• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Azazu

    Son of a lich :)

    I am looking for good ideas and tips on running a lich. I will have one as a BBEG in an upcoming session and am hoping to tap into the mighty ENWORLDS database of a$$ whopping. The lich is a 15th level cleric - with the Evil and Death domains. I was looking at the spell Antimagic field and was...
  2. Azazu

    Starting Gold

    What is the starting gold for a 15th level char??? thanks
  3. Azazu

    Dexterity and the Inability to move

    What dex would a plant creature have that cannot move from its place. But its leaves and tentacles can?? thanks
  4. Azazu

    Quick TWF Question

    3.5 edition did away with the feat 'Ambidexterity'. Now the only feat erquired to fight with two weapons is 'two weapon fighting. Does this mean that you can choose which hand is your primary and can you switch between rounds?? thanks
  5. Azazu

    Scry and Basilisks

    Can you scry someone that has been turned to stone by a basilisk??
  6. Azazu

    Smashing Ioun Stones

    Th eSRD says that Ioun Stones have a AC of 24, 10 Hit points and hardness 5. Does that mean that all one has to do to destroy the Ioun Stone is hit its AC, and damage it enough to destroy it?? Does any other rules come into this?? thanks
  7. Azazu

    Smashing Ioun Stones

    Th eSRD says that Ioun Stones have a AC of 24, 10 Hit points and hardness 5. Does that mean that all one has to do to destroy the Ioun Stone is hit its AC, and damage it enough to destroy it?? Does any other rules come into this?? thanks
  8. Azazu

    Shield bash and Superior 2WF

    An ettin has the special ability of Superior two weapon fighting. Which allows it to fight with two weapons (one in each hand) without any penalties. Even if the weapons are one handed (as opposed to light in the off hand). What if the Ettin were to weild two Large spiked steel shields. And it...
  9. Azazu

    Of Cohorts and Followers

    Does anyone know af any resourses that expand on the rules of cohorts and especially followers??? I am lost in this. The DMG is vague. Is it really just solely up to the DM on how to rule and abjucate on these matters. thanks
  10. Azazu

    Advancing Monsters and CR

    I my experience as a DM I have had trouble with the CR of monsters that I have advanced. This usually occurs with adding a lot of hit dice. I know that the MM says that doing this tends to screw up the CR. But does anyone have any other guidlines to keep the CR in check. What I notice is...
  11. Azazu

    Monsters with class levels and Natural Attacks

    Lets say I have a monster, lets say its a Half Dragon Troll. Lets say the troll has levels in ranger. The troll carries around two medium longswords. Can said troll attack (in a full attack routine) with both swords and a bite attack?? thanks
  12. Azazu

    Invisibility and Detect Magic

    Lets say the party rogue turns invisible. Could an enemy with detect magic active clearly see the rogue. Thats assuming the rogue has magic items on his person. thanks
  13. Azazu

    How mean are you to your clerics???

    I dm a group and just recently realized that I am being tto nice to my cleric. He is a battle hardened cleric. Prone to buff up and charge in. But he also casts spells in battle. He wears full plate, carries a large shield and weild a warhammer. Should be have to sheathe the weapon (or drop it)...
  14. Azazu

    How to craft arrows????

    I have an archer in my game and he wants to be able to make arrows while on the road. How do you handle this. Is it a craft check. Please any ideas will help. thanks :D
  15. Azazu

    Barbarian Feats (Previously - Power Critical!!)

    I'm about to start playing a Dwarven Barbarian. 10th level. The feats i have chosen are Power Attack, Cleave, Track and Iron Will. I am thinking about trading Iron Will in for Improved Crit on my Greataxe and then pick up Power Critical at 12th level. Any thoughts as to this route. Is power...
  16. Azazu


    Thought that would get your attention. Anyway. Gloves of Arrow Snaring, Snatch Arrows feat and the Deflect Arrows Feat. All say that you must have a free hand. Does weilding a two handed weapon mean that you could have a free hand???
  17. Azazu

    Oh the life of a barbarian!!!

    I know this has probably been asked before but what type of bonus are the strength and con mods from a Barbaric Rage?? Also what, if any, are some good prestige classes for barbarians, and finally, what are good feat choices for barbarians. I am looking for some good ideas for a barbarian...
  18. Azazu

    This is a monster of a question :)

    I am about to start in a savage species campaign. Im going to play a Satyr. My Question is lets say my Satyr is standing onfront of a human fighting tooth and nail. The Satyr has a natural attack of 'HeadButt', 1d6+Str' Damage. Lets say my Satyr is wielding a club. Does my Satyr get to make...
  19. Azazu

    Shot on the Run, Manyshot and stuff :)

    Ok a few questions. Say an archer has Shot on the Run and manyshot. (With all the prereqs) And lets say that said archer has a 30' movement. Can said archer move 20', Manyshoot (2 arrows, -4 to hit), and then move the other 10' of his movement as a standard action. And still have a move...
  20. Azazu

    Druid Animal Companion and xp

    If my group just fought a mid level druid with a wolf companion is the wolf just considered part of the druid or dose it count for seperate xp as a seperate monster. If so what CR do i asign it for xp. The druid in question was 12th level so the wolf was a 10 hd animal. Does its CR get bumped...