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Search results

  1. D

    D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie should follow the Deadpool model

    So, Deadpool provided the perfect template for a D&D movie. There should be a deadly serious underlying plot, ideally involving a PC party oriented heist with dungeon crawling elements, but the film should be an over the top action comedy, with hyper-violence played both straight in terms of...
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    13th Age is AMAZING and the Kickstarter needs your love!

    I'm reposting what I wrote on rpg.net, because I want to spread the word of the awesome-ness that is 13th Age. :) I'm seriously gushing about this game, because for the first time in a long time, just reading the rulebook from my pre-release copy of the Escalation Edition actually made me feel...
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    My Initial Playtest Report

    So lets hear how your game went! My Thursday group just ended the game on a TPK. We entered the goblin cave and fought the goblins, killing most of them. One of them fled and we gave chase and it led us into a hobgoblin mess hall. Our DM had half the hobgoblins leave to get reinforcements (but...
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    Monsters with spell lists is not a good sign

    After the joy and ease of running 4e monsters, both me and my current Pathfinder DM both agree that monsters with spell lists is a potential deal breaker. He hates that he can't run a PF game without d20pfsrd.com due to monster stat blocks with feats and spells that have to be looked up in...
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    So the playtest packages coming online tonight at midnight or tomorrow?

    My Thursday game group is chomping at the bit to get started, but we want enough time on Thursday prior to the game to read and asborb the rules before we play. I'm wondering if WotC will continue their tradition of posting new web content at 9 PST / 12 EST, or will post sometime tomorrow...
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    D&D 4E WotC, Please stop the deliberate obfuscation of 4e concepts in 5e!!

    As I have seen now via several playtest leaks and various columns and comments by WotC, they are importing ideas and concepts from 4e, but appear to be deliberating obfuscating the terminology and descriptions. Seriously, its silly and stupid. I can only imagine that the purpose of doing so is...
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    The Legend of Korra

    Nickelodeon posted first two episodes of Korra online! First two episodes of The Legend of Korra are available to watch now online courtesy of Nickelodeon. Legend of Korra: Korra Nation So far the first eps are awesome! The original Avatar: The Last Airbender is my second favorite animated...
  8. D

    D&D 4E Simple 5e Healing that reconciles pre-4e and post-4e HP styles

    Here is my fleshed out 5e healing model. The terminology of course can change. Base System: So all PCs have HP but its divided into two health pools. Half of their HP, round up, goes into the "Vitality" pool. The other half goes into the "Wound" pool. So a 1st level PC with 11 HP would have 6...
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    D&D 5E My theory on 5e's core mechanic

    This will be a long and rambling post, so I apologize. Based on a number of allusions made to it in the DDXP seminars and some of the playtest reports, I have a guess as to the core mechanic of 5e. And the more I think about it the more I like it. Here's why: I believe it will be a d20 based...
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    D&D 5E Drop the rotating spotlight model of niche protection for 5e

    I was reading a fascinating discussion on RPG.net about 5e and two points were made that really struck me as being particularly insightful. The first has to do with the deconstruction of the entire concept of niche protection in terms of the two core game elements that all RPGs have to deal...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 1e-3e vs. 4e: The inverted difficulty curve in D&D 5e design

    I was going to post this in my other thread about ascending bonuses in D&D, but I think this is worthy of its own discussion. One thing that occured to me is that in most editions of the game up to and including 3e (though 3e mitigated some of it) is that the difficulty/lethality curve in D&D...
  12. D

    D&D 5E No ascending bonuses: A mathematical framework for 5e

    I'd like to propose a mathematical framework for 5e that I think would allow one to play a game that feels both like 1e/2e and 3e/4e at the same time and that I think could address some of the verisimilitude issues. We'll start with the framework that 4e uses, since objectively speaking that...
  13. D

    Help me plan a one shot! Thursday night PDXgamers stay out!

    So, I'm DMing an adventure tomorrow night as a one shot while our regular game is on hold. I will have 4 players. It may be level 1, but it may be higher. They are talking about wanting to play higher level PCs. Anyway, trying to come up with ideas. I'd ideally like 3 standard encounters, or...
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    From 3.5 to 4e to PF, back to 4e and beyond

    Greetings all, I played 1e/2e for years until 3e came out. I played 3e, then 3.5, and then upgraded to 4e when it came out. Every edition has had a lot of fun moments for me and I enjoy different aspects of each one. Going from 3.5 to 4e was a very refreshing change. In the beginning I enjoyed...
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    Refresh mechanic for Encounter powers

    So I want to implement a simple refresh mechanic for encounter powers: -- You can expend one standard action on your turn to recharge one expended encounter power. After expending the Standard action, the recharged power is immediately available for use. Encounter powers with a built in...
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    New Monte Cook article Magic and Mystery

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Magic and Mystery) I agree with him in some respects. I don't think magic item acquisition should be an expected part of character advancement and built into the math of the game. But I don't want a 5e that simply retreads what...
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    Pathfinder and 4e's love child, what I want in 5e

    So with the news that Monte Cook is coming back to WotC R&D, I've been thinking about what I'd like to see in 5e. I have played both Pathfinder and 4e extensively and there are elements of both games that I'd like to see in a Fifth Edition. Starting off, here is what I LOVE from each game: 4e...
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    Any ToB inspiration in Ultimate Combat?

    I'm mostly a 4e guy, but I admire what Paizo is doing with Pathfinder. I read the Ultimate Combat blurb and was wondering if any of the combat options in there will be inspired by Tome of Battle. I know some people disliked it. But it was my favorite 3.5 book of all time. I loved everything...
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    Fell Scorn pact boon missing from the Dark Sun book?

    So I have the Dark Sun book but it doesn't detail the Fell Scorn pact boon for Sorcerer-King pact warlocks. It just talks about how you spend it or regain it but it doesn't say what it does when you use it. Certain warlock powers in the book give additional benefits if you have the Fell Scorn...
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    D&D 4E Possible houserule for mini-less 4e combat

    When you run narrative combat in 4e, run it just like you would running an old school 1e/2e narrative combat. Describe what you are doing, use your actions appropriately and the DM adjudicates where the PCs are in relation to the monsters. There are no squares and playing old school narrative...