• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. K

    Psionic Classes for 5e D&D

    It'll probably be a while until we get actual psionic classes, so here's a spell list (and some class tweaks using it) to let you play a psionic character in 5e. Magics of the Mind: Psionic Classes for 5e D&D
  2. K

    My Birthright 5e Conversion

    Hi everyone, I got working on a conversion of the Birthright setting for my own use and I thought I'd share it with you all. It is focused on the adventuring-level playstyle rather than domain management, and it uses feats for bloodline powers. Birthright 5e D&D Conversion Document
  3. K

    Variant Races that get feats

    What do you think of this idea? You can play a non-human and start with a feat, but you give up some of your racial abilities, including at least one ability score point and several miscellaneous ability. Your feat has to come from a pre-determined list of thematically appropriate feats for your...
  4. K

    5e Conversion Notes for U1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

    Woops, double post.
  5. K

    5e Conversion Notes for U1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

    I have just uploaded 5e Conversion Notes for U1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh to the downloads area. These are notes based on the monsters available as of 6 September 2014 -- those available in the DM Basic Rules, the Hoard of the Dragon Queen supplement, and the Player's Handbook. This may...
  6. K

    The Queen's Cavaliers

    The Queen's Cavaliers The Queen's Cavaliers is a tabletop roleplaying game set in an alternate fantasy France, circa the early-to-mid 1600s. Inspired by the Three Musketeers and other swashbuckling stories, TQC's combat system is flexible and designed to be entertaining, with more options...
  7. K

    Public Playtest to begin May 24

    So says Mike Mearls in his post that also announces Monte leaving:
  8. K

    Multiclassing: What I'm hoping for

    In AD&D, when you were multiclass, you declared it at the beginning of your career, at the same time that single classed characters chose their single class. I'd like to see that be the default in D&D Next, and I'd also like to see a limit of 2 on the number of classes you can have. So when...
  9. K

    Player Characters As Lie Detectors

    I really hope the Sense Motive (3e) / Insight (4e) skill doesn't make it into 5e. I think it clobbers the heck out of roleplaying and common sense when PCs can just ask "is he telling the truth?" and roll a d20 and find out the answer. (Yes, even if the DM makes the roll instead of the PC, it's...
  10. K

    Spoilers: Some guy in Friends & Family playtest apparently violates his NDA

    Here are some purported actual mechanical details about 5e, posted over at Giant in the Playground forums. I wonder if this is legit info. Admin edit: it's been proven that this information is fake. See post 104 in this thread for more information. -- Piratecat
  11. K

    D&D 5E Poll: The D&D Next Polls

    WotC is sure doing a lot of polls as part of their D&D Next process. Sure, some are vague, some are confusing, some are poorly worded. Some are even controversial! (Gender-based ability scores, anyone?) But they're still polls, right? And who doesn't love a ticky-box? So here's your chance to...
  12. K

    D&D 4E Dropping 4e class writeups into 5e

    It occurs to me that most 4e powers and class abilities are written in a way that they could be used fairly math-agnostically. E.g., nothing in the writeup of an Encounter or Daily power defines what the attack roll should be, just something like: Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 +...
  13. K

    The Paladin and the Stirges

    Note: updated below In the DDXP NDA-limited play reports, there was one scenario that stood out for attention: Turns out that was all just something one DM thought would be a great idea and not at all part of the 5e system they were playtesting: This makes a lot of the "system reports" we're...
  14. K

    15 Second House Rule: Charging Lances

    Quickie rule: When you make a mounted charge using a lance, you use your mount's Strength bonus instead of your own on the attack. Discuss.