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Search results

  1. K

    D&D 4E Where are all the 4E resources?

    I used to be a defender of WotC, but they have gotten ridiculous. Their new website has to be one of the worst designed ones I've seen in a while. Can anyone tell me where the old 4E tools are?
  2. K

    A couple of zombies

    I've put together a couple of zombies that I may be using in my next game and I thought you folks might like a look. They are based on the low level zombie because I'm running a low-level game right now, but I imagine I might make tougher versions later. The first zombie is a strange...
  3. K

    Using Magic Missic for OAs? [PA/PVP Podcast]

    According to a statement by Chris Perkins in one of the Penny Arcade/PVP podcasts, a wizard can use magic missile for an Opportunity Attack. I can't find anything to support this claim, since it seems that only melee attacks can be used for Opportunity Attacks. Anyone have any thoughts?
  4. K

    What is MAD?

  5. K

    Dragonborn Info

    From the version of the article mentioned here that appeared in my local paper, I can just make out some of the dragonborn stats from the picture of a PC beside The Rouse. The best online version of the pic can that I can find can be seen at...
  6. K

    D&D Link Pages

    Since the "D&D links" page for this site is down and won't be replaced for some unkown amount of time (see here: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=221659 ), can anyone provide me with some links to similar links pages? That is, are there other good pages you can recommend with D&D/RPG...
  7. K

    "D&D Links" link

    For some reason, I can't get to the D&D Links page, at least not from the main page. I keep getting a request to log in, but I'm already logged in. Same thing in firefox and internet explorer.
  8. K

    Updated Desert of Desolation Stats

    The 2.0 cards for the Desert of Desolation minis are available: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mi/20080124a I'm sure that whatever changes there are, or aren't, to the spined devil will cause a thread's worth of speculation.
  9. K

    What questions are on an exam on RPGs?

    I came across this in one of the forums here and it got me thinking (name removed to protect the innocent): I thought: that's a perfect example of something that needs some support behind it. If there was a final exam on role-playing, there might be an essay question like, "Are role-playing and...
  10. K

    Cheating, Action Points, and Second Wind

    Hi everyone, I was just thinking about some RPG issues. Your feedback would be appreciated. In his 1984 ethnographic study of role-playing games, Gary Alan Fine speaks briefly on cheating. He notes that every player, including himself, cheats from time to time but that, generally, this cheating...
  11. K

    D&D 2E How does the rollout of 4E teasers compare to 2e?

    I had a general impression that we knew a lot about 2e nearly a year before its release, so I wanted to figure out if it's true. I couldn't find the information on ENWorld, but I found an archive of Dragon Magazines and a 1989 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition Preview pamphlet in my...
  12. K

    Communism (& Socialism) in RPGs

    As part of developing academic work on RPGs, I'm looking at a number of ways of analysing RPGs. One form of analysis is Marxist analysis. In the middle of some preliminary work on the subject, I was struck with a thought, "There's not a lot of communism in RPGs!" Now, I can think of somewhat...
  13. K

    (Academic) Writing on RPGs

    Hi everyone, (This is essentially a cut and paste of a post I put up at Gleemax. Though these boards are fonder to me, I extended to WotC the dubious honor of posting there first.) I'm trying to put together an undergraduate-level media studies course on role-playing games. I've put together a...
  14. K

    It's official: Harm is broken.

    http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/ei/ei20030105a In this article by Andy Collins, Epic Insights: Tweaking Your Epic-Level Game, we see that WotC has owned up to the fact that spells like Harm just don't fit in D&D. The article is really a showcase for a No "Save or Die" Spells...
  15. K

    Regina, Saskatchewan

    So, I'm coming back for a month and a half. What's the gaming scene like now? Are there still games nights? Has Magic:The Gathering taken over everything? Is it nothing but Doom Town? Inquiring minds need to know!
  16. K

    [Star Wars] Any good cybernetic rules out there?

    There are obviously some cybernetic devices in the Star Wars universe. Are there any good sources out there for d20 rules compatible with the SW portrayal of cybernetics?
  17. K

    London, Ontario and area

    And so, another academic year draws to a close. Should we have a London area get together? PS. I think Red Baron sent me an email a long time ago, but it came at a bad time and I lost it. Sorry!
  18. K

    [Star Wars]Trade Federation Aliens

    Anyone have the stats for the aliens of the Trade Federation? I think they're "Neimoidians", but I can't be sure. Thanks!
  19. K

    Star Wars?

    Hey... where are all the Naboo women at?