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Search results

  1. VorpalBunny

    Boogin and Flail Snail (5e)

    Just a couple of quick conversions I used for my 5e game... ORC, BOOGIN Medium humanoid (orc), neutral evil Armor Class 12 (hide armor) Hit Points 19 (3d8+6) Speed 30 ft. --------------------------------------------------------------------- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 11 (+0)...
  2. VorpalBunny

    D&D 5E Dragon/Dungeon Magazines?

    I don't know if I missed it in a previous thread, but has there been any scuttlebutt about when Dragon and Dungeon mags will make their reappearance?
  3. VorpalBunny

    [Castles and Crusades] The Encumbrance System has to Go.

    I just finished running my guys through our first game of C&C - everyone LOVED it, with the exception of the encumbrance system. Under the current system, it seems that no matter how strong you are if you wear medium to heavy armor, carry a weapon and other *minimal* adventuring gear, you're...
  4. VorpalBunny

    The Keep on the Borderlands - Location?

    Just wondering -has there ever been an "official" location given for Kendall Keep in Greyhawk? I'm planning on using TKotBL as an introductory C&C adventure and I'd like to set it in it's proper place in Greyhawk.
  5. VorpalBunny

    SW Episode III opening crawl (SPOILERS!)

    Highlight to read: The opening crawls from all six movies can be found here: http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/bts/production/f20050126/indexp2.html
  6. VorpalBunny

    Decipher's LotR RPG Supported Again!!

    Looks like the life of the Valar has been breathed into the game, but I'm very curious as to the disposition of the Trek RPG (since it's been confirmed Mongoose doesn't have the license). http://www.decipher.com/content/2005/01/010705lotrrpg2005.html
  7. VorpalBunny

    Castles and Crusades: When?

    Anyone have an idea as to when we can expect to see C&C in the stores? Is it still on track for a January release? My group and I are starting to get antsy and the TLG site isn't exactly a font of information.
  8. VorpalBunny

    Green Lantern: Rebirth #1

    Picked it up yesterday, and after reading the train-wreck that was GL #181, all I can say is *WOW*. I knew going in that this is series is a reset for Hal Jordan (FINALLY), but it looks like Geoff Johns is pressing the reset button for the whole GL universe. :cool: The high points:
  9. VorpalBunny

    Where, O where has my signature gone?

    Where, o where can it be? AFAIK everything's enabled but it's kind of hard to tell with the board of the future here. Any hints or should I go to the police and file a missing .sig report?
  10. VorpalBunny

    [d20 Future] What type of damage do lasers do?

    Yeah, I know it's a silly question but my local FLGS (Waldenbooks) hasn't gotten it in yet. I'm working on a conversion of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and I'd like to see how d20F handles lasers and such to see if I can steal some ideas. I just need to know the damage type if any (fire...
  11. VorpalBunny

    [Green Lantern] What'd I Miss? - GL Questions...

    I'm a big Hal Jordan fan. When The Powers That Be at DC gave good ol' Hal the shaft I stopped reading Green Lantern (and comics in general). Now that Hal's coming back I picked up some TPBs and GL back issues to get reaquainted with the GL universe - and now I'm very confused. I need strong...
  12. VorpalBunny

    [Batman Begins] Pics of the Batmobile??

    Sorry if these have been posted. The pics are unidentified, but if it is indeed the batmobile, it looks like they're going for a The Dark Knight Returns kind of feel which as all good, AFAIC... :) <img src=http://batmanbegins.warnerbros.com/img/5BAS0030.jpg> <img...
  13. VorpalBunny

    Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: Androids, Robots, Assorted Flora and Fauna

    I've lost my mind and started a coversion of EttBP, and think I've worked out the androids and robots. I'm trying to keep everything as strictly D&D - I don't intend on using skills and feats or equipment from the d20 Modern SRD unless absolutely necessary. So, any feedback? ANDROID Medium...
  14. VorpalBunny

    [Conan] Anyone get Scrolls of Skelos yet?

    I ordered mine from Amazon which means I'll get it sometime in August... ;) AFAIK, it was released on the 25th - anyone grab it yet? If so, then spill yer guts!
  15. VorpalBunny

    Whither thou, Gamble skill?

    OK, easy enough scenario. Your players arrive at an inn or tavern and the less savory elements of the party decide to raise some capital by playing at bones or some other game of chance. Since there's no Gamble skill in 3.5, how do you handle it?
  16. VorpalBunny

    [Darwin's World 2.0] Reviews, Thoughts?

    So anyone get DW2 yet? I'm still waiting for my FLGS to get it in, but I'm curious to see what the buzz is. How's it stack up to DW1 or the d20 version of Gamma World?
  17. VorpalBunny

    [Babylon 5] Any interest?

    Anyone (GM, players) interested in getting a B5 game going? My "RL" group isn't interested yet, and my B5 book is getting pretty lonely sitting on the shelf...
  18. VorpalBunny

    Multiweapon Fighting - Is the Marilith's writeup wrong?

    After looking over the stats for the Marilith I'm now thoroughly confused about the armed full attack bonuses the marilith has. Her slam attacks/tail slap make sense - it's the longsword attacks that are making my eyes cross: According to the 3.5 SRD: Marilith: Base Attack/Grapple: +16/+29...
  19. VorpalBunny

    [Gamma World d20] Mutants & Machines Semi-Final Roster

    The semi final list of Mutants & Machines (The Gamma World d20 Monster Manual) shamelessly re-posted from the GW d20 discussion over at RPG.net. ;) Looks like some old favorites made the cut. I'm assuming the omission of the Rakoxen, Brutorz, Centisteed and other "big name monsters" are due...
  20. VorpalBunny

    News on Delta Green d20

    Overheard on the RPG.net boards: I am *very* happy to hear that Chaosium came through with the license, and that we'll see CoC from Pagan for at least 3 more years... :) http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56509 [Edit: Uh... me cun spel :rolleyes: ]