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Search results

  1. Viking Bastard

    D&D 5E The Slow Birth of an Ad Hoc Setting

    I started 5e off with running Against the Giants with my regular group. It's been going well, if slowly (or infrequently, as we're all busy people with difficult schedules), and we're about finished with G1. When I sat down with the group for the first session/character generation, I hadn't...
  2. Viking Bastard

    How do you take over a D&D world?

    On last game day everyone was too tired and defeated to do any hardcore gaming, so we spent the night on character management--spending gold, retraining, clearing up rule questions, mapping out future options, etc and so forth. We also discussed the group's long-term goals--where did they see...
  3. Viking Bastard

    Help my Kobolds spank my players

    My newbie group just finished going through White Plume Mountain, which was tons of fun. It made me think of what classic D&D tropes I wanted to introduce them to next and what came out on top is humiliation at the hands of kobolds. I haven't thought this very far, other than PCs invading the...
  4. Viking Bastard

    Girls Gone Old School

    I've written here before about my return to gaming. In fact, I can't really shut up about it. It's been a little less than a year since my fiancée and two of her friends started badgering me to teach them D&D and around 9 months since we started our campaign. We play biweekly with a core group...
  5. Viking Bastard

    D&D 4E Hacking 4e - Do you hack? Why did you hack?

    I know some posters here, like LostSoul and Oldtimer, play their own heavily homebrewed versions of 4e, and I'm wondering who else does, what the main changes are and why. Now, most people have some house rules, but in most cases they are small tweaks or additions to the rule set, meant to...
  6. Viking Bastard

    Looking for miniadventures/sidequests--Need recommendations!

    Because of constant scheduling problems within our group, we're changing the setup of our campaign. Instead of trying to find times when everyone can show up, we're moving to fixed biweekly game (perhaps expanding it to semi-weekly, depending on how it goes) and those who can show up, show up...
  7. Viking Bastard

    Help me fire my Chekhov's gun—The Double Axe Wielding Zombie Dwarf

    Help me fire my Chekhov's gun—The Double Axe Wielding Zombie Dwarf In the campaign's first adventure two things happened of importance to this thread: The PCs came upon a portal to the Shadowfell in a Goblin Chief's hangout. The Goblin Chief had aligned with forces stationed in the...
  8. Viking Bastard

    If inherent bonuses and enchantment bonuses stack - what are the implications?

    So, Monte Cook's recent article on magic has fired up a lot of discussion on the merits of expected magic item ownership being worked into the math. I've enjoyed reading these discussions, but I want to narrow down the discussion in this thread towards certain mechanical aspects. It seems to me...
  9. Viking Bastard

    Classic D&D tropes you've never mastered

    What classic D&D tropes have you never been able to master, but that you like, or at least, wanted to try on? I'm coming at this from a DM's perspective, but would be happy to hear player tropes as well. And I'm strictly thinking tropes that you like, at least in theory. My biggest one is...
  10. Viking Bastard

    Alternative uses for healing surges?

    I like Rel's Action Point + Surge = Stunt house rule and it made me think about alternative ways one might implement healing surges. If one thinks of healing surges as a general boost of energy (in fact, let's just call them surges) and healing as just one possible effect, what could one boost...
  11. Viking Bastard

    Quick and ready pregenerated 1st level characters; where can I find me some?

    Session tonight (in less than four hours) and I just got it confirmed that we'll have an extra (newbie) player. I won't have much time between finishing work and game time, and I'd prefer spending the prep time on other stuff (I don't have DDI). But much to my surprise I can't find any place...
  12. Viking Bastard

    Math fixes; can you clarify?

    Sometimes, especially in threads about feats, I hear people talk about math fixes to 4e; that the original PHB math was faulty in some way. Can ya'll clarify for me in what way? Was it errata'd? Fixed through feats somehow, or is that just something people are house ruling (and if so, how)?
  13. Viking Bastard

    My Newbie Game, commentary and thoughts

    I have mentioned in other threads that after seeing the D&D episode of Community, my fiancée and her friends got really into trying D&D. They badgered me until I agreed to DM a game for them. I gamed pretty heavily as a kid and teen, but hadn't touched dice since before the release of 3.5e...
  14. Viking Bastard

    How do you deal with traveling in your games?

    As I like to repeat ad infinitum, I've recently returned to gaming after a nearly decade long hiatus. I'm quite rusty and DMing a group of newbies. One of the things that I just don't remember how I used to deal with is traveling from one location to another; going from the city to a village...
  15. Viking Bastard

    OGL and GSL - can someone clarify the differences?

    So for 3e they had the SRD and the OGL. Now, as I understand it, for 4e WotC dropped the SRD and replaced the OGL for the GSL, which is more restrictive. 3rd party publishers are apparently rather miffed over the whole thing and thus we have stuff like Pathfinder (with a dash of edition warring...
  16. Viking Bastard

    The difference between martial classes in Core and Essential

    I see a lot of references to the differences between the class builds in the core books and the Essentials line, especially the martial classes. As I only have access to the core books, can someone elaborate further?
  17. Viking Bastard

    HBO to make George R.R. Martin' SoI&F into a series...

    From AICN: GASP! GASP! GASP! (Megagasp.)
  18. Viking Bastard

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - What's missing from the movie? [SPOILERS!]

    I read the first Harry Potter book long before there was a movie. Then sometime after the first film I read Chamber of Secrets. I forgot to read Prisoner of Azkaban before the movie premiered and while I was going to read Goblet of Fire, I came to the realization that a) being in a very...
  19. Viking Bastard

    South Park - Episode 9x13: "Free Wyllzyx" (30/12/2005)

    Free Willy! In Space! Best. Final. Scene. Ever.
  20. Viking Bastard

    Urgent Help! Looking for a program/website...

    I found a program or a website sometime which allowed me to resize pictures to incredible sizes and then cropped the picture into A4 sized printable frames. This could then be printed and rearranged into posters, wallpaper and such. I had it bookmarked, but have reformatted since I...