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    UI bar at the top

    ... maybe I'm misremembering, but the bar at the top (with Youtube, Twitter, etc.) seems new, or at least different. I am finding it irritating and intrusive, in part because it floats up there even when I scroll. Is there a way to turn it off?
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    Unicorn Destrier (White Horn Knight)

    OK, I have a player that became a White Horn Knight and is about to get a Unicorn mount (Unicorn Destrier). The power doesn't really describe what the hp are -- am I safe in thinking it's just another summoned creature? If it's laid out somewhere (I just read the compendium entries), a pointer...
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    D&D 4E What are the options for living without DDI?

    I'm a subscriber to DDI but I don't think I can stand it much longer... too many issues with Silverlight. But what are the alternatives besides using the books? (Because if we have to look it all up on paper, we will be transitioning to 13th Age ASAP, if only because there are fewer of them.)
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    The placement of "Post New Thread" is problematic

    I keep hitting it by accident because it's next to the reply button. Just as something to think about -- when would I need a "Post New thread" button _at the bottom_ of a page? I'm not normally reading through a thread and suddenly seized with the need to post a new one. Instead, I'm normally...
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    Baldur's Gate as an introduction to 2E

    I'm replaying Baldur's Gate (EE version) -- never finished it in the day, as the pathing in Firewine was just too infuriating. Anyhow, I've never played 2E, which I understand BG is based on, but... how accurate to 2E was it? I really like the spells in that they are varied, evocative, and...
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    D&D 5E What would success look like for Next?

    I was going to ask whether folks thought Next would be successful, and then I realized I wasn't sure what that would even mean... I'm a 4e fan. That said, I'm sure Next will be a fun game, if not universally then for enough groups to declare it a success from a design standpoint. I'm sure some...
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    This is just a comment on the subscriptions. I don't really need additional content, so the subscriptions don't really offer extras I want or need. I do appreciate the forums, but $36 a year (or $30 a year in 4-month increments) seems like a lot for occasional forum use. You'd be more likely to...
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    D&D 4E What can Next do to pull in 4e campaigns?

    As I think is common in 4e players, I'm a little disappointed with next so far. It doesn't really seem like a descendant of 4e, and that makes it hard for me to imagine moving our current campaign to it -- and my players have been clear that they don't want to abandon this campaign, both because...
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    Radio Free Hommlet?

    Does anyone know of a site that still provides (the archive of) these podcasts? I know they stopped producing them, but they seem to have just vanished.
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    D&D 5E Where does Next fit in terms of RPG ecology?

    "RPG ecology" is not a perfect term. What I'm getting at is where does it seem likely to fit amongst all the competitors? If 4e is the game that you play when you like the combat grid and are hyper about game balance, and 3.5e/Pathfinder the game when you like having lots of options to...
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    D&D 5E Survivability of Low-Level D&D Next Characters

    Just trying to gather information: How survivable are low-level next characters, in your opinion?
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    D&D 4E 4e-like games?

    So, for those of us who don't think Next offers much to 4e players... besides continuing to play 4e (which is the default option), what alternative games offer the combination of story and roleplay with significantly tactical fights? Edit: I should have also said that relative simplicity is...
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    D&D 5E Any word on the gaming license for Next?

    Apologies if this is something I should know, but have they described their likely licensing terms? I like 4e but dislike the license, so if it were more OGL-like, I'd be more interested.
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    Interesting campaign settings?

    I'm playing a multi-setting campaign, and (after 10 or so levels), we are getting ready to move on to a new location. Story-wise, I have some flexibility there, and am curious if anyone has recommendations? Restrictions: For story-related reasons, it shouldn't be Eberron, and I don't want to do...
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    Good online tools for campaigns?

    I'm looking for a good online tool for organizing campaign notes, maps, etc. I want it to be online so that my players can access it (and so I'm not tied down to a particular computer). I would like for it to support authorizing access, so that I can put thing up ahead of time but only reveal...
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    How do I turn off the endless "Are you sure" dialogs?

    I go in and read a thread, I try to navigate somewhere else and I get this "Are you sure" dialog that forces me to confirm. It gets very irritating after a while. Is there any way to turn it off? What the heck is its purpose?
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    Critical Hit Podcast

    Not sure if this is old news (probably) but there is a really fun D&D adventure podcast out there called Critical Hit: http://majorspoilers.com/category/critical-hit/ They're playing 4e, although I'd think non-4e players might still enjoy it. It will make the most sense if you start at the...
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    Pathfinder 1E Learning Pathfinder: What are the key books to read

    I'm trying to figure out whether to switch to pathfinder. Is there one or two key books that would give me the flavor? I don't really want to start with the rules -- would buy something like the Dummy's guide to D&D for Pathfinder if it was available.
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    Gods/Goddesses of Sexuality?

    In looking over the descriptions of most of the D&D Gods and Goddesses, I don't see much about sexuality. My sense is that to sanitize the content for kids, they just decided to omit all that. Can anyone point me toward homebrew versions that cover that? Note that I'm not looking for anything...
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    How do you stock merchants?

    What rules do you use for stocking merchants in your gameworld? Do you allow them to have uncommon or rare items, and if so, do you limit them in any way? Just looking for ideas.