• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    (Gamers Wanted!) Portola/Quincy, CA. ISO of RPG group

    Greetings! I am moving to the area, and am in search of a RPG group. Willing to play or GM as needed. 3.5 preferred, but very open minded. Gratefully, Mark
  2. M

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder - Massachusetts North Shore

    We are starting a new group (well, actually reconstituting an old one) and are looking for a few additional players. The game will be (initially) Pathfinder and will meet once a month on Saturday evenings. Experience with RPGs or Pathfinder is not a requirement, but we are seeking easy-going and...
  3. M

    Pathfinder 1E [San Jose, CA] Pathfinder Group Seeking Players

    Greetings! We have a new Pathfinder group starting in San Jose. The group will be meeting approximately every other week with weeknights being the target night. We have the GM and two players and are seeking a few more. The game will be leaning towards beer & pretzel style as we all have...
  4. M

    Midnight in San Jose

    If you're interested in joining a newly started Midnight campaign in San Jose, PM me. Have one player so far and would love some more.
  5. M

    Customizable GM Screen interest survey

    Greetings all. I am exploring price/fabrications options for a new line of customizable GM screens and wanted your input. I am in the very early stages that thought this would be a good place to survey both interest and preference. Here are my questions: (1) How many of you are/would be...
  6. M

    [San Jose]

    I am moving in July to San Jose and am looking for a new gaming group. I have GM'd, but also like to play. 37 year old married male with two kids. As a result, I can only commit to gaming ever other week due to RL commitments. If you have a seat that you want to fill, give out a shout. I am...
  7. M

    Player/GM map on Monitor

    I have been toying with the idea of taking my old flat screen CRT TV and turning in flat to make a video battle map out of it. If I can pull it off I will then try to make a table to surround it. I know, crazy idea, but I love building things. I think it would be a cool way to show maps and...
  8. M

    Suggestions for a fluffy setting?

    Greetings! I am thinking about running a future game with a non-D20 system (Burning Wheel) and was hoping to pick your brains. My dilemma is this...What would be a good setting to mine? I'm looking for a standard fantasy setting that is either system-free or light on crunch. Basically a...
  9. M

    Gridless Combat

    Greetings! I am wrestling with the idea tossing my battlemat. Does anyone have any house rules for doing gridless combat? I'd like to mine people's ideas and experiences because I am not very good at rule design. Hence, my screen name ;). Thanx!
  10. M

    Dundjinni Campaign Art Pack

    I purchased the Dundjinni Campaign Art Pack (and main program) on the basis of their claims that it can produce images like this. Warning: You can't. This sample image can be found on the Campaign Art Pack page. It is also on the Gallery page under the heading "All of these images are maps...
  11. M

    3D mapping program suggestions?

    Given that Overseer (RO and CO3D) are dead, what other programs are out there than can fill in the gap? I don't want to spend tones of money or time, but I'm very interested if anyone has any suggestions for other programs (Aurora NWN?). Thanx for your help! Cheers, Mark
  12. M

    An alternate idea for Item Creation Exp cost

    This thread (Loosing XP in item making) got me thinking about a recent house rule that I have been planning. I have proposed the following to my group as a House Rule. Since I am not the most mechanically inclinded DM ;), I'd appreciate any feedback, thoughts, or constructive criticism. A...
  13. M

    [Heart of Nightfang Spire] Core Teleportation Question

    Morning all! My players have once again subverted a perfectly good linear adventure. I love these guys. Truly! As of last session, they have successfully bored through the tower to the metal core. Then they proceeded to use some ingenious magic to remove the 6’’ of iron in front of them...
  14. M

    Reincarnating as a Pixie

    Here is a simple question for you all. Would a PC who is reincarnated as a Pixie get the Spell-like abilities, SR 16 and natural invisibility? The Reincarnate spell says, "The reincarnated character does gain any powers or abilities associated with his new form." My first reaction was no, and...
  15. M

    Is a Xill's paralysis ability a posion?

    Afternoon all, I have a question that I'd like some input on. Would a Xill's paralysis ability be temporarily neutralized by a Delayed Poison spell (Clr 2). We has this situation arise last night with the group splitting 50/50. One side said that there is no real distinction between poison...
  16. M

    Rumor generation help

    What sources of rumor generation do people use? This is an under used tool in my GM toolbox. The true one's are easy to come up with, it's the filler ones that are hard for me. I've used the newspaper from time to time, but that is the extent of it. Are there any resources already out there...
  17. M

    Gibbering Mouther

    How should a character overcome the Ground Manipulation ability of a Gibbering Mouther? Say a character sinks into a cobble stone street. How do you resolve this "pin". What should the "grabble" DC be set at? Mean DM
  18. M

    Arm Wrestling

    Just bought TFT. Its just what I need. Only problem is that I cannot figure out the Arm Wrestling rules (Opposed DS). The example on page 6 has me stumped. I understand the progression through round 2, but am lost form there. How does Lydia's DS of -3 turn into a DS of 6 for the ogre with a...
  19. M

    [Humor] Sommoner Geeks

    If you haven't seen this, you probably should. http://www.lipsinc.com/qtmovies/summoner.html Mean DM
  20. M

    PHB Expanded Index?

    I thought I ran across an expanded index for the PHB on the WOTC boards (it was too big to print in the first edition?). For the life of me, I can't find it now. Did I dream this? Mean DM