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Search results

  1. Pielorinho

    Maze at first level

    I was playing around with goofball uses for Silent Image. The classic usage is as a wall, to separate the enemies. And that's great. But it occurred to me, why limit yourself to one wall? Anything that fits in a 15' cube is allowed. And you know what fits in a 15' cube? A 15' square with a 10'...
  2. Pielorinho

    Spells as intoxicants

    I'm playing an adventure in which the PCs own a tavern (if you know the adventure, you know the adventure, but no spoilers necessary). Our characters are a bunch of theater nerds who work as an acting troupe: we adventure and kill bad guys, and then write plays about our exploits and perform...
  3. Pielorinho

    Illusionist's "Improved Minor Illusion" ideas

    I've seen variants of this topic done before, but I wanted to zero in on a specific question: what effects are you likely to achieve through creative use of Improved Minor Illusion (minor illusion with both sights and sounds, gained through the illusionist subclass of wizards), and what...
  4. Pielorinho

    Pathfinder 1E Travel domain 8th level power

    My eighth level cleric (priest really but who's counting?) gained a new nifty power, as follows: I'm curious as to how it interacts with: The most important clause seems to be: "you can't take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance." My question is, does teleporting count...
  5. Pielorinho

    Pathfinder 1E Trickery Domain power--How much does Veil-like power do?

    My trickery-cleric (priest really, but who's counting) just hit eighth level, gaining access to this little beauty: Here's the text of veil: So, a couple of questions: 1) Starting the Master's Illusion is obviously gonna be a standard action. Given the fact that the rounds don't need to be...
  6. Pielorinho

    Dazzling Channel: a variant feat

    Dazzling Channel Your skill with channeling energy can frighten enemies. Prerequisite: Improved Channel, Intimidate 5 ranks Benefit: While brandishing your holy symbol, you can call upon your deity as a full-round action. Make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30...
  7. Pielorinho

    Geeky math question re: Shadow Evocation and saves

    This topic applies to 3.x and Pathfinder, so I figured I'd stick it here. I'm playing a 9th-level illusionist who's considering tracking down Shadow Evocation. Certainly the spell is worthwhile for its flexibility (blast, wall of ice, or resilient sphere, to name a few different uses), but it...
  8. Pielorinho

    Question about warlord's Commanding Presence ability

    Adamant Entertainment has released a Warlord class for Pathfinder. Its Commanding Presence ability reads: If I'm reading this correctly, the warlord doesn't benefit from this ability himself. Is this correct? Also, the warlord gains a bonus feat at 2nd, 4th, etc. levels. "The warlord must...
  9. Pielorinho

    Master of Illusions Prestige Class

    I've been playing with some ideas to make illusions more powerful, and I thought it'd make sense to put them in a prestige class. Here are my brief thoughts on the subject: Skills: require some ranks in bluff and craft (painting). 7 ranks in each? Feats: Greater Spell Focus (illusion) and...
  10. Pielorinho

    Spell completion and spell trigger and save questions

    Hi, folks! I have a couple of questions about wands and saves and spellcraft: 1) I cast a minor image of a wall. An enemy makes his spellcraft check and walks right through it. I use my wand to create a minor image. Does the enemy get a spellcraft check? (I don't think so, since it's a...
  11. Pielorinho

    Pathfinder 1E Some illusion spells for Pathfinder

    I'm playing a pathfinder illusionist, and I'd love to create some nifty new spells. I'll throw out drafts here for discussion/criticism/blatant mockery. Here's the first one, inspired by a great sequence in one of the Dresden Files novels: Notes: 1) Obviously it's modeled off Mirror...
  12. Pielorinho

    Question about Warlord class in Tome of Secrets

    I'm writing up a level 2 warlord for a one-shot game. In the pathfinder SRD, the table grants the "hold the line" ability at second level, but in the description, "hold the line" is granted at level 3. I've checked the errata for the Tome of Secrets, and I'm not seeing anything on it. Does...
  13. Pielorinho

    Mages of the Caribbean--story ideas

    hi, folks! I started a thread a few days ago about some rules questions with an upcoming game, and the answers were fantastic, so I thought I'd throw some of the story out there to get some ideas. The kinds of things I'd love to get would be: -Interesting characters (villains especially, but...
  14. Pielorinho

    Fixes for Mage: Sorcerer's Crusade magic?

    Hi, folks! Long time no see. All right, enough with the pleasantries. I'm getting ready to start a new campaign, using the Mage:Sorcerer's Crusade rules but set in 1670s Caribbean. With pirates. Natch. Someone elsewhere strongly criticized my choice of rules systems, and mocked me for...
  15. Pielorinho

    Can you retrain class features? Would doing so be unbalancing?

    As I read it, you can retrain one of three things: a power, a feat, or a skill. Nothing else is retrainable. However, it seems likely to me that players would want to retrain class features sometimes. A brutal scoundrel rogue might decide to try out the finesse route, going artful dodger...
  16. Pielorinho

    Is Brute Strike extra-sad?

    A couple of sessions ago, the fighter noticed that his daily, Brute Strike, was identical to the paladin's daily, Paladin's Judgment. Both are melee weapon attacks with one creature target, str v ACC, doing 3w+str modifier damage. Identical. Except that the paladin's daily ALSo lets an ally...
  17. Pielorinho

    Insubstantial's effects

    My players stay away, please. From p 277: I can see the point of this phrasing for PCs, and for creatures that may spend part of their time insubstantial For creatures that are always insubstantial, however, is there any reason for me as a DM not to just double their hit points? The...
  18. Pielorinho

    Level 4 wondrous item conversion

    My players stay out! x x x x x I'm running a homebrew adventure, and the level 2 players are about to come across one of my favorite all-time magic items: a decanter of endless water. It should be a level 4 wondrous item, and I'm thinking of giving it the following writeup: What do y'all...
  19. Pielorinho

    DMs: how do you decide how critters respond to conditions?

    My guess is most DMs have some rules of thumb they use for deciding how monsters respond to the following kinds of conditions: 1) Being marked by a fighter; 2) Being marked by a paladin; 3) Being the target of a riposte strike; 4) Being the target of dire radiance. Each of these conditions...
  20. Pielorinho

    Tools for adventure design?

    I've pretty much stayed out of news about 4e until recently, so this may be an age-old question; my apologies if it is. Are there any currently available and legal tools for helping to design 4e adventures? My ideal would be a source from which I could cut and paste monster stats: I like...