• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. The Human Target

    How can I report someone who doesn't post?

    This guy just trolls people with opinions he doesn't like with "laugh with this post", but never actually contributes with posts. *snip link* -Darkness It's pretty annoying.
  2. The Human Target

    In what edition and book did the elves'...

    lack of a need for sleep originate? Did it coinicde with their resistance to sleep effects? And was in inspired by something in fiction?
  3. The Human Target

    Character Builder Glitch

    So after the last update me and a player's CB both have the same odd glitch. Unless of course CB is fine and we're idiots. When we equip his dwarf fighter with his new found +2 Scale Armor of Dwarven Vigor the CB adds up his bonuses both wrong and in a weird way. His AC should be 23= 10 + 1/2...
  4. The Human Target

    Essentials Druid Excerpt Up- Primal Leader

    Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Essentials: Druid) Thoughts to follow.
  5. The Human Target

    Magic Item Question

    The new magic item rarity article at WotC brought something to mind. Emphasis mine. Does anyone actually want an item that you forget about until you replace it with something cooler? What exactly is the point of that? Do you think its ever going to be possible for an edition of DnD to get...
  6. The Human Target

    Effects without damage?

    So I have a player in my game who is interested in playing a straight up Pacifist Healer cleric. I think it will be very interesting to see played, both in combat and in social situations. My question is this dear readers. Would it be unbalanced to let him use powers that deal damage to...
  7. The Human Target

    Homebrew Firearms

    I was hoping you kings of balance and rules making could check out these fast and easy firearms I made up for my next campaign and tell me if they're balanced vs the ranged weapons already in the game. I'm not looking for real world comparisons, just mechanical balance. And I whipped these up...
  8. The Human Target

    Mourning Haunt Monster Question/Comment

    I was looking for a third level big boss monster for the campaign I'm currently running, and came across this critter in the Eberron Campaign Guide. I thought that it was a pretty good fit for what I wanted (a level 3 solo lurker.) Its got plenty of interesting powers, and should be a good...
  9. The Human Target

    Archer Bard 2nd At-Will Ideas?

    I've got a first level Eladrin Bard in my party. And sadly he only has one archery at-will to choose from. He picked up Guiding Strike as his second at-will, but he hasn't used it much at all yet and he's really getting into the ranged role. I've suggested that he pick up one of the range 10...
  10. The Human Target

    Ki Focus for Dummies

    Or more specifically for this dummy. I just started up a new 4E game after a six month gaming hiatus. And one player chose to make a 1st level Assassin. And it hit me last night that I don't get how Ki Focuses work at all. Please enlighten me so I don't look a stooge.
  11. The Human Target

    Wow- I've been messing up retraining...

    since day one. I've been allowing (and thinking it was correct) PCs to retrain lower level powers with higher level powers each time they gain a new higher level one. So that a fifth level character can have two level 5 dailies if they want. And now I'm not sure if I prefer the actual rules...
  12. The Human Target

    4E Gnome Home Help

    So I'm going to be running some 4E on Thursday, and I need some sage EN World wisdom. Last session the PCs took a bounty hunting gig tracking down a human mage whop had killed his lover. They found out where he was hiding, but when they arrived he had been captured by what looked like a mixed...
  13. The Human Target

    Help! I need the wisdom of those who went to D&D XP

    So I know we have a thousand of these threads already, but the inner rules lawyer in me couldn't be silenced. I know I could use the clearing up of several things, since I'm going to try and run a 4E preview game this weekend using the released first level characters and monsters we've...
  14. The Human Target

    Core DnD with a concrete setting

    With all the 4E talk, I figured this was a good time to bring up a pet subject of mine. Would you, or would you not, like the core DnD books to have an outright stated and supported campaign setting? In my mind, its impossible for DnD (or any RPG) to be "vanilla fantasy". I've read a lot of...
  15. The Human Target

    Need some adventure ideas...

    Okay kids, I'm coming to you with my text based hat in hand. Basically, my game day plans for Saturday are now scrapped due to player issues and I have to come up with an entirely new adventure for the remaining players to enjoy. As it stands, I'm considering running 5 to 8 hours of the game...
  16. The Human Target

    Sorcerers with Spell-like abilities?

    Has anyone ever changed the sorcerer's spells into spell-like abilities? How has that worked for you? Does anyone think it is a great/awful idea? Have there been a thousand threads on this that I missed? :uhoh:
  17. The Human Target

    Wwe Rpg?

    Did this ever come out? Did I make it up? Does anyone have any new information? A release date?
  18. The Human Target

    Help with % based skill system

    I'm working on a homebrew game with heavily modified d20 rules. I'm not happy with how skill checks work in standard DnD, they seem really broken at higher levels. I am workin on both a modified d20 skill system and a percentile based one. I never played AD&D so I'm unfamilar with the skill set...
  19. The Human Target

    Gestalt Game Help

    I'm going to run a game with gestalt PCs from Unearthed Arcana. I know there have been threads in the past about this. Could someone help me find them? And any other advice or helpful tips would be appreciated too! Thanks!