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Search results

  1. StreamOfTheSky

    WotBS Transport Via Plants spell and the burning sky effect?

    One of my players asked: I really don't know the answer to this. Is the burning sky effect and collateral damage addressed anywhere? As a druid, she's concerned not only with potentially being killed by doing massive amounts of fire damage to the trees the party occupy, but also destroying...
  2. StreamOfTheSky

    Maptools Thursday night 3.5E game

    I am running a D&D 3.5 War of the Burning Sky campaign on Thursday nights 9:30 - 12:30 EST, and am looking for an additional player. We use Maptools version 89. You would start at level 4, the current party is a Druid (no wild shape, going into Holt Warden), a Shaper Psion, and a...
  3. StreamOfTheSky

    SotS's War of the Burning Sky campaign

    We play using maptools version 89. Note that the normal .exe file does not work, you need to open the JAR executable file. I have no idea why. The server is named "SotS WotBS" (without quotes) and the player password is "pw"(without quotes). Current Party: Tansley (Druid / Holt Warden) and...
  4. StreamOfTheSky

    Can't load website in IE

    IE 8 for me, specifically. The top banner w/ ENWorld logo loads, the grey background loads. Nothing else loads. I had to log in on Firefox to post this. Since the site works fine in one browser but not the other on the same computer, I assume it is an issue w/ IE, and not my computer...
  5. StreamOfTheSky

    The Capoeirista (A Battle Dancer class fix)

    I really like the intent of the Battle Dancer class in Dragon Compendium, and its clear influence from Capoeira and its history (right down to getting Open Lock as a class skill!). It's just... actually possibly weaker than the monk, which is quite an accomplishment. So, in an attempt to take...
  6. StreamOfTheSky

    Master of Many Forms as a Ranger archetype

    Basically, I love the PrC, and I always liked the wild shape ranger entry as 3E's closest "pure shapeshifting focused" build. So, I thought of making it into a ranger archetype, one that gives up spells and companion to focus on literally becoming one with nature. Now, I realize giving actual...
  7. StreamOfTheSky

    Trouble editing posts

    For at least the past week, I have been unable to edit posts by using the Edit button. When I click to save, it just does the loading circular motion without end. I've been able to circumvent the problem by clicking "go advanced" and saving from there, but I keep trying to just hit save from...
  8. StreamOfTheSky

    Simple, (hopefully) balanced Vow of Poverty Houserules!

    No, not the feat. And no, dear god no, not the awful Pathfinder version for monks. I'm talking about something that doesn't suck and makes playing a character that doesn't come decked out in magic items possible. Vow of Poverty: You swear to forsake the use of all magic items, seeing them as...
  9. StreamOfTheSky

    Ideas and musings on my ideal magic rules system

    So, I've been thinking a lot about how I'd like spellcasting to be handled in a future version of D&D, and have gathered the basis for how I'd like to see it work. Most ideas are cribbed or modified from Arcana Evolved (AE) or a videogame called Baten Kaitos Origins (namely, the shared mana...
  10. StreamOfTheSky

    Rogue: Pure skill personified

    Alright! After the mixed responses from my Monk houserules, time to address the OTHER weakest class in PF, the Rogue! I aim to help rogue be able to contribute in combat better, make him less MAD, merge the Ninja and Rogue into one class, and most importantly... re-establish rogue as the...
  11. StreamOfTheSky

    Using Vital Strike with spells and other craziness

    So, I have long had the position that Vital Strike doesn't work for its intended audiences and is only truly good for the kinds of things I don't think it was intended to be. File this little exploration of RAW into that cabinet. The text of Vital Strike: Benefit: When you use the attack...
  12. StreamOfTheSky

    Condensing Combat Maneuvers

    Quite simply...there's too man combat maneuvers, IMO. PF already punished maneuver users by making CMD crazy hard to beat and splitting the benefits of the "Improved" feats into two feats for the most part. And so many of the new maneuvers seem WAAAY too niche. So, why not combine them with...
  13. StreamOfTheSky

    Vital Strike changes

    I mentioned this long ago in some thread, thought maybe I could get some opinions on this houserule. Current Vital Strike: Vital Strike (Combat) You make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal. Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6. Benefit: When you use the attack...
  14. StreamOfTheSky

    A radical concept?

    I just had a "crazy" idea. What if a Rogue, instead of skill points, simply got +1 rank in every single skill in the game with each Rogue level? Class skills would remain the same, so he wouldn't get the +3 bonus on everything wthout feats/traits/multiclassing. And the "Rogue ranks," while...
  15. StreamOfTheSky

    Witch Handbook

    Witch Handbook "I put a spell on you! And now, you're mine!" This guide will cover the new Witch class in Pathfinder (PF) in detail, from class features, to feat choices, to the spell list. The guide will be limited to only Pathfinder sources, namely: Core Rulebook (CR) Advanced Players...
  16. StreamOfTheSky

    Teleportation overcomes tripping?

    Just wanted to ask a simple question because it came up the other night and I honestly didn't know for sure if this works or not, and the DM, upon me asking, didn't seem sure either. My character had just tripped a devil. Rather than stand and provoke, it chose to teleport about 20 ft away...
  17. StreamOfTheSky

    Veterans Vocational Institute

    Has anyone every heard of or used this program before? I went to some orientation the other day and signed up for it, but it bothers me now that I can't find any information about it online at all, other than from its own website. It's possible I'm just being overly paranoid, as I tend to be...
  18. StreamOfTheSky

    Races and design goals

    Alternative title: Why does paizo hate melee so much? So, simple question. Why is it, after two bestiaries, the only race printed so far other than Orc (which retained its net -2 to ability scores and light sensitivity from 3E, making unplayable in PF) that gets a strength bonus is Oread...
  19. StreamOfTheSky

    All about the Horizon Walker (Optimization)

    The Horizon Walker prestige class has always interested me, but especially the PF version. Ideally, this will get formatted into a guide or handbook of sorts, but for now is going to just be my disjointed observations and ideas organized as best I can. First off, how should you enter Horizon...
  20. StreamOfTheSky

    Fixing the Monk Class

    I have a rough final draft of all the changes I feel are needed to make a monk competent in combat and would like opinions and reviews (or questions if anything is unclear) from anyone willing to read. :) - Qinggong Monk replaces Monk as the class (since there's really no reason for a Monk not...