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Search results

  1. Corinth

    Mike Mearls is a Genius

    Mike Mearls made a very smart, insightful and useful observation in his LJ today. (You can find the post here.) This is a post about the "core story" of D&D, and how that can (and should) influence both the design of supplements as well as actual play.
  2. Corinth

    [Obituary] Anita Mui, Dead at 40

    The news stories are at http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/12/29/hongkong.mui.ap/ and at http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2003/12/30/latest/15360HongKong&sec=latest
  3. Corinth

    C.S. Lewis Goes to Kiwi-Land!

    http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20031219/ap_on_en_mo/film_chronicles_of_narnia_1 See that URL above? That link goes to an article at Yahoo describing how the first Narnia book's being adapted into a movie again--the first time in a generation or so--and that's it's getting...
  4. Corinth

    Matrix: Revolutions Trailer is up

    It sure looks like it will be.
  5. Corinth

    Bull's Strength Now 1 min/level in 3.5

    From Dungeon #100: bull's strength (and, by extension, all of the stat-buffing spells) now has a duration of one minute per caster level, as shown in "The Lich-Queen's Beloved" via the spell-casting strategy section for the aforementioned villainess. Without either Extend Spell or Persistant...
  6. Corinth

    [Dungeon] #97-"Heart of the Iron God" Q

    I have one question regarding the stat block for the 8th level minotaur barbarian NPC in the adventure mentioned above: is this NPC actually Lawful Evil (as the stat block says) or not? If he is, and if the rules regarding Lawful barbarians aren't changed in the revised edition, then he can't...
  7. Corinth

    Q: Summon Monster Spells

    What is the relation between the spell level of a Summon Monster spell and the Challenge Rating of a creature that a caster may summon with that spell?
  8. Corinth

    Fritz Lang's Metropolis!

    I went with one of my people to the Uptown Theater in Minneapolis tonight to see the restored and remastered (digitally) version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. At this past CONvergence I'd see the Tezuka version, so I compared and contrasted the two as I watched Lang's masterpiece unfold. Tezuka...
  9. Corinth

    [Deeds Not Words] The Villain's Master Plan

    I launch a DNW campaign next Sunday. I could use a hand in as I sketch the villain's plans, and how the PCs might those plans as the villain advances her agenda. First, the necessary context: Time: Fall, 1990 Place: The Twin Cities Metro Area The PCs: Sophomores at a local high school, all of...
  10. Corinth

    Aid In Constructing Another D&D Middle-Earth Campaign

    This thread is about my sometimes-mentioned D&D Middle-Earth campaign that I have in development, with a launch date at the end of this year. I intend to a D&D campaign set in the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth, and I intend to set in far in the East. A new Dark Lord arises and comes to conquer...
  11. Corinth

    [Metamagic Feat] Burning The Candle (Break-Test Phase)

    Burning The Candle (Metamagic) Requirements: Two metamagic feats Effect: The caster may cast more than what his normally daily allotment allows, but at the cost of his health. He sustains temporary Constitution damage equal to twice the spell's level; if this spell is adjusted by other...
  12. Corinth

    Ray Winnger's "Countrycraft" Article from Dragon #293

    Apart from the adaptation of Birthright's rules for realm administration to D&D3e, this article does three things of note: recap the existing six Rules of Dungeoncraft, introduce the Seventh Rule of Dungeoncraft and go off on a rant that relates to the new rule. The new rule, BTW, is "Build a...