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  1. ClaytonCross

    D&D (2024) Change to Basic Class / Subclass design?

    So looing at the fighter/ranger/paladin material style options, warlock invocation, and artificer infusions ... I can't help but think that subclasses might not be a thing in 6E. That sub-classes would fall away for adding level based options with prerequisites which adds more class flexibility...
  2. ClaytonCross

    D&D General GM's are you bored of your combat and is it because you made it boring?

    I have spoken to a couple of my GMs lately about why the ended campaigns abruptly or early before end of the story arch. The common thread I got in their answers was basically "it got to be a grind as the party got higher levels." Then I asked, "the players didn't mind, what why was it so boring...
  3. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E HOMEBREW - My first subclass attempt "Warlock Otherworldy Patron The Rilmani"

    It was suggested that I make this by my GM as a result of a conversation about about spell options and warlock taxes. I love the warlock class design but I feel like it gets in its own way a lot. I made this and he reviewed and like it but since it was his suggestion I feel it was made in a...
  4. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Druid Natural Scale Mail Sources CR0-6 for starting characters lvl 1-4

    The idea is these are medium or larger creatures with natural armor minimum AC14 (without the dexterity bonus) that might be obtained by druids as “Scale Male” for the sake of character creation using starting wealth for levels 1-4. It can be higher but I am working on the premise that you could...
  5. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Has anyone else watched too much Naruto and want the Unarmored Movement level 9 ability to last

    Step of the Wind - At 2nd level, You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn. Unarmored Movement Improvement - At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on...
  6. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Theory Crafting fun: Max initiative?

    For the sake of some small note of realism, I am going to ignore the max 30 stats from the DMG. I am also avoiding Artifact items such as The Sword of Kas. If you want to do other wise that is fine. This is just what I want to do. yuan-ti-pureblood "Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your...
  7. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Theory Crafting fun: Max HP with standard array (no magic items or GM hand outs like Epic boons)

    Standard Array: Str 14 , Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wiz, 13, Cha 10 Hill Dwarf, +2 Con, +1 Wiz, Dwarven Toughness +1 per level (+20) Standard Array: Str 14 , Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wiz, 14, Cha 10 Barbarian lvl 20 1d12 hit dice x20 (31 min | 135.5 average roll | 145 take static 7 | 240 max)...
  8. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Theory Crafting fun: Max AC with Standard Array, without Feats, and without GM provided magic items?

    Just for fun, not saying its a good idea or would fit any campaign. I just enjoy theory crafting. (Done with available options as of 02/07/2020) It should be noted that the highest "To Hit" I can find in an official source is +19 meaning that any AC39 or higher requires a natural 20 to hit...
  9. ClaytonCross

    D&D General Tilt Five: Holographic Tabletop Gaming (Partnered with Fantasy Grounds)

    Tilt Five: Holographic Tabletop Gaming is now on Kickstarter and it looks amazing. The fact that they are partnered with Fantasy Grounds is also awesome... Imagine D&D as a table top game you all sit and play around with your own view of the table, digital character sheets, truly hidden NPC and...
  10. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Random Skill check attacks

    This comes from the Mansions of Madness board game. It has an interesting fight mechanic that uses different skills based on the monster your fighting and possible selection of combat scenarios based on the weapon you are using. The end result being that you do damage with your weapon if you...
  11. ClaytonCross

    D&D General Are the Races of D&D races of Human or seperate Species according to lore?

    So the concept of half-elfs and half-orcs seems to imply that Orcs and Elves are actually human off shoots but I am not aware of any lore as to why or how this happened. Tyflyings are straite himan demon hybryds which if the first like is true At the same time the Moradin created Dwarves from...
  12. ClaytonCross

    D&D General Does anyone know where I can get 1.5 inch squre grid Fantacy battle maps?

    I have been looking around for some 1.5 x 1.5 inch square grid battle maps for 2 reasons. 1. When I play D&D on inch maps they get so crowded you can't see the terrain much when fighting as well as over hang conflict between crowded figures. (partially because I like spearmen for unskilled...
  13. ClaytonCross

    Best wizard spell selection IRL

    There was another thread about the best cantrip in real life and it has just had be thinking... what if you were a full lvl 20 Wizard with 44 known spells by default and spell slots..... Slots lvl1: 4 | lvl2:3 | lvl3:3 | lvl4:3 | lvl5:3 | lvl6:2 | lvl7:2 | lvl8:1 | lvl9:1 = 22 total Known: 5...
  14. ClaytonCross

    First Draft: Warlock Syphone (not play tested, likely has issues, curious if anyone has some input)

    Warlock Syphon Instead of getting a patron to grant them magic some have found ways of syphoning magic from creatures or other magic items. This continual theft of magic makes them fugitives from victims who are inherently more powerful. As a result the Syphons are quite often paranoid seeking...
  15. ClaytonCross

    Warlock using DMG Spell point alternate from DMG p288-289

    The way I read this variant it would basicly replace the entire spell slot system of pact magic with sorcerer metamagic. However, if we wanted to allow some of the intent of the warlock pact spell slots recharging on a short rest with the point system with a new table like this: lvl 1 (Max...
  16. ClaytonCross

    A sleep spell for allies

    I feel like I am losing my mind. Its quite possible. I am trying to find a spell that I saw in a video once and added to a pacifist caster I was making. It was ether a wizard or a divine soul sorcerer, So wizard, cleric, or sorcerer spells. The spell was a limited use spell that you could cast...
  17. ClaytonCross

    D&D 5E Takning the Off hand shield as an improvised weapon and running crazy with it...

    So I saw this other thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?654248-Shield-Attacks-and-AC-Bonus Strider1973 asked if you keep the AC bonus if your using the shield as a weapon which has been answered in official documentation...
  18. ClaytonCross

    Homebrew: Arcane Legacy Sorcerer

    Some people of have a dream of controlling arcane magic... but lack the inelegance, aptitude, access to knowledge, or perhaps even the ability to read in the first place. While their are some who would make pacts with being willing to grant them such powers others try through searching out...
  19. ClaytonCross

    Homebrew feat: Florentine Master

    Feat: Florentine Master prerequisites: Two-weapon fighting Style, Duel Wielder Feat, minimum Character level 12, Extra attack feature While wielding two weapons and nether weapon has the heavy property, when you make an off-hand attack as a bonus action taken after taking the attack action...
  20. ClaytonCross

    Forge Fathers "Diety" and Hexblade Patron for the eberon Warforged Race (just a story premise idea)

    ### This is just a homebrew background I have been considering. Though, someone might find it interesting.### In the struggle to build more powerful tool's to enable to build more powerful weapons the Great Artificers of the Age researched the Hexblades made by the Raven Queen. The idea of...