• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. N

    OotS 0775

    Giant In the Playground Games is out. For some reason I just pictured Elan guest-starring at Glee. . .
  2. N

    April 1st has come, abandon all hope ye who enter the internet

    So which site do you think will make the most inappropriate April's Fool joke this year?
  3. N

    Archer Warlord+Battlefront Leader+Armored Warlord? Cheese?

    Technically I can take both Archer Warlord and Battlefront Leader at creation for my tactlord and then take the armored warlord feat (at first level). This means I can use scale armor but not chain according to the CB. It probably is right by RAW and it does really helps my character concept...
  4. N

    Slaying the greatest sacred cow: E-D&D

    4E has certainly surpassed former editions in one field; rules updates. They are frequent, the designers have an ear to the community to eliminate imbalance or make underused content up to standards. Yet anyone would admit that there are changes that would make the system better but cannot be...
  5. N

    The Battlemind is out on the CB

    You might have noticed that there was a CB update today, which included the Battlemind. It is not fully out on compendium yet (last I checked only the feats and PPs were out).
  6. N

    OotS 691

    Giant In the Playground Games I kind of disagree with Roy. I think Elan can find the entrance in that way easier than anyone else might.
  7. N

    OotS 688

    Giant In the Playground Games Oh I don't think he had spoofed Dune yet. Love Durkon's line at the end:) Edit: Bah delete this someone posted it earlier.
  8. N

    Killing the d20-The Bell Curve roll

    Recently I have considered replacing the d20 roll with the 3d6 roll, at least for a few sessions to see how it feels. This will be for a 4E game and will come with a few house rules necessary for this, like increasing threat ranges to similar percentiles, and making abilities that grant rerolls...
  9. N

    Next Month: Githzerai

    From the PHB3, Psion Excerpt: Next month it’s the githzerai race (including a racial paragon path and several racial feats), and then we’re on to more class, race, and feat debuts until February of 2010. Well I know I love Githzerai. And we already have the monk. I expect another Dex/Wis race:)
  10. N

    OotS 666

    Giant In the Playground Games I love the reference in the last panel (the last thing Haley and Roy were talking about was Xykon's con and them not thinking like rogues). And I seriously wonder what Roy's plan is since it can end everything in seven weeks. Mind you seven weeks is a long time...
  11. N

    OoTS 655

    Giant In the Playground Games Holy Mother of Christ! O-Chul just broke the awesome barrier!
  12. N

    Elemental and Shadow Power Sources are here to stay

    Noone seems to have linked this over here yet: RPGnet Forums - View Single Post - What will ki be like? I think it's nice to know, I was pretty sure about Shadow but Elemental seemed less certain after Ki got scrapped.
  13. N

    Polymorph Effects return!

    On a recent AP spoiler on rpg.net Gilthanas Galanodel revealed nothing less than the 4E version of Dragonform: Wyrm Form (Sorcerer Attack 29) Daily, Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Varies Minor Action, Personal Requirement: Must not be bloodied Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until...
  14. N

    Editorial Calendar for April

    April Editorial Calendar is up! Editorial Calendar Two Playtests (One is probably the Monk later in the month, one seems to be the return of Dual-Classing?) Familiars, Ecology of Deva, Creature Incarnation: Orcs, Excerpts from AP, MM2, and a few of new articles (Arcane School, Character...
  15. N

    Challenging a large group

    I am soon starting a campaign with a rather massive group of 8. The group has a great distribution of roles, and the players balance for optimization and some flavor. For reference: Dwarf guardian fighter (I banned battleragers for this campaign) Eladrin shielding swordmage (Though the player...
  16. N

    Forked Thread: Fix Stat Polarity

    Forked from: http://www.enworld.org/forum/4e-fan-creations-house-rules/251472-fix-stat-polarity.html So I think I came with some interesting and relatively simple house rule in replacing ability attacks with a level based attack. Let's first see the numbers: The premise is a starting score...
  17. N

    Scimitar Dance, not just for scimitars?

    I've been considering extending the scimitar dance feat to a few other blades, namely the falchion, as well as two Eberron weapons I use, the double scimitar and the Talentan tangat. Indeed scimitar-like heavy blades seem to be a subcategory of heavy blades and I think they should be treated as...
  18. N

    Is this overpowered? Weapon Finesse

    Weapon Finesse Prerequisite: Dex 15 Benefit: You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier when making a melee basic attack with a light blade. Would this be overpowered? Discuss
  19. N

    Does an additional at-will affect balance?

    The current multiclass rules suggest that we trade an at-will. My question is, does gaining an additional at-will instead of trading one seriously affect game balance? The basic power currency is encounter and dailies which are of limited use. At-wills are technically interchangeable. Is the...
  20. N

    An attempt at a Barbarian (Defender)

    This is my attempt at a Barbarian (Defender). Heroic Tier only. http://www.4shared.com/file/54073943/bf7474cd/The_Barbarian__Heroic_Tier_.html Any comments will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance