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Search results

  1. O

    The problem with Sinstra (Game post)

    You have arrived at the village of sinstra, having already passed through the yecew river. As you approach the gate, one of the guards, whom looks to be an experienced swordsman, a musclear man who could be considered handsome, atleast, that's without the malicious smirk that you see flash...
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    "Kobolds, we're being killed by kolbolds?" A small idea about using low CR creatures

    I personally think that many DM's decide that after 5th level or so all of the hordes of goblins, kobolds and bugbears that previously plagued the PC's suddenly take a vacation and dissapear from the face of the earth (or whereever). :) This is not only unrealistic, but truly unsatisfying to the...
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    Why does the snakelord get "resist posion" twice?

    In the "Masters of the Wild" add on, it says that one of the prequistes for becoming a Snakelord is the feat "Resist Posion" (+4 bonus to fort saves against posion) later on, however, it says that as a bonus feat, the snake lord gets "Resist Posion" as a bonus feat, even though the feat's...
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    Players wanted for homebrew low-level campigian

    Yes, you heard it right, although the world and quest, are both homebrewed, I will be using the 3rd edition D&D d20 rules. I need somewhere in the range of 3-5 players of 1st or possibly 2nd level. Please sign up! Also, place your characters stats equipment, etc on your sign up post. You will be...
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    Looking for players of D&D in St. Charles IL

    See above, I have a campagian worked out. E-mail or IM me if you are interested in begining a campiagian.
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    Upgrades for character generator

    Where can I get them? Please help!
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    Catapilian, guardians of the Mayrin

    large magical beast HD:6 D10 +30 AL: Usually NG Init: -2 AC: 17( -2 dex -1 size +10 nat) Sp: 20ft climb 20ft AB scores: Special attacks: mucus Str: 16 Special qualities: Sure footedness...
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    The Mayrin (mayfly people)

    Basically the mayrin are mayfly-like humanoids that are extremely secretive and in complete harmony with their enviroment. All mayrin (except for a special 10 percent of the total pop. which have life spans of a couple thousand years) live only three weeks, and they consider it a great honor to...
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    New construct, the autominin!

    autonimin, tiny construct Hit dice: 1/2d10(5hp) Init: -1 (dex) Speed: 15 ft AC: 11 ( +2 size -1 dex) Attacks: bite -1 meele...
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    The culling starts!

    You breath in the smells of civilization, sweat, dust and spices you and others like you (most likely off to seek their fortunes) have stoped by the town of fenir, a florishing frontier town on the edge of the death sands, lawless and scorching hot terrian occupied by bandits and who knows what...
  11. O

    Set up for my homemade adventure " The culling " for 1st lv chars.

    See above, the world will be one of my homebrews, but a few citys or people might seem familiar. The rules of course, are standered 3rd edition D&D you may use the additions from the Tome and blood etc. books, but not from the forgotton realms books. This shall be a game for 1st level chars...
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    parchment golem! ( Yes I am crazy)

    parchment golem, small construct Hit dice: 1d10(5hp) Init: +2 dex Speed: 40 ft fly 20 ft AC: 11 ( +2 dex -1 natural) Attacks: slice +3 meele...
  13. O

    new monster idea, say hello to a rocktike!

    Rocktike, small outsider (earth) Hit dice: 2D8+8 (13hp) Init: speed: 10 ft roll -- ft (no stopping until contact with an object)AC: 23 (-4 dex +27 natural) Attacks: Headbutt -1 meele leg stomp -3 meele damage: Headbutt 1d3+5 leg stomp 1d4+5 face/reach: 2 1/2 by 2 1/2 ft./ 5 ft special...
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    Some monster ideas

    Rocktike, small outsider (earth) Hit dice: 2D8+8 (13hp) Init: speed: 10 ft roll -- ft (no stopping until contact with an object)AC: 23 (-4 dex +27 natural) Attacks: Headbutt -1 meele leg stomp -3 meele...