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  1. R

    Anyone up for some TOON?

    After breaking out my old book, my desire to play a bit of what is perhaps the finest roleplaying game ever made (and definitely one of the easiest) is quite high. Anyone willing to try one of Steve Jackson's best? If so, I'll explain the rules, and even come up with a workable replacement for...
  2. R

    The Bold Adventures of Poins--In the Woods!

    HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF POINS The High Pyrees--a small 'nation' in some of the most mountainous terrain on the continent of Eldheim. A combination of rocky hills and deep, but fertile valleys, the Pyrees have always been uncomfortably situated between the Empire of Syra and Holy Kingdom of...
  3. R

    The Bold Adventures of Poins Rogues Gallery.

    A Rogues Gallery for characters in the 'Bold Adventures of Poins', just like the title says.
  4. R

    The Bold Adventures of Poins--On the Town

    HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF POINS The High Pyrees--a small 'nation' in some of the most mountainous terrain on the continent of Eldheim. A combination of rocky hills and deep, but fertile valleys, the Pyrees have always been uncomfortably situated between the Empire of Syra and Holy Kingdom of...
  5. R

    The Bold Adventures of Poins! OOC-Discussion (Recruiting Again! 4 Slots Available!)

    I'm going to try, for the second time, a campaign in my little home-brew of Tur An Tiel. This campaign will begin in the Township of Poins of the Canton of Oran, in the Grand Pyrees. I'd like the characters to be a bunch of 1st level ones, native to the town, largely ignorant of the world...
  6. R

    The Aleasana Meta-Thread!

    You loved the Aleasana creative exercise! (Still ongoing! Join in now!) You were moderately less thrilled with the Aleasana rule thread! (As above!) Now prepare to ignore completely the Aleasana Metathread, where we talk about those vague things that aren't rules or cultural background...
  7. R

    Setting: Aleasana--Rules and So Forth...

    Here's where we put all the crunchy bits of Aleasana (see here and here for the meta-thread)--the bits that change how the game is played on our little world. First up--changes in favored classes. I'll set them out, and then see what people think. Half-Orcs (called Urukhs) favored class is...
  8. R

    Creative Exercise--Aleasana

    Given that I just started contributing to Eyros, and things are rather cramped over there, I decided to start up a new thread, and see what people could do with a new blank canvas. Same rules as Eyros--after making a contribution, you have to wait for two new contributions to make your next...
  9. R

    The Unconfirmable Elric Rumor.

    This being the only place I've found the rumor, I find I must ask once again--does anyone here know FOR CERTAIN that Moonglum was written out of the series for the White Wolf Editions? And once again, I want proof, not "I heard from some guy". Well? Anybody?
  10. R

    Thank God!

    Could someone please help me find Tur An Tiel again? And could I please, perhaps get it moved to 'Rogues Gallery'? I honestly don't think it quite fits in with the rest of Generic RPG talk...
  11. R

    Where oh, where as my little world gone...?

    Ahem--as some of you no doubt know, I've spent a great deal of time posting things to my Tur An Tiel world thread, formerly of the late lamented 'Plots and Places' section. However, since the great post merge, I haven't been able to find it... Could someone kind soul (perhaps a moderater)...
  12. R

    "The Godfather" and Alignment

    You know, considering the various debates we get on the alignment I've decided to try a fun one. As a result of watching Godfather I& II recently, I'd like to know what alignment you consider Don Vito Corleone? I'll give my opinion later, after I've seen a few others. And we're talking about...
  13. R

    Tur An Tiel classes

    Having created the bustling world of Tur An Tiel--which you can visit on this thread--I have been working of a few world specific character classes. Most of the mechanics are based on classes from various setting and alternative d20 games. At the moment, these classes are the Zealot (a more...
  14. R

    Sci-fi Game--Invasion 800

    I had this idea a long time ago, back when Alternity was fresh off the stands... (Ahh, nostalgia...) Earth, 800 A.D. In Europe, humanity is, under the reign of Charlemagne , beginning a recovery from the collapse of the Roman Empire. The caliphate of Haroun al'Raschid, centered in Babylon...
  15. R

    Streets of Seilen OOC Discussion Thread

    The thread for OOC posts and discussion on the Streets of Seilen Campaign.
  16. R

    Streets of Seilen IC Campaign

    This is the begining of my "Streets of Seilen" campaign, which is set in my world of Tur An Tiel. The players are... Mal Malenkirk (Game Control)--a gadflyish mercenary. Kaiambus Arkhendeire (Kajimba Lion)--an ex-guild enforcer with sorcerous ability Vargo Sentilospar (Vargo)--a Gnomari...
  17. R

    Online Campaign in the IC forum!

    I'm interested in starting up an online campaign in the In Character forum set in my world of Tur An Tiel. This'll be a chance for me to flex my muscles (metaphorically speaking), and see how things are shaping out. If anyone's interested please reply. Players will be given 5 levels to...
  18. R

    Come check out my game world! Now with (lousy) maps!

    Take a look at my little postings of Tur An Tiel! Glance at the maps with the most godawful white-space you've ever seen! Rate my thread! Tell me your opinion! Please! I just can't handle the silence anymore!
  19. R

    Tur An Tiel Returns!

    Given that the present layout sort of hides Whereabouts, I feel justified in mentioning that I'm reposting all my old Tur An Tiel stuff, albeit in a different order. Here's the link. http://www.enworld.org/messageboards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=591 Enjoy my zany imaginings!
  20. R

    Tur An Tiel--Bones of the Dragon.

    Come to the world that was carved out of the mighty flesh of Sebera, the Great Dragon! A world of adventure and intrigue, where life is cheap, but good food is expensive. A world where dark wizards scheme for their wicked ends, where dark priests scheme for their even more wicked ends, and...