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Search results

  1. Doc_Klueless

    [VTT] What size screen do you use?

    I was shopping for a laptop and got one. It's not for gaming or anything. Mostly for productivity and work. (16 inch screen). But I got to thinking: how would it work for playing in VTTs (Fantasy Grounds and Foundry, specifically)? I'd run games using my desktop. But for sitting in my recliner...
  2. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion is LIVE

    If you're interested, the crowdfunding for the Fantasy Companion is up and going. Already funded. https://peginc.com/gamechanger-for-the-new-fantasy-companion-for-savage-worlds-is-live/
  3. Doc_Klueless

    Size matters...

    A friend asked me about what I really like about Savage Worlds and I gave lots of gamecentric answers (Bennies, classless, etc.) but I finished it all up with "and the books are smaller." He went, "Oh, it's a slim book?" And I had to explain that it's smaller in dimension than, say, a D&D book...
  4. Doc_Klueless

    Is GenCon still worth it?

    Morrus' announcement of Pronouns on GenCon Badges (Do NOT comment about that here. That is NOT what this thread is about!!) got me wondering if GenCon is still worth the trip with all the COVID stuff going on. I'd like to go before I die which, hopefully is 30 years off, but I also don't want to...
  5. Doc_Klueless

    [SWADE] Super Powers Companion Crowdfunding

    Look! More Savage Worlds Adventurer Edition (SWADE) goodness! Super Powers Companion Crowdfunding!! Looks like they've hit all their stretch goals. Very curious how this is gonna work out for them vs. Kickstarter.
  6. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Pathfinder Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, played it?

    It's out in the wild (at least in PDF form). Have you played it? What did you think? Very curious.
  7. Doc_Klueless

    D&D General Do players REALLY care about the game world?

    Over the decades of playing and running games and creating what I think of as fascinating worlds, I was informed in a non-insulting "yeah, cool. Nifty. Uh, when can we kick ass?" sort of way that my players don't really care about the world except in the context of having a place to adventure...
  8. Doc_Klueless

    AGE system house rules. Let's share! (Fantasy AGE, Modern AGE, Dragon AGE, Expanse)

    I enjoy the occasional game from the AGE system family of games. But, as with all RPGs, it ain't perfect. So I thought we could share our house rules for the games and why we made them. Maybe spark others with ideas of their own. House rule: I use the Escalation die inspired by 13th Age. But...
  9. Doc_Klueless

    D&D 5E Dungeon in a Box, feelings?

    I've been eyeballing Dungeon in a Box and was wonder how people who have taken the plunge feel about them.
  10. Doc_Klueless

    Paizo [Golarion] [Pathfinder-adjacent] World Prepping for Rise of the Runelords - Savage Worlds

    As has been mentioned previously, Pinnacle will be putting out a Savage Worlds conversion of Rise of the Runelords. I have a gap in my reading schedule and thought I'd prep Golarion in my brain beforehand. But I find I'm confused on where in the Timeline RotRL falls and what campaign book I...
  11. Doc_Klueless

    Savage Worlds advertised on Hulu? Yes.

    RPG advertising through more-ish mainstream media? Yes, yes it is. PEG just ran an advert for Savage Worlds on Hulu. Holy Moly, how the world has changed on me.
  12. Doc_Klueless

    Critical Role [+] What does Wildemount do that Forgotten Realms doesn't?

    So, I'm a completionist who spends way more money on RPGs than he should. As such, I purchased Wildemount on DND Beyond. However, I've already got SCAG. I already run adventures in it because I've gotten lazier as I've aged and I no longer want to spend the time and effort creating a homebrew...
  13. Doc_Klueless

    Conan 2d20 up on Fantasy Grounds!

    After a long wait, it's finally happened. For those of you who are interested, the Modiphius' Conan 2d20 is now able to be purchased for Fantasy Grounds. I'm super-excited! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=MUH052117FGM
  14. Doc_Klueless

    VTT have affected my purchasing habits. You?

    Some background: I'm a rules reader. I admit it. I don't do a lot of playing or running of games anymore. Mostly this has to do with work and helping care for my elderly parents. It also has to do with finding a group to play with on my funky healthcare-provider schedule. So I gravitated from...
  15. Doc_Klueless

    D&D General Stepping back

    Unforeseen family issues/emergencies (my parents are getting on in years and recent events (falls, car accident, etc.) have highlighted to my brothers and me that we need to be more available and more hands-on with their care, etc. As such, I will be stepping away from all public forums...
  16. Doc_Klueless

    Critical Role Wildemont <--> Tal'dorei: Relationship?

    How are the two settings related? Same world; different part? Different world? It's been a while since I listened to CR (picking it back up this week), but I seem to recall Same World; Different Continent because the gods are the same.
  17. Doc_Klueless

    Game Cafe in San Antonio?

    I know of game stores, of course (Dragon's Lair, Alien Worlds, Court of Gamers, Knight Watch, etc.). But I keep hearing about Game Cafes which are, supposedly, places where you can game AND order food or drink. Are there any around San Antonio, Tx? A google search brings up sports bars and...
  18. Doc_Klueless

    Genres/Settings I enjoy watching but not playing in. You?

    What I found after playing an excellent game of FFG Star Wars with Jacob Lewis is that I really, really like Star Wars... to watch. I thought the FFG system was brilliant, but I find that I don't particularly enjoy playing Star Wars. I love... eh-hem... LOVE watching things Star Wars, reading...
  19. Doc_Klueless

    They pull me back in! (SW is the Godfather of my RPG)

    I think we've all been there. Or at least I try to delude myself into thinking so. I like to play other RPGs. I've tried recently FFG Star Wars, Modiphius STA, and played D&D5e online fairly consistently. But... Everytime I start daydreaming about RPGs or look at a program and think: "Hey...
  20. Doc_Klueless

    D&D General Greyhawk Podcasts?

    Anyone know of a good podcast that has Greyhawk as its background / campaign setting?