• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. T

    Why is the shortest lived edition, still one of the most popular?

    I am referring to what is called in OSR nomenclature, B/X, basically the version of D&D rules that came in a 1981 Basic Boxed set by Tom Moldvay and Expert Boxed set by Dave Cook and Steve Marsh. It was superseded in 1983 by a new Basic version by Frank Mentzer, with later Expert, Companion...
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    Anyone else use Rogue Genius Games stock art?

    In particular the stuff by Jacob Blackmon. I've got a bunch of them because they are a) cheap ($1.95 normally) b) very good quality and c) often on sale for half price. However, rather than every other stock art I've bought, they don't come as image files, they come as PDFs. So you have to copy...
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    Stock art starship deck plans?

    I can draw dungeon maps decently enough. But starship deck plans are a bit beyond me, both from the design point of view and the actual drawing part. However, there doesn't seem to be any stock art starship deck plans on DTRPG. Plenty of ones for non-commercial use, but commercial use is what I...
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    Should the original creators of classes and monsters get credit?

    While Gary Gygax more than anyone put D&D together as a rules set, lots and lots of people had input in to the game. Dave Arneson, obviously, but many of the classes and monsters were created by people who have largely gone down into obscurity. The Ranger, for instance, was created by Joe...
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    The Beast That Waits (Three Sages Games 2014)

    Somehow I missed this product, The Beast That Waits from Three Sages Games (available from DTRPG/RPNow), using the Sword & Wizardy (Complete) Rules. It apparently came out in the summer of last year (2014) and I just didn't notice it. I'm kicking myself, because it's essentially my favorite sort...
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    Chainmail co-author Jeff Perren needs help

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post it, but arguably if he didn't co-write Chainmail with EGG, none of us would be here now playing or at least, playing D&D. Basically like a lot of others from the early TSR era, Jeff Perren is getting old and has health problems. He had to have a leg...
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    My Top 10 Classic D&D Movies

    What's a D&D movie? Well, there's the actual D&D movies. Or there's Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. This list, though, by trancejeremy, is all about classic movies. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrick Stewart, and John Cleese await in this list of 10 Classic D&D Movies! #10...
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    Non-Canonical Freeport adventures?

    The entire text of the first three Freeport adventures were released as open content, thus allowing other people to re-use Freeport, at least as described in those modules. Did anyone make any? No real reason, just curious as I was looking for an adventure and was browsing through my stack of...
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    Advanced Adventures #26—The Witch Mounds by Keith Sloan

    Advanced Adventures #26—The Witch Mounds by Keith Sloan The Witch Mounds by Keith Sloan is the 26th entry in the Advanced Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press. Like the others in the line, it's for OSRIC, the 1st edition AD&D retro-clone, and in this case is for six to ten...
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    Treatise of Twisted Terrors (OSR Monsterbook, QuasarDragon Games 2014)

    Treatise of Twisted Terrors is the first product from a new company, QuasarDragon Games (they've since followed it up with a Pay What You Want Module, PO-1: The Stolen Child). It's a monster book with 70 new creatures based on critters from folklore & myth. For the most part, not the usual...
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    Elminage Gothic (old school Wizardry game, basically) coming out next week for PC

    Remember the old Wizardry games? One of the first and most popular CRPGs? In the West they died, but they continued to be popular in Japan, with a company licensing the name and IP and producing new games. Well, they dropped the license but kept producing the games under the name Elminage. And...
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    D4 Mazestone Dungeon (Mini-Dungeon for Sword & Wizardry, Creations Edge 2014)

    Magestone Dungeon is the 4th in the line of Dungeons of Dazegoneby, mini-modules for Swords & Wizardry, from Creation's Edge Games. This line started about a month and seems to be their first foray into OSR stuff. It's a short module, only 11 pages, and only 7 keyed locations/encounters which...
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    Dwimmermount (Megadungeon for Labyrinth Lord, Autarch 2014)

    The story behind Dwimmermount could probably span a short novel (or at least a long essay), so I won't go into that. Suffice it to say, it's a megadungeon for Labyrinth Lord by James Maliszewski and polished up by Alexander Macris and Tavis Allison of Autarch, who published it. It's a...
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    Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures (OSR Game from Flatland Games, 2013)

    Although the D&D phenomenon started with wargamers and quickly spread to college goers, children also flocked to the game. Almost everyone I knew in elementary school played it. The very original D&D rules were confusing even to hardened wargamers, and the AD&D books were extremely dense and...
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    Crypts & Things (Sword & Sorcery OSR game from d101 Games, 2012)

    Crypts and Things is an OSR game from D101 Games, written by Newt Newport. It's an OSR game as opposed to a retroclone, because it's not designed to mimic an older form D&D exactly, but uses rules tweaked to fit its setting. In this case, swords and sorcery in the vein of Robert Howard (Conan)...
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    Barbarian Class (Labyrinth Lord, James Mishler Games 2014)

    Thanks pretty much to Conan (along with Red Sonja), the barbarian is seen as a classic fantasy archetype. So it's not too surprising it's often the subject of a new character class, originally (as far as I know) in White Dwarf #4, then an official version by Gary Gygax in Dragon magazine and...
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    OGL Art Products?

    Other than the two Mongoose Fantasy Heroes/Heroines collections, were there any art collections released as OGL?
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    Mad Monks of Kwantoom (Kabuki Kaiser 2014)

    Although D&D is generally set in a generic Western European fantasy world, a good deal of Asian influence has slipped in since the early days. The Monk appearing in OD&D and articles in the Dragon about the Ninja and Samurai This is largely due to the popularity of martial arts and sword...
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    DM1 The Secret of Eberon's Manor (2013 New Realms Publishing)

    DM1 The Secret of Eberon's Manor is an adventure module for Labyrinth Lord from New Realms Publishing (available in PDF form from the usual place). It's a small beginner level adventure written and apparently illustrated by the same person, mysteriously named "J". It's essentially a site based...
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    Adventurer Conqueror King System Player's Companion (Autarch 2012)

    The Player's Companion is the first sourcebook for the Adventure Conqueror King System, or ACKS. While technically a complete RPG, ACKS was a fairly slim book, so there weren't a lot of options for characters beyond the usual. The Player's Companion goes a long while to addressing those lack of...