Tokiwong

    [Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken PbP - Blood in, Blood out

    The story picks up anew… with individual storylines after completing their respective Rites of Initiation… Camera Hillside Heights, Denver Suburb 7:00 PM December 27th, 2006 Camera has had contact and training from his father, and the Ashen Rebirth pack. But he has also had tutelage from...
  5. Tokiwong

    Werewolf: The Forsaken PbP - Character Thread

    This is the thread for my characters to post their characters and for myself to keep track of NPCs :) Cast of Non-Player Characters Uratha Candace Heart-Seeker: Blood Talon Rahu and Beta of Ashen Rebirth; currently Faith's Mentor Isaac Shadow-Sage: Bone Shadow Ithaeur and Alpha of Ashen...
  6. Tokiwong

    [Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken - Preludes

    Camera Hillside Heights, Denver Suburb Friday evening, December 1st, 2006 The community is lily white, not so much in the color of the homes but its residents, comfortable middle upper middle class Americans. Camera arrived the day before just after Thanksgiving. His older brother finished...
  7. Tokiwong

    Werewolf: The Forsaken Interest Thread

    I want to run another world of darkness game for Werewolf: The Forsaken, not sure how much interest I will get but I am throwing this out there.
  8. Tokiwong

    Mage: The Awakening PbP - Nemesis

    Monday, August 28th, 2006 It is approaching the evening time, things have settled down and last Daniel heard from the Galactic Order, Asimov had put aside his research for now until he felt he was better prepared to handle the consequences. But the main buzz in the Consilium, was a formal...
  9. Tokiwong

    Mage: The Awakening PbP Character Thread

    This is a thread for my players to put their characters; and also for me to keep track of their Sanctum.
  10. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #14 "Genocide" - Part 2

    Kelly The lawyers sit down with her and weigh her options and formulate the best strategy they have with the information available. They get the lie detector test done, but the blood testing will take much longer to get together, the main issue is getting other elites to subject themselves to...
  11. Tokiwong

    Mage: The Awakening PbP - Preludes

    Thessaly’s Prelude Saturday, August 26th, 2006 Grammy died three weeks ago today, she died of natural causes in her sleep. She was decent age approaching eighty, and had lived a good life. Raised several beautiful children, and somehow balanced life as one of the Awakened. It must not have...
  12. Tokiwong

    Exalted Champloo - Episode 2 - "Like Spinning Plates"

    The Circle decides to make their way to the village where Temari lived. The fastest way would be boat, which the Circle is able to procure, or at least travel plans. The ship captain is an amicable soul a little old man with a wide toothy smile, missing only a few teeth. His crew is small...
  13. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #13 "Genocide" - Part 1

    The students take their rest some more fitful then others but there are obviously much on everyone’s minds. It was a trying day that seemed to never end, but before they knew it the day was over and in many ways everything had changed. But still the greatest task at hand at least for Legacy...
  14. Tokiwong

    Mage: The Awakening - OOC Planning Thread

    I am interested in starting a PbP game based in the new World of Darkness setting, most likely a small coastal college town setting with secrets and all that :) Horror, mystery, and things that should not be would be the name of the game. Cthuluesque monsters, blasphemy, and secrets best left...
  15. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #12

    UNJE Dolphin High Speed submersible assault troop carrier Colonel Himura paces as the craft descends in the water. Paragon’s image stabilized in the monitor and he has began his briefing, “Alright, we have confirmed that Cassandra Prophet is in the facility. Your mission is to extract her by...
  16. Tokiwong

    Exalted Champloo - Episode 1 - "Intolerance"

    Brief Recap The Circle faced a swan spirit driven mad by thousands of years of loneliness, but eventually set her free. They are currently tracking down some leads through the city of odd events; Kilanusco’s reappearance, the Disciple, and the possibility of a First Age ruin in the desert. Of...
  17. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #11 Cont'd

    Brief Recap of Events The students at the Institute have been through a tough day, still in mourning for burying a friend, a teammate, and fellow student they have all tried dealing with it in their own way. Problems in the Black Room, a Hurricane in the city, and battling demon minions of the...
  18. Tokiwong

    >< Tokiwong on Sabbatical Indefinitely

    I am sorry guys, this year is going to be fraught with lots of changes for me, so I have to cut back on my gaming... :( I apologize about that, I won't be running my games like I wanted to, just not enough time to prepare for them right now, and get everything done I want to do this year. I...
  19. Tokiwong

    Elite: Year One - Issue #1

    Wake of the Comet Splash page of the planet Earth, it is blue and green, and a backdrop of space surrounds it, a bright purple and red object mars the scene, and a shimmering tale follows. Ghenther’s Comet in all of its glory… The next panel shows a dark street and one lone teen walking...
  20. Tokiwong

    Generation Legacy Issue #9 "Innocence Lost" - Part 3

    Wizard Teaser Comic Part 1 Mudaba Adin Institute Briefing Room August 16th, 2014 at approximately 0930 local time… “Well it sure has been an entertaining thirty days gentleman. First we lose a whole team of young elites, then Bishop escapes,” the UNJE Director throws a pointed glance to...