• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Painfully

    Etools 1.5 patch available at CMP

    The new 1.5 patch is up at CMP. It appears it will update any older version to 1.5 *edit* After playing with the templates function a bit, *MOST* of them simply crash etools right away. Very uncool. This is using the 3.5v core dataset BTW. I am greatly disappointed, but will spend the...
  2. Painfully

    Article: how D&D fails video games

    This article talks about D&D and how it fails when converted to video games. This article focuses on the Temple of Elemental Evil computer game in particular. Probably worth a read. Found out about it on Slashdot.
  3. Painfully

    [Article] - How to Blow Up a Castle

    This article describes underground seige warfare of castles using miners, and counterminers. It's good reading. The site has many other good archaeology articles as well.
  4. Painfully

    Has anyone tried Klooge Werks software?

    Has anyone tried Klooge Werks software to run their games over the internet? http://www.kloogeinc.com/werks/ I played with it at GenCon and am interested in feedback from people who have run a full campaign with it.
  5. Painfully

    Bashing two heads together - how would you do it?

    I had a new player in one of my groups last night who was playing D&D for the first time as a 4th-level half-orc barbarian. In combat, she is facing two enemy halfling rogues adjescent to each other and she says she wants to bash their heads together. How would you handle this? My solution...
  6. Painfully

    D&D commercial on TV!

    Actually, it was a GE commercial, but in it a nanotech geek bumps into a girl at the laundromat, and the guy buys the girl a D&D players handbook as a gift! Hehehe! Good-sized close-up on the book cover even! Anyway, it was worth a laugh. Saw it at 7:40am on TNT today.
  7. Painfully

    Charging with 5' because you ran the previous round?

    If a PC on the first round moves about 30' in a straight line, and on the next round (with 5' between himself and his opponent) wants to charge, would you allow it? I, as DM, said no, but my player insists that he should get the charge because he is continuing on a straight path. I can...
  8. Painfully

    Visit the Valley of the Kings

    Theban Mapping Project is a great resource for anybody interested in Egyptian tombs. Don't forget to explore all the tabs at the top, and play the mini-movies of each section. I wish there were more sites like this one!
  9. Painfully

    So druids can use ANY weapon they want?

    So I'm looking at the druid weapons proficiencies list and note that they are rather restricted when it comes to armor and weapon selection. The list is quite specific in the classes chapter...with one caveat, the ironwood spell. So I look up the ironwood spell and it says very clearly that...
  10. Painfully

    Mercurial Weapons -- good idea or bad idea?

    I'm asking this for the benefit of my players. I personally find mercurial weapons to be rather silly and am opposed to introducing them into the game. So have other DMs/players out there discussed this already? Give me your two cents, pros and cons, etc. I promised my players I would...
  11. Painfully

    Attacking a low-level party

    ***Spoilers for my players*** ***Spoilers for my players*** Situation: My group's PCs have successfully pursued and recovered a meteorite from a group of duergar (evil dwarves) and are on their way to return to the clan home of the dwarven cleric three months away. The meteorite...
  12. Painfully

    MINI -- Reaper Dwarf

    I must heartily recommend this new Cloaker mini from Reaper for all those still learning to paint. It's hard to mess this one up even if you tried--which is a good thing for me cause I tried pretty hard. :) http://home.attbi.com/~jmelton443/index.htm *edit Nov. 1* Got a Reaper dwarf posted...
  13. Painfully

    Melee vs Ranged attacker -- AoO?

    There's these two guys: Axe guy -- Let's call him AG for short Bow guy -- call him BG AG stands directly in front of BG BG attacks AG with bow Does AG get an attack of opportunity? PHB says yes. But, is there a feat that prevents that AoO? (I was thinking of Point Blank Range for some odd...
  14. Painfully

    COTSQ minis ---- NO DRIDERS!

    Well, I must say I'm a little miffed over this one. No driders, and no Loth figure either. That pretty much makes this a no sale for me IMO. And I like buying figs. Anybody know where I can get some driders? --------------------------------- I'd like to add that the art gallery & minis...
  15. Painfully

    Barbarian and Rogue uncanny dodge -- do they stack?

    I have no idea if this has been covered elsewhere or in the errata, but I would like to know the official answer if there is one. Subject line says it all. The two classes are just slightly different with regard to when they get their uncanny dodge abilities. It makes sense to me that they...
  16. Painfully

    Ba! Shark World is too big

    Anybody visit Plots & Places lately. I suppose an arguement could be made that few people use that thread to begin with, but I don't look forward to visiting that thread anymore myself. If it were one thread I would skip it. No problem. But this is becoming a bit much. *edit 2* Or, as...
  17. Painfully

    Nooooo, not again! Slow page loads

    Not to sound ominous or anything, but the boards pages are loading quite slowly for me today. Anybody else getting this? I'm using a AT&T cable connection around Chicago and the time is 1:10pm central time. I really hope this isn't a server thing...again. I thought they fixed all that stuff.
  18. Painfully

    Rakshasa spell immunity -- clarification needed

    So I'm reading the entry for Rakshasa in the MM and under, "special qualities," it lists spell immunity. It reads, "Rakshasas ignore the effects of spells and spell-like abilities of 8th level or less, just as if the spellcaster had failed to overcome spell resistance." And yet any hit with a...
  19. Painfully

    Lawful Good assassins?

    I suppose I should default them to Lawful Neutral, but I'm thinking of a secret society that is sworn to protect something of great value. Let's take a holy artifact as an example. They protect several different special locations throughout the land from graverobbers, adventurers, and the...
  20. Painfully

    Rockford IL

    I'm shopping for players in Rockford, IL for a regular Sunday game beginning in May. It's a homebrew campaign--I won't allow psionics or evil PC's, but am otherwise open to player input. Drop me a line if you're interested or just want to know more. I should have a website built shortly after...