• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Iron_Chef

    Dwarven Forge's Den of Evil set: Photos!

    Here's some photos of the Rethemi Rose Brothel I built using Dwarven Forge's Den of Evil sets, some Heroquest and misc. furnishings, and a variety of minis (mostly Ral Partha). Check out all the whores! :lol: The layout is based on a traditional Harnic villein's home with the byre...
  2. Iron_Chef

    Heroscape Castle, Wall and Tower Set: Photos & Review!

    Hasbro finally released the $25 Heroscape wall and tower (castle) set in October. I just picked up one set at Toys "R" Us yesterday to check it out and threw together this small keep (I ran out of battlements which you can see if you look closely and the set came with 50 of the little...
  3. Iron_Chef

    Need Realistic Barbarian Village

    Hi there! I'm looking for a fully populated human barbarian village that is as realistic and history-based as possible. Not concerned with character levels, magic, non-humans, monsters, setting, etc.--these will all be stripped out if present as it's to be converted to a d100 RPG system...
  4. Iron_Chef

    A GAME OF THRONES = Dead!!!

    Looks like Guardians of Order is going out of business and ripping everybody off... I never got my A GAME OF THRONES d20 "bonus gifts" (GM's Screen and Adventure) for preordering the AGOT Deluxe Limited Edition and it's been a freakin' year since I preordered, lol. I did get pdfs of the "bonus...
  5. Iron_Chef

    RPGNow vs. DriveThruRPG?

    What's the difference between RPGNow.com vs. DriveThruRPG.com as a consumer and/or publisher? Why are some publishers signing "exclusives" with DriveThru? As a consumer or publisher, are you generally pleased with one, the other or neither website? Do you generally see more sales through...
  6. Iron_Chef

    Age of Empires III review

    Played Age of Empires III and it's pretty much the same old thing as before only not as cool as Age of Mythology. New features include heroes with special abilities and can gain XP to get bonus goodies/troops sent to your colony from your "home city" in Europe. You get to choose between two...
  7. Iron_Chef

    Why do console games suck so bad???

    I'm over 30 and have extreme difficulty remembering multi-button combo moves, let alone successfully implementing them in stressful situations. I was raised on Atari 2600, Colecovision and arcade games like Donkey Kong, LOL. I could handle Sega Genesis and even 3DO, but once things starting...
  8. Iron_Chef


    GUN: The new Rated "M" western game sucks! Looked so cool in the TV commercials... The "story" is so cliche it hurts. The graphics ain't that great on the PS2. Warning: If you're over 30 with little ability to remember multi-button combo moves and move cursors around in a 3-D environment, do...
  9. Iron_Chef


    As you may be aware, WoTC has discontinued releasing any new books for their Star Wars d20 game in favor of releasing only Star Wars Minis... Therefore, we have started an online petition to "save" the Star Wars d20 game... SIGN THE "SAVE STAR WARS d20" ONLINE PETITION HERE...
  10. Iron_Chef

    God of War: HELP! I'm stuck...

    Playing God of War for PS2. Great game, although the designers do a lousy job of telling you where to go next or how to defeat special enemies with stuff other than your normal powers. Anyway, I'm stuck, stuck, stuck and need help before I throw the game in the trash in frustration, LOL. I'm in...
  11. Iron_Chef

    Monofilament "cyberpunk" whip rules

    :cool: Are there any d20 rules for monofilament whips ala William Gibson style "cyberpunk"? These are whips made of a monofilament material that slices through flesh and armor. It doesn't entangle so much as dissect whatever object it wraps itself around... nasty stuff, perfect for bad guys. I'd...
  12. Iron_Chef

    Star Wars: Need help with Jedi Guardian PC backstory!

    I need help designing a backstory for my Star Wars d20/Knights of the Old Republic era Jedi Guardian, Verex Nal. Because my co-GM and I have been switching GMing duties, sometimes Verex Nal acts as a regular PC or GMPC (don't want to talk to myself or show favoritism!), depending on who's in the...
  13. Iron_Chef

    Star Wars/d20 Future Random Treasure Table?

    I need a Star Wars or d20 Future type treasure table. I thought I saw one on the forum awhile back. Anybody got one for me? D&D has a zillion random treasure tables so where's the one for Star Wars? :(
  14. Iron_Chef

    STAR WARS: Need help designing evil base

    Need advice and ideas on designing/filling a (non-secret) official headquarters for Sith Security Service (KOTOR era ISB equivalent)... think futuristic KGB/Stasi/Gestapo. Players need to infiltrate and extract info from central computer. Looking for any ideas: traps, security devices, NPCs...
  15. Iron_Chef

    STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic

    Ghenghis Ska has created a fantastic fan sourcebook to running your Star Wars d20 game in the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) era. 118 page pdf, full color, heavily illustrated, 8 MB (forget it if you're on dial-up, LOL). FREE DOWNLOAD...
  16. Iron_Chef

    STAR WARS: Blowing Up the Jedi Council... HELP!

    NEED ADVICE ON MY STAR WARS GAME: The Jedi Consular and Jedi Guardian PCs in my game have been accused of trying to assassinate the entire Jedi Council (KOTOR era)! The Council was tricked into sending the PCs to a Sith planet to retrieve a Republic spy shot down there while trying to deliver...
  17. Iron_Chef

    GenCon SoCal (Anaheim, CA): Worth the trip?

    Has anybody attended the SoCal GenCon? Is it as big and/or cool as the midwest one is supposed to be? I've never been to any GenCon and was thinking of going to the one in Anaheim this November (because I can drive it and won't need to waste money on airfare or hotels). Advice on what to do there?
  18. Iron_Chef

    Discrimination against D&D Players in Israel

    Anybody see this story about the Israeli military discriminating against D&D players in their ranks? The military says D&D players have "weak personalities" and are "detached from reality" and "easily influenced". Maybe they don't want soldiers who think creatively and therefore might question...
  19. Iron_Chef

    HeroQuest: Advice and Ideas Wanted

    I just bought a copy of the old Milton Bradley/Games Workshop fantasy adventure boardgame HeroQuest on eBay. Looking for advice and ideas on what to do with it, sites to visit for free resources, house rules, your experiences with the game, etc.
  20. Iron_Chef

    PDF: How To Allow User Modification of Text. Urgent!!!

    HELP! I'm trying to make a pdf in Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0 that the user can customize/modify (add/remove/replace text) on their own. I can't figure out how to do this. Can someone please help? It's urgent. Also, I have another pdf question. For some reason in the test pdfs I've made, it...