• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Lord Mhoram

    D&D General Best fantasy alcohol names

    Fleshing out my world, and looking for good names for different cultural alcoholic drinks. Some of the ones I've thought of or stole outright from other games: Dwarven Beard Beer - strongest commonly available ale Black Blood of the Earth* - strongest dark ale around, not generally sold, used...
  2. Lord Mhoram

    OSR Opinions wanted and help getting started (primarily for 1st ed AD&D OSR)

    I normally enjoy really complex and modern games, but am feeling a serious wave of nostalgia for the earlier days of the industry. Please share any and all opinions about the various 1st AD&D compatible OSR games. I am almost a complete novice in this area - I have OSRIC and some of the Old...
  3. Lord Mhoram

    Pathfinder 1E Help in locating/deciding modules

    So I am thinking about putting a campaign together utilizing the Pathfinder Society as a motivating force for the PCs. I have a lot of the PFS modules, but I know there are a few modules that the Society makes an appearance in (such as Masks of the Living God). Is there a list of modules that do...
  4. Lord Mhoram

    D&D 3E/3.5 Looking for some sorta obscure books / rules

    OK I've been gathering some rules to convert (or just port) to pathfinder and I have 2 I remember reading but cannot for the life of me remember what books. These may have been really early Pathfinder, but I'm pretty sure they are both D&D 3rd, 3PP. The first has rules for casting magic with...
  5. Lord Mhoram

    3PP Release Is there a list of 3rd Party books for Level Up in a convenient location?

    I was thinking there should be a place to list all the LU products, to make finding them easier. I know there aren't very many at this point, but if none exists this could do. I just want to make sure I don't miss anything useful.
  6. Lord Mhoram

    Level Up (A5E) Spelljammer

    I got level up and was very impressed with it, but gaming went back to pathfinder. And I love SF so I was really looking forward to voidrunner's codex, but it is bit hard to justify buying a book for a system we are not playing. Then the Spelljammer announcement today. And Spelljammer was our...
  7. Lord Mhoram

    Pathfinder 1E Pathbreaker - musings of an amateur game designer

    This is a thread I'm starting and will be posting in sporadically. The title "Amateur game designer" is sort of self aggrandizing. shrug. I've sold some gaming articles, but nothing huge. But I love to tinker and adjust rules - I know others do. So the purpose of this, even if no one reads it...
  8. Lord Mhoram

    D&D 3E/3.5 Trying to remember what book this bit was in

    I'm organizing old PDFs, and reading them (of course) made me think of this specific book - I remember owning in print or PDF a book on psionics, and as an appendix it talked about converting standard spells to Psionic Powers, then listed a bunch with 1 or 2 line descriptions as a starter. I...
  9. Lord Mhoram

    Creative juices dry, need some input

    Need help naming a company/product in an upcoming game, before I pitch it to the group. The name of the company is also the name of the campaign. Campaign idea - people play fully immersive (as in Matrix level) MMOs. Part of the game is going to be players as e-Sports stars, with promos...
  10. Lord Mhoram

    2000AD Free (legal) 2000 AD comics

    2000 AD comics has released a Judge Dredd Case files book that is free to download. Figured there would be fans here that would find that useful.
  11. Lord Mhoram

    Suggestions for the name of a small group of gods

    I am putting my campaign world together, and find myself not coming up with something I like for a collective name for the gods. A little odd cosmology. Originally 13 gods. Classic petty Greek gods kind of thing (although all gods are good aligned). Then 1 god went evil, joined forces with...
  12. Lord Mhoram

    D&D 5E Advice needed (new to 5E, but not to gaming)

    Alright, I've made the decision to jump into D&D 5th. I'd been hovering for a few years, but my gaming money has been going to Pathfinder - but it has been hard to actually play (the wife and I play solo); so while I like the stuff I see for PF2, I don't think I will be playing it, given...
  13. Lord Mhoram

    Question about Upcoming Products - WOIN

    So far I know of - N.O.W Bestiary/Enemies/Monster book 2000 AD. Any other big books to be aware of coming up for the system?
  14. Lord Mhoram

    Recomendations wanted: Best basic music player for Linux

    So, I have decided to move to Linux for my next computer, and I'm looking for a media player, but I don't want what a lot of people want. I don't care about internet connectivity, smart playlists, recommendations. I just want something that plays the MP files, in the order I have them on the...
  15. Lord Mhoram

    Natural healing?

    So, I was looking through the books - and I can't find a reference to characters recovering HEALTH naturally. I found the "take an hour, roll END Pool". Do characters heal naturally? If so - how much, and almost as important - where in the books is that stated (NEW or OLD)? Thanks.
  16. Lord Mhoram

    Input requested for some rules items.

    I've been reading WOIN extensively, and started GMing my wife in a solo game, and she is doing the same for me. So while well read seem pretty clear on the rules not a lot of experience in hand. However I love to tinker, convert and make things for any game I play. These are some ideas I came up...
  17. Lord Mhoram

    never mind :)

    Had a question that reading through the errata thread answered.
  18. Lord Mhoram

    Martial Art / Chi / Stances questions

    Reading through the draft rules for martial arts and chi, and had a couple of questions. 1) - Martial arts careers are treated as normal careers for XP ( or for the initial 5 grades). The whole "take this simultaneously" effect only comes into play when advancing a career by time? 2) - How...
  19. Lord Mhoram

    Racial Paragon Question

    Question on the Paragon EONS article - I know which way I will run for my campaign, but curious about formal ruling (mostly for my houserule document). For a race (like human) that has "player choice" for their choice of attributes, do they just pick each time they take a paragon career, or...
  20. Lord Mhoram

    Starting my first campaign

    Got the full NEW and what pieces of OLD are out there (Kickstarter backer). As the playtesting went on there were some changes to things that at the time I didn't like, so I sort of dropped out of playtesting. But when the full buck came out, I decided "I paid for it, may as well read it"...