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Search results

  1. Jürgen Hubert

    Help me with a sorcerer build!

    Whenever I visit my parents, I try to game with my old gaming group from my hometown. This means I tend to play "guest star" characters which will only appear sporadically in the campaign. One of these is a Sorcerer in a Pathfinder wilderness campaign (the "Kingmaker" series, I believe it it is...
  2. Jürgen Hubert

    Doomed Slayers - A campaign framework justifying roving bands of adventurers

    I came up with this idea one week ago on RPGNet, and now I am seriously considering writing this up as a systemless miniature setting and selling it on DriveThruRPG as an ebook. But until then, I'd like to get some feedback on the basic ideas and concept. Basically, I wanted to come up with an...
  3. Jürgen Hubert

    [Google Wave] List of RPG-related Waves

    I got an account with Google Wave yesterday, and I decided to found my own wave here, which is dedicated to discussion of my setting. It should be a public wave, which means that anyone can join. What other RPG-related waves are there? I know of the RPGNet Sandbox Wave, but I'm sure that there...
  4. Jürgen Hubert

    The Random Nations Generator - Revised and Expanded

    I've been working on the Random Nations Generator again recently and made a few significant changes. It's still not fully complete - there are still categories missing, and many of the existing categories don't have enough random seeds to truly fill them out. Still, I'd like to hear your...
  5. Jürgen Hubert

    Using Ebook Readers for Gaming Books

    On Thursday Evening, I finally got my iRex DR1000S, the ebook reader with the currently largest screen on the market - topping even the Kindle DX. This device is excellent for reading PDFs without having to print them out - which makes it very useful indeed for reading gaming PDFs. I've...
  6. Jürgen Hubert

    DDI Wiki - Submit your Characters and Monsters!

    Given that the Monster Builder was released for Dungeons & Dragons Insider today, I've put in some overtime today and created a wiki framework which allows users to submit their own characters and monsters built with the DDI tools. I've added explanations on how to submit characters and how to...
  7. Jürgen Hubert

    What can Google Insight tell us about RPGs?

    I just found out about Google Insight, which tracks the number of searches for specific terms over time. This might help us track the general state of various RPG lines. Here are various trends I found for the period on display (starting with 2004): Call of Cthulhu: About the same, with the...
  8. Jürgen Hubert

    Tell me about your favorite non-rules DDI articles!

    So far, I've put off subscribing to the DDI, but after I have seen at a friend's computer how convenient their character editor is, I am wavering. After all, filling out a character sheet with 4E does take a long time, and it's very nice to have a program that does it all for you. However, I am...
  9. Jürgen Hubert

    Random Nation Generator

    I've mentioned the Arcana Wiki before. And now I'd like to start on a project which should be very useful for people here - a Random Nation Generator. Such a generator would work similarly to the Random Character Generator. It wouldn't bother with coming up with specific statistics (such as...
  10. Jürgen Hubert

    Is D&D About Having Power Without Responsibility?

    From many comments I have seen on this board - most recently in the Forgotten Realms thread - it seems that many players are violently adverse about their characters getting ordered around by more powerful NPCs. Yet elsewhere I have seen the sentiment that actually being the commanders - the...
  11. Jürgen Hubert

    Writing Setting Blurbs

    I've long pondered writing an effective setting blurb for Urbis - a short text that makes other people interested in the setting (and possibly buy it...). Here is what I came up with so far: Once upon a time the orcs rampaged across the plains, the elves lived in their forests, the peasants...
  12. Jürgen Hubert

    Urbis - Should I follow the GSL, or make the setting system-independent?

    The Urbis Wiki gradually nears a state of, if not completion, then at least comprehensiveness that allows others to use the setting. The regions are getting increasingly detailed. Maps have been added that allow the readers to understand the scope and geographical detail. More and more...
  13. Jürgen Hubert

    Urbis Maps

    I've finally gotten around to updating the map of Urbis: This is not as fancy as the previous map, but for my purposes it is a lot more functional - it was made entirely with Inkscape, which allows me to update the map quickly and efficiently as the need arises. The SVG file which this image...
  14. Jürgen Hubert

    Increased cost for Raise Dead at higher levels

    As PCs advance in tier, the Raise Dead ritual becomes more expensive - 500 gp for the heroic tier, 5,000 gp for the paragon tier, and 50,000 gp for the epic tier. The meta game reason is, of course, that characters at higher levels become rich enough that the cost of the ritual would become...
  15. Jürgen Hubert

    Best gaming wikis?

    I'm currently writing a bunch of Perl scripts which should make it fairly easy to turn wikis into ebooks readable by the Amazon Kindle. So I'm wondering: Which, in your opinion, are the best gaming-related wikis out there? And why do you consider them the best?
  16. Jürgen Hubert

    Urbis - Once More, with Footnotes

    After more than a year, I have to admit that Eruvian.Com simply isn't working out as the home of Urbis. It had some great ideas - such as allowing other users to submit their own material - but for all intents and purposes the site now seems to be dead. So now I'm in the process of moving the...
  17. Jürgen Hubert

    Re-imaging Hell

    I'm currently in the process of moving Urbis to yet another site after the current one hasn't worked out as I've hoped. This time, I'm putting the whole thing into a Wiki format. Only a minority of stuff has been ported over, but I'm slowly getting there... And while I'm at it, I'm also...
  18. Jürgen Hubert

    Experimental Random Adventure Seed Generator

    I've been trying to make use of the new Random Page function of the Wikidot.Com wiki software to make a Random Adventure Seed Generator for the Arcana Wiki. I have a bunch of ideas on how to use the Random Page function for more complex stuff - random characters, complex plot lines, even random...
  19. Jürgen Hubert

    Presentation of the 4E Forgotten Realms (and other settings)

    Now that the 4E books for the Forgotten Realms setting have been out, I was wondering what everyone thought of it. Not of the setting in itself - the Spellplague and other setting changes have been discussed at length. No, I'm wondering what you think of the overall presentation of the books...
  20. Jürgen Hubert

    Looking for War Stories

    Most gaming groups have sessions which have become legendary. Spectacular deaths, hilarious quotes, surprising plot twists - all of these may be reasons why a particular evening is talked about again and again. Sometimes they are told online, and others can be shown how awesome gaming can be in...