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Search results

  1. Bupp

    D&D General NPC: Thanath, Goliath Carnie

    Thanath Thanath is a goliath that runs Goblin Wrestling at the Festival. He has a loud bellow that drowns out crowds around him. He dresses like a sailor and wields a ship anchor in combat. He is a bardbarian. Gob Squad He has a squad of 12 squat, muscular goblins. These gray skinned...
  2. Bupp

    D&D 5E Octopin

    I was digging thru my Google Drive recently, and came upon a 5e conversion of the octopin. I had done this write up in preparation of running Hall of Harsh Reflections, as part of the Age of Worms adventure path. HoHR is found in Dungeon Magazine #127. I only ran half of the adventure before...
  3. Bupp

    D&D General She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms

    The University of Pittsburgh Stages is putting on a virtual production of She Kills Monsters. The livestream is a free event, but requires you get a ticket. The NY Times is even getting into the act, if you want to know more about the play, and how they are adapting it for virtual...
  4. Bupp

    D&D General 5 Color Alignment

    I'm looking into using the five colors as an alignment chart, as opposed to nine axis alignment, the good/neutral/chaos trinity or 4e's five alignment sliding scale. It's an idea I've tinkered with in my head, but never had a chance to implement. Plane Shift: Ixalan was the thing that really...
  5. Bupp

    D&D General d100 Random Knives, Blades, and Hooks

    I'm populating a torture room, that has various knives, blades, blades, and hooks hanging from chains on the ceiling. I'm looking to crowd-source a d100 list of the various nasty blades. Thanks!
  6. Bupp

    D&D 5E What Character Do You Want to Play?

    Found this intro for "new to D&D" players that I wrote up awhile ago. PDF in the link. What Character Do You Want to Play?
  7. Bupp

    D&D 5E Magic Focusing Items

    Found an idea reading an old Dragon Magazine (issue #111!), about magic focusing items. A variant for charged magic items. Here's my conversion to 5e. I write about it in depth here: Magic Focusing: Variant for Charged Magic Items
  8. Bupp

    D&D 5E Vehicle Rules

    Does anyone have experience with the new vehicles rules from Ghost of Saltmarsh or Descent into Avernus? Just curious how they play at the table. Especially interested in the Mad Max vehicle rules in Avernus.
  9. Bupp

    D&D 5E Mask of the Dead

    Magic item I converted to 5e from Dragon Magazine #294! Mask of the Dead
  10. Bupp

    D&D General Blog Database

    I read a lot of different blogs. I always have. In the early days of 5e I was starved for content. So I started collecting up all the interesting links I could find. I still have those links from the early days in a clunky system on Google Drive, but they are not in a format worth sharing. A...
  11. Bupp

    D&D General Using Music in D&D

    Ambushed! I once played Slayer, fast and loud during an ambush on my players. I mean loud. They had to shout at me and each other during combat. It led to confusion and misunderstandings among the players, much like their characters were facing. Cliché Revealed Yes, I did the cliché during one...
  12. Bupp

    D&D 5E About to run a game on Ravnica

    ​I've been approached with starting a new group. One brand new player, two fairly new player, and three experienced players. My three experienced players, and myself, are avid Magic the Gathering players. I was wanting to play something epic, and felt like Ravnica is an excellent starting point...
  13. Bupp

    She Kills Monsters: Help Wanted

    Need help / advise on running a one shot. TL;DR: Running a game for four women with no RPG experience at all. Looking for any tips on running and engaging the players. My wife works for the theater department at the University of Pittsburgh. Later this year, they are putting on a production of...
  14. Bupp

    D&D 5E Cobweb Golem

    Cobweb Golem The Cobweb Golem is a magically created automaton given the semblance of life by a particularly powerful spellcaster. The Cobweb Golem appears to be spun from spiderwebs. Twigs, brambles, and other flotsam cling to its sticky surface, and small spiders can be seen scurrying about on...
  15. Bupp

    D&D 5E Spell Research Downtime Rules

    Here's some spell research downtime rules I put together for my table. https://jonbupp.wordpress.com/2017/06/14/spell-research-downtime-activity/ Spell Research A spellcaster of 5th level or higher may use spell research to gain access to spells that he does not have access to from scrolls...
  16. Bupp

    D&D 5E Inventory Sheets

    https://jonbupp.wordpress.com/2017/04/27/inventory-sheets/ Backpack, chest, cart and wagon.
  17. Bupp

    D&D 5E Virtual Tabletop at the physical tabletop

    My old desktop has finally died. Not that it was used much anymore, we've since switched to using Chromebooks. I do have a pretty nice monitor, that I want to continue to use at the table. So I'm looking for a Virtual Tabletop, to use at the physical tabletop. I could use either my...
  18. Bupp

    Cobra Dragon

    A 5e conversion from Dragon Magazine #146. See the whole thing here.
  19. Bupp

    Sorcerer Options

    I've collected up some of my sorcerer posts and made them available on the DM's Guild. It's Pay What You Want. http://www.dmsguild.com/product/176921/Grognards-Grimoire-Sorcerers?affiliate_id=624945 It includes an alternate spell point system to change the feel of how the sorcerer casts...
  20. Bupp

    Variant for charged magic items "magic focusing"

    Wanting to take a break from the races of Eska (even though I only have the warforged left), I've been reading through old issues of Dragon Magazine for things to convert to 5e. While I've found plenty of cool articles and short fiction to read, (not to mention Snarf Quest and Wormy), there has...