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  1. C

    Vader and Fett Random Question

    So, assuming Jedi have some sort of mission debriefings, Anakin Skywalker should be well aware that Jango Fett is the template for the clone army (I don't recall if the name was said to Anakin on screen, because it was mostly Obi-wan dealing with Fett). If the report is thorough enough, he might...
  2. C

    Could someone allege fraud on failed campaign promises?

    Here's a thought I've often wondered, and I hope can be discussed without bringing up actual political ideologies (well, unless someone has an actual link to such a thing happening). A politician makes a promise during a campaign, and it's dear enough to you that you vote for said politician...
  3. C

    Let the Ringbearer decide...

    I've been playing LEGO Lord of the Rings recently, and just passed the part where the Fellowship is prevented from using the pass of Caradhras and chooses instead the Mines of Moria. (This discussion isn't limited to the game; that just happened to be what made me think of the scene) And with...
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    Philosophical Q - Emotional compromised

    Just watched JJ Abrams Star Trek again, and got to think after an Old Spock comment (not quite Old Spock's sitch, but inpsiration is inspiration): Hypothetical situation: you find yourself in an alternate universe - one you know is an alternate and not necessarily an evil twin one; say the...
  5. C

    PbeM/PbP - Writing Style?

    Just out of curiosity, for those who participate in PbeM or PbP games, do you ever change your writing style to suit the genre/themes of the game? Most of my games are delivered in a fairly straightforward manner, but I've done 3 experiments, two of which are on-going: 1. A supers game, using...
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    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo - The Bone Collector S1E1

    The Bone Collector A Hellmouth in Waterloo S1E1 Teaser FADE IN: EXT. NIGHT - AN ALLEY Rather tidy - probably not a slum-ish part of the city, but well stocked with pallets and garbage bins. SAYID (O.S) I'm telling you. Everything is different now... CUT TO: EXT. NIGHT - SAME ALLEY TRACK...
  7. C

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo Casting Sheet

    This thread is for the characters in my Buffy RPG PbP - A Hellmouth in Waterloo. OOC: http://www.enworld.org/forum/talking-talk/312189-buffy-rpg-hellmouth-waterloo-closed.html
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    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    Got an itch to return to some old(er/ish) stomping grounds, and was wondering if there might be an interest in playing in a Buffy: the Vampire Slayer RPG play-by-post game, using Eden Studios Unisystem. Premise: The game would be run with the idea that when Buffy nearly killed Faith at the end...
  9. C

    DMs: Name your homebrew adventures?

    Sometimes there's nothing more evocative to the imagination than a good name for a story/plot/adventure. Obviously, if you get most of your adventure material from published modules, then there are names inherent to them. But for those DMs that primarily homebrew their adventures, do you bother...
  10. C

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - IC

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - IC Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie 1 - The Return of the Thegn This is the in-character game thread for the Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie play-by-post game. Out of character discussion can be found here...
  11. C

    Geek-off: Fanboy's Hutch's van vs Buffy's Troika van

    Watched Fanboys last night, and was pleasantly amused. Good riffs, nice cameos, and Kristen Bell. But it surprised me how Star Wars-esque they were able to make Hutch's van without it looking like Warren, Andrew, and Jonathan's van from Buffy Season 6. So, if you've seen both, which is cooler...
  12. C

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - Characters

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - Characters This thread is intended to track characterd for my Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie game, including experience, treasure, rituals, and NPCs. OOC thread...
  13. C

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - OOC

    Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - OOC The campaign is set on an isolated peninsula created by a mostly dormant volcano and two huge fjords - think Norway or Iceland, except the water-side cliffs are incredibly high, steep, and with rocky coasts - no sea access. The land, called Oka...
  14. C

    Ever use your place of work as a model for adventure?

    Wierd thought struck me as I left a meeting a few minutes ago... My office environment would make an interest adventure locale. Not in a literal sense, but as a model dungeon. It consists of well and variously connected areas, each of which is a little labyrinthine (cubicles, natch). The...
  15. C

    Star Trek RPG - Star Trek: Turing Interest Check/Recruiting

    Nevermind, no inital interest...
  16. C

    Guilty pleasure movies on TV?

    So I was channeling hopping the other day, and landed on a movie I've seen dozens of times I'm sure, and I stayed and watched it again. It's not necessarily a great movie - wouldn't even come close to cracking my top ten, yet it always seems to suck me in. So, this got me thinking, what movies...
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    ASoIaF RPG - A Tourney of Gulls IC

    "Gulls," thought Haken, and not for the first time that day. Seeing the servants of House Vantri scurry through the courtyard preparing the Ser Laton and Ser Jarl's entourage always made him think of the pestering sea birds - each may have had a particular task, but their seemingly random...
  18. C

    Gambling in a fantasy world with divination magic

    Can it be done? Well, certainly it could be done on a small scale, but could something like a casino work in a world where a simple augury spell can tell you not to go out gambling on any given night?
  19. C

    Tactically mapping conical surfaces?

    To my knowledge, most D&D combats take place on a more-or-less level surface. There might be stairs and multiple levels, but generally, all combat surfaces are oriented the same. But in a fantasy world, this doesn't necessarily always need to be the way. How would you go about designing a map...
  20. C

    ASoIaF RPG - A Tourney of Gulls Houses and Characters

    This thread is intended to be used for the House "character" sheet, the "cast of thousands" and individual player character sheets. To prevent it from being too cluttered, I'm hoping for one post per "sheet", with each player editing his own sheet as his character develops/advances, but we'll...