• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Crothian

    Monster of the Week

    This was the only RPG I picked up at Origins this year. It's a game designed to simulate shows like X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Supernatural. It reminds me like an easier to understand version of Hunter (Reckoning of Vigilance). The characters are done as playsets which is a neat idea...
  2. Crothian

    Paranoia S.P.A.C.E. Friday 2-6pm

    Greeting Citizens of alpha Complex! Your highly skilled and organized Team as been selected for an elite task by Friend Computer. This task involves the analyzing and participating in unique training exercises. This is all perfectly safe. Once the training is complete your team will then be...
  3. Crothian

    Pathfinder 1E Mummy Mask AP: Thoughts?

    Anyone go through it? I picked up the first book and I like the idea as I've been reading through it. I heard a number of people excited about the idea when this was announced but have heard little about it since it was published.
  4. Crothian

    Module with a good map

    As my group is finishing up Ravenloft I need to get some ideas for what they want to do next. One thing one of my players has been wanting to do is map out a dungeon or similar place in the old school way. So, what modules have the best maps? I'm not looking for something with too many levels or...
  5. Crothian

    Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

    In the late days of 3e Wizards put out four of these expedition modules and this one always seemed to be held as the best of the bunch. With less then two months till Halloween I'm going to start and run it as a mini arc in my campaign. The players will not be aware at first that we are going...
  6. Crothian

    Kill Bargle!

    Anyone else use the evil wizard Bargle in your campaigns? I wanted to give some fun references to some old school NPCs so I introduced Aleena and Morgan Ironwolf to the group and then had Bargle chasing after them. I did have him destroy Black Eagle Barony though in a different way. The PCs are...
  7. Crothian

    X-Wing Minis

    It's been out for about two years now and still going strong. I would like a few more people to play against as I don't get to play enough. I don't do tournaments so I'm not as concerned with the meta game that gets a lot of talk on line. I need to try out more squads to fine a favorite.
  8. Crothian

    D&D 5E How do the classes change a small town on a day to day basis

    Under the assumption that characters with classes are rare how would each class alter the day to day life of a normal small D&D town. Are there some cantrips that a Wizard or Cleric could get that would change how a small town operates like create water does in Pathfinder? Are there class...
  9. Crothian

    Pathfinder 1E Talking about a new campaign (my group stay out)

    Last summer I ran what turned out to be a dreadful modern day conspiracy mini d6 game. I think I can safely say it was the worst campaign I'd ever run and that's saying something. I took time off while another player ran Edge of the Empire. His work got insanely busy so he brought that to a...
  10. Crothian

    Origins 2014

    Origins is a few weeks away. Anyone else going? I am running my annual Paranoia themed game Wednesday and Saturday. I take the theme of Origins, this year it is Monsters, and craft a Paranoia adventure based on that. Last year I had two over filled tables for my Superheroes inspired adventure...
  11. Crothian

    Quoted in hidden

    I'm just trying to figure out what this means and where the post might be. "10:08 PM - <person> quoted Crothian in post Hidden"
  12. Crothian

    Kick Ass 2 Spoilers

    I enjoyed the first Kick Ass movie and since I had the day off I went to see the second one. It did a good job of building off the first one. I like that the evil kid tried to go super villain and failed in so many ways but was still able to buy himself what he needed. Hit Girl I think had...
  13. Crothian

    Pathfinder 1E Carrion Crown (Spoilers)

    Yesterday with a new gaming group we went through the first book of the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. It was a difficult adventure but a lot of fun. I really liked the creepiness build up and the small events that happened around the town. The different haunts in the prison was also well...
  14. Crothian


    Over the past many years I've been running Paranoia one shots at Gamedays and Gen Con. In the late 90's I used to run it at Marcon (local convention here in Columbus) but got burnt out running it as an official event at a Con. Everything since then has been off book with a select clientele of...
  15. Crothian

    Origins Game Fair

    Anyone else coming to Origins this year? I'm a local so I go every year as it is a short drive for me. Anyone interested in doing some gaming? If we can figure a time and enough people we can either do some one shot RPG or a board game.
  16. Crothian

    Tales of Enchantment (Spoilers)

    A couple of months ago I was in a used book store and found this module for three dollars. I'd never seen it before and I picked it up and am very pleased with it. It is a fey invested woods mystery. It is presented as a sand box and has many encounters that have nothing to do with the plot...
  17. Crothian

    Can't post

    When I post I keep getting this message Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired.
  18. Crothian


    Tonight my group is starting a new campaign using the Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG. I created 32 characters for the Character Funnel and with luck we'll kill off most of them. I'm starting with using the XRP module Obsidian Sands of Syncrates. The modules is for higher levels and a different...
  19. Crothian

    Jack Reacher Spoilers

    I went out and saw the Jack Reacher movie today. It is based on the book One Shot and I'm a fan of the series and have read all the books. It will be interesting to see if this film suffers from the tragedy last week even though the events are very different. The movie was what I was...
  20. Crothian

    Arrow TV Show

    Last night was the debut of Arrow, the new Super Hero TV show about the Green Arrow. He was never my favorite character and actually until some of the versions we've gotten on cartoons like the Brave and the Bold I really felt he was a waste of a character. The pilot turned out to be pretty...