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  1. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Hide in Plain Sight retool

    The ranger's Hide in Plain Sight is weird and janky. I think most people are on the same page about this. WotC replaces it pretty much every time they do anything to modify the ranger. My thought is: why not just have it do what it says in the name? Starting at 10th level, you can spend 1...
  2. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Fireball tweak idea

    I am hardly the first to notice that fireball is a pretty good spell. In fact, in my experience it tends to crowd out all the other 3rd-level options, even for characters who aren't big on evocation. I don't want to nerf it into the ground: it's iconic, and tossing a room-filling explosion...
  3. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Feat for extra reactions?

    My battlemaster player has been saying that he doesn't feel like he has enough control in combat with only one reaction. I'm aware that extra reactions are potentially suuuper strong -- they're what the cavalier gets as its 18th-level feature, after all. But I do try to be responsive to concerns...
  4. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E [PEACH] Interrogation feature for detective

    I had this idea for a detective class feature, but it's kind of unprecedented and open-ended, so I thought I'd ask for a few more eyes to take a look at it. Does it make sense? What problems do you foresee running it? It is it overpowered? Underpowered? Both? Does it seem fun? INTERROGATOR By...
  5. TheCosmicKid

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2E's reception?

    I was talking about alternative RPGs with one of my players the other day, and he asked what the overall reception of Pathfinder 2E was. I realized I hadn't been paying that much attention to that community since its release, and didn't know. So I'm asking here: what's the consensus? Not what...
  6. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Homebrew class: the PARAGON

    Inspired by some discussion in the "Fixing Fighters" thread. The elevator pitch is that this class is for characters who are defined by sheer superhuman strength and size: your Heracleses, your Samsons, your Fezziks, your Gregor Cleganes. Obviously Muscle Mass breaks certain rules of D&D...
  7. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Unintended consequences from knife-throwing feature?

    I'm writing a fighter subclass to update a player's master thrower character from 3E to 5E. I came up with this feature: When throwing a dagger at a creature within 20 feet, you exercise enough control over the blade to treat the throw as a melee attack instead of a ranged attack if it would be...
  8. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Oral Lore (nonliterate wizard tradition - feedback please!)

    I've been working on this subclass to flesh out a culture in my setting (goliath culture, if you want to know). These loremasters are definitely in the vicinity of bards flavorwise, but I felt that the 5E bard just doesn't have the emphasis on memory and intellect that I want. Feedback on all...
  9. TheCosmicKid

    Secret hit points?

    Just a brainstorm I had for a variant to increase tension in combat. The DM rolls each PC's hit points, but keeps them secret from the players. The player tracks damage, just counting upward towards an unknown limit. When damage equals or exceeds hit points, the PC is at zero, all normal rules...
  10. TheCosmicKid

    Advantage vs. bonus?

    So, say I'm writing a new race or class or feat, and I want it to make the character good at, oh, let's say Acrobatics. Do I give the character proficiency/expertise with Acrobatics, advantage in Acrobatics, or some flat bonus to Acrobatics? Why? What's the difference? What do these distinct...
  11. TheCosmicKid

    Racial ability score adjustments

    So I want to make a new subrace of goliaths who maintain the traditions of an ancient and erudite civilization. In keeping with the pattern for subraces, they keep the same primary score bonus (+2 Str) but have a different secondary bonus. The thing is, I kind of want them to excel as both...
  12. TheCosmicKid

    Are we overthinking the warlord?

    So it struck me that the core fighter abilities cover the basics of what most people want the warlord to do pretty well -- wait! keep reading! -- except for the one issue that they affect the fighter instead of other people. So what if we just, y'know, changed that? Inspire Second Wind Once per...
  13. TheCosmicKid

    Proficiency die as a class feature

    I'm trying to use the proficiency die variant rule (DMG 263) as a defining feature for a homebrew class (the Fool, to be specific). As written, the proficiency die variant only applies to rolls. Anything static that you use your proficiency for, like save DCs and passive ability scores, still...
  14. TheCosmicKid

    A ranger rework

    I've been tinkering with this for a while now, and I think it's finally presentable enough for public critique. I've attached a .pdf, or if you prefer, you can peruse it in your browser by expanding the following spoiler block. (The .pdf is prettier, though.) The tl;dr is that this is a ranger...
  15. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Magic Resistance idea

    I know quite a few people are rather underwhelmed by 5E's take on good ol' Spell Resistance. I just had an isolated bit of inspiration: Magic Resistance. This creature is immune to spells cast with spell slots. A spellcaster can overcome this immunity when casting a spell by expending an...
  16. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E A few new fighting styles

    Hold the Line. [Fighter, Paladin] While you are wearing heavy armor, you have advantage on ability checks and saving throws you make to avoid being shoved, knocked prone, dismounted, or otherwise moved against your will. Mixed Tactics. [Fighter, Ranger] You can sheathe one weapon and draw...
  17. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E Can Essence of Ether knock out an elf?

    Essence of Ether, for those who don't know, is a poison that can be found on p. 258 of the DMG. Elves, for those who don't know, are a humanoid race that can be found on p. 21 of the PHB. Read as written, I'm pretty sure the answer to my question is "yes". Elves cannot be put to sleep by...
  18. TheCosmicKid

    I'm TheCosmicKid, and I can't see my own name.

    Hi. If you can see my screen name on the header for this post, you're doing better than me. All I see is a blank space where "TheCosmicKid" should be. My name also seems to have disappeared from other parts of the forum, like the "Last Post By" message. But it's still on the top banner and in my...
  19. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E How cursed are cursed items?

    Today, for no real reason, I was thinking about the girdle of masculinity/femininity and how it's often been said that transgendered characters would kill for this supposedly "cursed" item. What would happen if such a character actually put it on, though? Is the item's effect simply to change...
  20. TheCosmicKid

    D&D 5E What if clerics cast like warlocks?

    I just had an idle thought. I assume you've read the title of this thread and already know what it was. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. The way warlocks cast, on a short-rest basis with flat slot levels, really fits with the notion that the magic isn't coming from them...