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  1. Z

    Pathfinder 2E Magus Build: League of Legends Edition

    Hello, Paizheads! I have no idea what this community calls itself. Long time 5E fan trying P2E for the first time for obvious reasons! Been talking with my GM about building my character, and I've come across a stumbling block or several in trying to make the idea a reality. So, the base idea...
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    D&D 5E Fallow Mire 5E

    I decided to translate the Fallow Mire region from Dragon Age: Inquisition into an adventure. Greywatch Tower has gone silent, prompting the kingdom to dispatch forces to discover what happened and retake the Tower if necessary. They hit a lot of resistance in the swamps around the Tower...
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    D&D 5E And his name is Tortuga!

    One of my players is running a Tiefling Luchador (homebrew Rogue subclass) and his personal adventure will be facing his brother, whom he killed in his backstory and has since become a Chain Devil, in the ring. In the interest of making things more interesting than a toe-to-toe slugfest and...
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    D&D 5E Sorcerous Origin - Black Mage

    Inspired by the Black Mage/Thaumaturge of FFXIV, Todoroki from MyHeroAca, and the Bright Wizard from Warhammer: Fantasy, I'm working on this concept for a heavily combat-focused Sorcerer that only uses fire and ice spells. I need help deciding on how the base mechanic should operate. FFXIV has a...
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    D&D General Exit, Center Stage

    Much to my and the party's dismay, my brother will be leaving town in a few short weeks, and we will only have time for one more session with him. As such, I want to give his character some closure on his backstory and hopefully provide a clean exit with the potential to return from time to time...
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    D&D 5E All Aboard the Figher Express

    One of my players decided to pull a questionable move. He's playing a high STR Fighter, so he figured it would be perfectly reasonable to be able to pick up his medium sized ally as an object interaction and carry him 30 ft. before making his attack. I allowed it at the time because I wasn't...
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    D&D 5E Officers and Crew

    My players have just acquired a sailing ship, as per the Ghosts of Saltmarsh appendices, and I need help making a few decisions. I just finished running them through The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse and they convinced Aryn Hest of the Jade Lion to abdicate leadership to them as they pursue...
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    D&D 5E Sailor Spells

    What low level spells would a Wizard Sailor find most useful? For cantrips I'm thinking Control Flames would be invaluable to put out fires on the ship or exacerbate fires on enemy ships. For that latter reason Firebolt is also great for lighting enemy sails on fire and for general combat of...
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    D&D 5E Intelligent Familiars

    One of my PCs is playing a Pact of the Raven Queen Warlock, but with a slight twist. His Sentinel Raven is actually his sister; both were polymorphed into ravens to escape slavery by undead pirates, and years later a wandering Druid attempted to polymorph them back but due to some Raven Queen...
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    D&D 5E Healer Monsters

    How dangerous/unbalanced would it be to give a monster the Healer feat? Considering the wild disparity between PCs that get 1 HD per level and monsters that get however many HD they need to reach the desired HP range, it seems like the "plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum...
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    D&D 5E Scaling Telekinesis

    I'm creating some homebrew spells that scale from cantrip to 9th level, and I'm working on Telekinesis right now. The idea is that cantrip level is equal to Mage Hand but without the limitations of conjuring a physical hand to move things around and just moving them directly ala the 5th level...
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    Conjure Animals Encounter CR

    I'm working on some homebrew spellcasters, and I want them to have Conjure Animals on their spell list. The question I have is, how do I balance an encounter with this in mind? The spellcaster is only CR 2 by itself, but it can conjure 8 CR 1/4 beasts which immediately turns a Medium encounter...
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    Breaking the Mold

    What are some of your favorite, effective builds that don't really fit the usual mold for the class? I personally love my heavily armored, lawful good Rogue. VHuman Inquisitive Rogue STR: 17 DEX: 10 CON: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 8 Moderately Armored @ level 1. With scale mail and a shield your...
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    Healer feat change

    I’m trying to think of interesting ways to make the Healer feat more relevant in the later levels. I’ve considered higher quality healer kits to add more d6s, as well as incorporating various flora that can be scavenged to remedy conditions or provide buffs. A new idea I just thought of would...
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    Circle of Spores minor buff

    I have a new player in my group that has decided to play a CoS Druid, and in the interest of making her experience as much fun as possible, I’ve done a little research into the class and come up with some minor tweaks. I’m thinking that in order to compensate for the inherent weakness of the...
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    D&D: Become Human

    In my hombrew setting there exists a mountain civilization called the Kingdom Underhill where Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings (oh my) coexist. Their government is a parliamentary monarchy, in a certain sense like Britain with a figurehead monarch, with a council of three elected officials, one for...
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    Low Magic Setting, High Magic Characters

    In my experience, most DMs run relatively low magic settings, where spellcasters of any level are extremely rare. I’m curious though, if that’s the case, how you deal with brazen murder hobo PCs? If your players threaten a village with violence to get their way, do you have high level Fighters...
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    Calculating Encounters with Allied Monsters

    I typically use this encounter calculator to build my encounters, but it lacks an option to measure when the party has monsters fighting on their side. Does anyone know of a similar website or just have their own formulas for determining the CR of an encounter with this in mind?
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    Kingdom Underhill

    For my homebrew setting, I have been converting the various factions of one of my favorite tabletop war games, Warmachine/Hordes, to 5e. This is a first draft of my Cygnar conversion, which in my setting is known as the Kingdom Underhill, populated by Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings (oh my!)...
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    Mold Earth, Cover and CR

    By my estimation, it should be possible for a caster to use Mold Earth to make a small trench that can be used as cover. I've placed this ability on a homebrew monster that I'll post later, but what I'm concerned about is whether or not the ability to create cover at-will on a monster with...