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    Pathfinder 1E Necromancer Help

    Hi everyone, hope yall are all having a good day. I've been curious about building a necromancer for a while but I have some questions. This is the build I think I like, but I can't decide upon a few things Wizard 5/ Agent of the Grave 5/ Then back to wizard forever Specialization School...
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    Trouble With Worldbuilding and Adventure Writing

    I definitely have a problem when it comes to making concepts and actually making a game for the players, but I have no idea what to really do about that. I have tried both styles when it comes to scale and how much worldbuilding goes into a campaign, but it never seems to change anything. When I...
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    Pathfinder 1E Retraining and Bonus Feats

    Probably a stupid question, but our party wizard is planning on retraining, but we're not sure what happens to her bonus feats. Does she get to keep scribe scroll? My inclination is that she would lose them, because those bonus feats are part of the class, but I can't find anything about what...
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    D&D 5E Worldbuilding Ideas

    Have you ever had those 4:00 AM delusional thoughts turn into actual campaign world ideas? Well just recently I had a bit of a pivot in the way that I thought about the way different races and societies would have developed in a D&D world. This could just be my insomnia ridden brain pulling at...
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    D&D 5E Level Plan For A Multiclassed Swashbuckler?

    So this isn't really meant to be for optimization or anything, just a fun little character build for an up and coming character of mine and I'm curious as to how people will critique it. I've already talked to the DM about how I want to RP the character and have a story arc in mind, so the...
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    D&D 5E {Roleplay Help} The Swashbuckler

    Last week my friend decided to run a 1 shot of an island adventure, and we actually ended up loving it so much that we're probably going to continue it as a full campaign! This kind of left me in an awkward position as to what I wanted to do with my character, and I figured why not post about...
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    D&D 5E Warlock Spell Slots and Multiclassing

    So, I don't actually know how pact magic interacts with spellcasting. The wording on the pact magic is a bit weird to me and I'm not sure how to interpret it, so I figured I would ask here. Sorry for the stupid questions in advance 1) If I multiclassed into wizard, what happens to the slot from...
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    How Would You Build And Play A Necromancer

    Recently I was asked by my DM if I would like to try playing in an evil campaign (we're starting from level 6). Sure why not, this means I can finally play a necromancer I think to myself. However upon looking at the spell options and different paths of play I get a bit stumped. Not everyone has...
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    D&D 5E How Would You Build And Play A Necromancer

    Recently I was asked by my DM if I would like to try playing in an evil campaign (we're starting from level 6). Sure why not, this means I can finally play a necromancer, I think to myself. Upon looking at the spell options and different paths of play I get a bit stumped. Spell selections I'm...
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    [5e] Couple of Settings, Couple of Questions

    So, not that long ago I decided to draw out a world map for my players and run a pirate game that never actually went anywhere due to various problems. None the less I still have the bones of the world set up and they still want to explore them. I have a few directions that I really want to go...
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    I Need Some Help With An Arcane Trickster Build/ Cool Spell Uses

    So recently I had the urge to play a rogue again and then I started to think about a build. Because I had gotten a bit tired of my playgroup's usual murder-hobo style I wanted to do a lot more deception, and investigation type stuff. This all got me looking into the arcane trickster and the...
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    Resurrection Quest (Advice Wanted)

    So in our last session my players were fighting an abominable yeti. They damaged it pretty badly, but they ended up needing to run away. In order to make sure they could one of the players decided that he would sacrifice himself for the rest of the party (He was also going to be gone for nearly...
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    Does A Monk Actually Benefit From Taking Mobile?

    So in our side-game we have a party that just reached level 4 . A conquest paladin who's planing on taking sentinel, a Multiclasser (Mystic-1/Theurge Wizard-3) who has been taking a lot of control and support spells, a lore bard who is acting as another support, and my Aaracokra tranquility...
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    How Do We Survive This?

    So my party of 3 level 3's(a triton cavalier, a bugbear brute, and me, a sea elf arcane trickster) as well as an NPC druid (who is just using the stats from the monster manual) just won a tournament and got a few things. 500GP (that I took) a masterwork maul (the brute got that one), 5...
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    Physical Competitions

    So in my homebrew there's a city made up of the larger races (Loxodons, Golaiths, Firbolg and the like) I decided to drop a few details about a competition for groups of 3 that was being held soon at the arena, but then I realized that I had no idea how I would do that. My party is level 3 and...
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    Nautical Ideas?

    I'm very new to being a DM and I've decided to run a Pirate campaign, but i don't have much for random sea encounters. I've posted around here before and gotten pointed to some really good resources such as Savage Tides, and a few supplement that I cant remember the official name of for the life...
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    Acid Splash Chemestry?

    So, im going to play a gnome transmutation wizard/chemest at some point in the future and want to know, what would yall's rulings be on acid splash. Because I want to play a chemest I figured creating acid would be useful, but there's a few things. It's a conjuration and the duration is...
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    Samurai Build Advice?

    Taking inspiration from all kinds of anime, I've been obsessing over the idea of playing a Hobgoblin Samurai for the past few days, but looking into optimization is a bit weird. I like the idea of wielding a greatsword (re-skined as an Odachi) and using the temp hp as well as all of the...
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    Monks, Grapples, and Shoves

    Ok, so one of the other players in a game I'm playing is a monk who I think has been abusing the wording of some abilities. He was basically grappling the target with his action and then using his martial arts and replacing the attack with a shove in order to knock them prone. Just to make sure...
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    Having Trouble As A DM

    I'm a new DM who has only run one homebrew campaign before. It worked out pretty well and now we have a few legacies around the table and I was super proud. Later on though one of my players had to leave for about 7 months. Upon their return I decided I would dm again and they asked if I could...