• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. LostSoul

    D&D 3E/3.5 Reaction Rolls for 3E

    Here is a reaction table for 3E, based on B/X: Reaction Rolls (CHA check): DC 6 Check Result Modified Roll Failed by 1-4 Unfriendly 1 or less Failed by 5+ Hostile 2-5 Success Indifferent 6-15 Succeeded by 10-14 Friendly 16-19 Succeeded by 15+ Helpful 20+ This will allow you to set a...
  2. LostSoul

    D&D 3E/3.5 Converting 3.5 PC to AD&D

    I suggested this to my DM recently - I find that my 20th level 3.5E PC takes too much to play, and that we should just switch the campaign to AD&D. I still want to play that PC, but 3.5 takes too long in play and in prep at that level. Based on what we want to put into it to get what we want...
  3. LostSoul

    What Type does a Simulacrum have?

    Short story - I made a Simulacrum of my elven PC in a far-reaching plan that, well, overreached. An NPC cast Charm Monster on "El Cim" and, even though we knew it would work, that brought up the question. I assume it's the same as the base creature but I'm not sure.
  4. LostSoul

    Glamered armour question

    One of the players in my game has a question about the Glamered armour property. Glamered: A suit of armor with this ability appears normal. Upon command, the armor changes shape and form to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing. The armor retains all its properties (including...
  5. LostSoul

    Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

    The couple I play with wanted me to run this and I agreed. Here is a log of the game. 1. Wherein I do a lot of work I didn't really like the computer-game aspect of the module - where going to a certain location would trigger another "act". This seemed to cut out a lot of opportunity for the...
  6. LostSoul

    How long, in-game, does it take to gain a level? (RttToEE)

    I am gearing up to run the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. I want to create a timeline for the Temple's activities so that the PCs can disrupt their goals or fail. I'm not sure how long their goals should take to accomplish. I want the choices the players make - press on, head back to...
  7. LostSoul

    I am playing D&D right now...

    ...and it's awesome. Solo player game. I'm taking a break right now because the player became terrified at the giant centipedes that were crawling over the 10'x10' room the PCs holed up in. She's taken too much time searching the dungeon and wandering monsters have descended upon the PCs. It...
  8. LostSoul

    So I played tonight...

    And here are some of my observations. I'm not really going to go into what happened; the PCs went into the first cave and triggered an orc swarm (by setting their banquet room on fire and plugging the chimney.) Coming to this from my heavily-modified 4E game was very strange. In my game...
  9. LostSoul

    Experience Points

    Does anyone know where they tell you how to award XP? I can't seem to find it.
  10. LostSoul

    Moving in formation

    Is it possible, with stop-motion initiative, to move in formation - a shield wall, for instance?
  11. LostSoul

    How does Geas work?

    (pronounced "Gesh", apparently) A few months back my PC was dealing with an adult red dragon. He was a little too tough for me to take on by my own, and the other PC in the party - a Githyanki - wanted to make friends with him. I thought - as a Chaotic Evil character - that making friends...
  12. LostSoul

    Quick NPC Generation

    I've been playing a bunch of 3.5 lately. One thing I notice is that it takes the DM a long time to generate a random encounter. She flips through books and looks for stat blocks over here and over there; it can take a while. I think it should be possible to generate an NPC on the fly, as long...
  13. LostSoul

    Quick question on DR

    So last night my guy was running around with DR 3/Cold Iron. Some stirges thought I might make a good meal. One of them hit me and drained some Con. Neither I nor the DM knew how to square this with my DR, so I leave this to you guys to answer.
  14. LostSoul

    Played my first Druid ever last night!

    I played my first Druid ever last night. I joined an on-going Red Hand of Doom game - somewhere near the end; I played a few years ago but didn't get that far in it, so that was cool. My PC was pretty much a core-only human Druid. Having too many options gets under my skin because I tend to...
  15. LostSoul

    Creating Magic Items

    Here is a "Skill Challenge" I plan to use to create magic items instead of the ritual. * CREATING MAGIC ITEMS AND HOLY RELICS Characters who have gained some skill in manipulating magical energy can harness this energy, binding it into items of great power. This process requires skill...
  16. LostSoul

    Training Costs to Level Up

    Here is the first draft of the rules to level up. Note that it's only for Heroic Tier, and that there will be other things that you can do each week if you don't have enough XP to make you eligible for a new level. I'm not sure the GP values balance out between classes. --- CYCLES OF PLAY...
  17. LostSoul

    Training Costs to Level Up

    What do you spend GP on when you train to level up? I'm thinking of adding training costs in my 4E Hack. Simply put, when a PC wants to level up, he'll have to spend an amount of GP based on his level over a week's worth of time. The reason I want to do this is because I want to add in a...
  18. LostSoul

    Settlement Rules

    I've been working on Settlement Rules for my 4E Hack lately. I'm going to post them here, because they seem to work; I tried them out for some NPC Settlements and got some interesting behaviour. I should note that I've decided not to use these rules in my hack. They are too complicated and...
  19. LostSoul

    Magic Item creation system

    Here's a magic item creation system that I cooked up. It relies on random tables and then an injection of DM creativity. The items created will not be balanced; that's not a goal of this system. The goals are to give the DM inspiration for making an interesting item with unique powers and to...
  20. LostSoul

    Evasion and Pursuit - Formal Skill Challenge

    Here is the first draft of my formal procedure for dealing with evasion and pursuit. I'm pretty sure I'm missing some things I wanted to add in, it's confusing, and references other elements of my hack. Any feedback would be appreciated. The basic idea is that this procedure is used when...