• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. TiwazTyrsfist

    Pathfinder 2E RE: Magus and Summoner Playtest, how much do you use your lower level spells?

    I'm trying to figure out exactly how much of a limitation the spell slots for Magus and Summoner are in the PF2 playtest. When you play a caster in PF2, what percentage of your lower level spells go unused, particularly at higher level, say 15+? Basically anything below your top two spell...
  2. TiwazTyrsfist

    Pathfinder 2E Adapting Eberron for PF2?

    It's a shame WotC owns Eberron, because I think it would work really well with PF2 mechanics. Heritages and Ancestry feats are the PERFECT system for Dragonmarks. Honestly I think it would work better than the 3.5 original for that. So many Organizations that would work well for Archetypes...
  3. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D General Fantasy cannibalism, a theoretical philosophy discussion

    Warning: I'm bored. Also this may veer into uncomfortable territory. So the subject here is Need based emergency cannibalism in a situation that, in the real world, would be considered forgivable. I.e. marooned on a barren island, trapped by an avalanche, e.t.c. Also for our purpose here we...
  4. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D General Write a Plot Hook that's a terrible pun designed to earn groans and thrown dice.

    What is says on the box. I'll start. Eberron Specific In a remote location suitable to your overall campaign (Xendrick, the Mournland, where ever) a Powerful Manifest Zone tied to Irian has been found. An important Dragonmarked Heir of one of the great houses has led an expedition force to...
  5. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D 5E [Adv League] Eberron character creation?

    I just want to check and make sure I'm reading it correctly. If I'm reading the Eberron specific AL thing correctly, instead of PHB+1 it's PHB, Wayfarers, Xanathars, and goblin, bugbear, and hobgoblin from Volo. Which would mean that you can use a race from wayfarers or one of the three from...
  6. TiwazTyrsfist

    Help me gather data for a stupid post

    For reasons of foolishness, I want to assign Astrological signs to various D&D Races and the Core Classes. Rather than sitting down and giving it thought myself, I decided to try to crowd source this with a Survey Monkey survey. If you're bored enough and have two minutes to spare, and ideally...
  7. TiwazTyrsfist

    Guns in D&D - A Hot Take

    In real life, statistics show that roughly 1 in 3 victims die from a single gunshot wound, 2/3 survive assuming they get immediate medical attention. The average person in D&D is modeled by the Level 1 Commoner A Level 1 Commoner has 4hp Therefore, the bullet must average 1/3rd of hits at 4+...
  8. TiwazTyrsfist

    Adventurer's League PHB +2

    I didn't see a post about it here, so I thought I'd put one up. As one of their incentives for pledging/donating to Extra Life this go round is, if we help their guy hit $25,000 in donations, then the DDAL season starting Sept 2019 will be PHB plus TWO additional books. This is our chance to...
  9. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D 5E Best Character Sheet App?

    Hey, I just got a(n android) tablet, and I was wondering what people thought was the best character sheet/character tracking App? Anyone have one they use and really like? Thanks!
  10. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D 5E Arcane Shot (XGE)

    Ok, I've seen the errata that fixes the "Magic Arrow" issue, but am I right in my reading that you never actually get more USES per rest? I.E. you get 2 uses which refresh with a short or long rest, but that number never increases, so even at level 20 when you have 6 options, you still only...
  11. TiwazTyrsfist

    OLD Magic Question

    Just got my copy of OLD today, and I'm reading through the Magic section, and I have a question related to how extending casting time works. Let us say that I cast Abjure Metal to give myself Soak 10 vs Metal for 1 Day. This should cost 5mp (Soak 10) + 6mp (Duration 1 day) = total of 11mp If I...
  12. TiwazTyrsfist

    D&D 5E Rules Question: What are the effects of being Size Small?

    As far as I can tell, the only effects in 5E are 1> You can Squeeze through a size Tiny space 2> You have disadvantage on attacks if you use a weapon with the Heavy quality. Is that it? 3.5 and pathfinder have a LOT of size related rules that I keep getting mixed up in my head with 5E stuff...
  13. TiwazTyrsfist

    Pathfinder 1E New to Pathfinder and PFS

    Hey, I posted this on the Paizo Pathfinder forums, but thought I'd post here as well. I'm new to Pathfinder and the Pathfinder Society. I've played D&D since 2nd ed, and I've played a lot of D&D Adventurer's League. I'm pretty familiar with D&D 3.5, but I know Pathfinder has grown and refined...
  14. TiwazTyrsfist

    Spell Help

    I want to make a spell that would let a character clean themselves of normal Dirt/Grime as if they had bathed and Laundered their clothes. I'm thinking it should be doable with just Transform and Secret of Self (as a self only spell) as a Cantrip, but I was looking for some other opinions...
  15. TiwazTyrsfist

    [Reposting] NEW Alien Race Competition

    One of my favorite concepts in Sci-Fi is Uplift, where advanced races take sub-sapient creatures and advance them to full sapience for various reasons. So, I created a few Uplift Races for NEW. Pan Facticius (“Super Chimps”) Pan Facticius, commonly called simply “Pan” or “Super-Chimps”, are...
  16. TiwazTyrsfist

    Couple magic questions

    1> Assuming you follow the normal character creation rules (race, origin career, 4 regular careers), am I right in thinking the Highest starting magic rating you can achieve is 8? 3 by being a grand elf and then 5 from careers? The next couple questions are more character specific. I made a...
  17. TiwazTyrsfist

    Can we get an update on publishing timeline?

    Hey Morrus, I was wondering if we could get a general update on how the entire WOIN game families development is coming. Are things still on track for the original release date of August? Thanks!
  18. TiwazTyrsfist

    Spell Jamming: an OLD/NEW intersection campaign idea/hack

    Still haven't gotten around to updating/fixing my homebrew traditions, but oh well... So I was thinking, how about doing something kind of like SpellJammer as an intersection of O.L.D. and N.E.W. So here's some fast and dirty rules ideas. Use the basic Careers from N.E.W., and races probably...
  19. TiwazTyrsfist

    Three more Traditions

    First off I'd like to say, should we have a spot to put all our homebrewed traditions/careers and races, like a sticky masterpost, or is there a spot they should go I just don't know about yet? I feel like fairly soon it will be easy for these things to get lost if we all just post them each as...