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  1. Uller

    D&D General Haunted Doll help

    I got the idea for a "haunted doll" magic item from a list of weird magic items I found. It was in the possession of a sea hag my group just defeated. The haunted doll is described as allowing the possessor to return to life in 1d4 days (or something like that) but it has grown in the minds...
  2. Uller

    D&D 5E Forge of Fury endgame...how would you play this out?

    We are playing through Forge of Fury. Five 4th level PCs (they have enough xp for 5th but need to go have some downtime to level up). They cleared the orcs from the mountain door but unknown to them the survivors have returned. This includes the eye of gruumsh and about 10 orcs. They cleared...
  3. Uller

    D&D 5E Wound Levels instead of Death Saves house rule

    We've been playing with a house rule where death save failures result in levels of exhaustion being applied and they can only be recovered by the rules for removing levels of exhaustion. This has the effect of being dropped to 0 hp having some lasting consequences and my players seem to enjoy...
  4. Uller

    D&D 5E Bear Spirit Totem Questions

    The druid in our group used this tonight and we weren't sure exactly how it works. Here is the relevant text: Bear Spirit: Each creature of your choice in the aura when the spirit appears gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your druid level. In addition, you and your allies gain advantage...
  5. Uller

    Forge of Fury...what do the orcs know?

    Needless to say... SPOILERS!!!! My party stormed the Mountain Door in our game last night. They felled one of the guards in the first round but the other managed to flee and raise the alarm. The party ran the gauntlet of arrows and got inside the Dwarf Door befor it could be closed. They...
  6. Uller

    Help me make a banshee encounter interesting.

    I have a 3rd level party. They have just finished exploring the upper level of a ruined keep (I used the Hommlet Moathouse map). The place had be ransacked a century ago by a marauding horde. While scouting the place the night before they heard a faint mournful singing of a female voice...
  7. Uller

    Downtime Activity: Exploration

    I'm running a sandbox campaign over the summer...going for a feel similar to the Darkest Dungeon CRPG. The PCs just completed their first adventure and then had two weeks of downtime (I'm going with a method Gary Gygax used...game time is the same as real time...so if two weeks of real life...
  8. Uller

    Quasits, Imps and Pseudo Dragons as familiars

    Are there any rules for PCs other than Pact of the Chain Warlocks to gain these creatures as Familiars? I ask this for two reasons: In a game I am running, the party came across a quasit and captured it. The wizard player wants to cast Find Familiar to bind it as her familiar. In a game I...
  9. Uller

    Darkest Dungeon-like campaign.

    If you haven't played it, check it out: http://www.darkestdungeon.com When my current canpaign ends I'd like to start a new one that is a bit more grim and where the players play the role of quest givers as well as adventurers. The idea being that adventurers come cheap (especially low level...
  10. Uller

    Spamming spells with wands

    Last night my kids and I finished up Sunless Citadel (SPOILERS!)... The BBEG is a caster with a wand of entangle. Much to my amusement (and much to the annoyance of my kids), I had him cast entangle pretty much every other round. As soon as PCs would start to get free, he'd do it again...
  11. Uller

    Teleport and Detect Thoughts

    Tomb of Annihilation Spoilers ahead! My group is 13th level and after mucking around the jungle they are finally beginning to realize they can just teleport to Omu. They have Salida with them. She knows they are there because of the Death Plague. She has told Ras Nsi about this and he is...
  12. Uller

    TOA: Camp Vengeance/Apocalypse Now

    My players (13th level) are arriving at Camp Vengeance in our next game (playing tomorrow). I'm going to try to really play up the Apocalypse Now feel of the place. They will arrive near nightfall. Along with the corpses from waves of undead attacks the PCs will find some non-undead natives...
  13. Uller

    D&D 5E ToA: What was your group's experience with Camp Righteous?

    I'm running ToA for 13th level PCs. I'm beefing interesting things up to be more of a challenge and handwaving less interesting things. We only had 3 of our 5 players last night so I had them arrive at Camp Righteous...with some changes... I replaced the fledgling axe beak with a baby T-rex...
  14. Uller

    Starting a Adventure League table at work. Any advice

    I'm thinking of starting an AL table (or tables) at work. I'm thinking we'll play every other Friday from 11:30 to 1:00. I'm not totally sold on AL. It will be up to my players in the end. Also considering just a simply homebrew sandbox so I can keep adventures nice and short. Any advice...
  15. Uller

    Can a character become hidden without using the hide action?

    Example... Character A is chasing B down a street and B ducks into an ally using his full movement. A can't see B. There is sufficient noise from the crowd on the street and A's own running feet that A can't hear B. From the point A lost sight of B A has no idea what B did after that (though...
  16. Uller

    D&D 5E Tomb of Annihilation for high level PCs

    I'm running ToA for a party of 13th level PCs (Wizard, Warlock, Shadowmonk, Paladin and Barbarian). They are in Port Nyanzaru right now and have hired Salida as a guide (along with River Mist and Flask of Wine...the guides don't know about each other yet as they have hired them separately)...
  17. Uller

    D&D 5E Downsides to Mounted Combat?

    I have a 13th level Paladin with a Griffon mount. Tonight I ran him through a solo adventure (the player is my son and we had an hour or two to kill). He could have his mount fly 80' to get within reach of his target with his lance, attack twice, then move 80' away (and out of sight) without...
  18. Uller

    Epic player quotes

    I have a player with a knack for understatement. Years ago we were playing Against the Cult of the Reptile God...they were exploring the village and were considering going down a set of steps below a house they suspected had something sinister about it. As they discussed the matter he quipped...
  19. Uller

    D&D 5E House rule idea for healing to avoid "whack-a-mole"

    A recent thread on how some groups (probably especially in low/mid level games) experience "whack-a-mole" where PCs go down, get healing from Healing Word or the like but then go back down very shortly because they received so little HP. We don't experience a ton of whack-a-mole in my group...
  20. Uller

    D&D 5E Help me figure out a campaign to go from 13th to 20th level using WotC APs

    My group has played a campaign from 1st to 13th level. We started with Lost Mines (set in Nerath, not Realms...I feel like I can be less beholden to setting canon in Nerath) then at 5th level went into Princes of the Apocalypse and after finishing that we played through the Ravenloft portion of...