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  1. M

    Some Questions about creating higher then 1st lvl characters

    So my DM is having us make new characters or convert our concept in his game. SO we are to make lvl 14 characters. Things went fine till I need to buy gear. So DMG page 143 I get three magic items of lvls 13,14,15 and some gold. The gold part is easy. Just buy other magic items with it...
  2. M

    Uitilty Powers?

    How are the uses of the Utility powers work? As in I have seen some that are for use in combat. Are they once and encounter, day? Only reactions?
  3. M

    New DI! Cant wait for Gen Con!

    Just found this on the Spycraft boards. Thought ppl would like to know about it. :) New Dark Inheritance site. From what I gather the new book is going to be at Gen Con Indi. Looks of cool stuff :) hope my friend can get me a copy when hes there. I cant go ths year :( Dark Inheritance
  4. M

    Intimidation Skill and uses?

    Ok in my game a player wanted to use Intimidate during combat to scare off the bad guys (6 Barbarians). Now the book says that you can demoralize them but only if you threaten them. Does that mean you can only intimidate 8 foes (normal weapon) at most and never those not in melee with you...
  5. M

    Crafting Arrows?

    Ok so I have a Ranger type and want to craft my own arrows so I don’t have to worry about running out on the road. Looking under the Craft skill they do not list arrows as a item. So whats the base DC? Basic Long/short bow is DC 12 but Arrows are easier to make then Bows (Strait shaft, Pointy...
  6. M

    Material Components. How do you deal with them?

    Well I wsa looking over the spells listed in the SRD and read the Material Components needed for Black Tentacles [A piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or a giant squid]. So that got me thinking. A wizard is balenced with other classes based on his spells per lvl. Then I was thinking about...
  7. M

    D&D 3E/3.5 Steve Mulhern's Character Sheet (3.5) ??

    Any word on this? The Thread I got from Steve's Message board led to the old enworld board (cookies didnt work to post) and I cant find any thread's here on the matter. Anyone know anything EricNoah? Anything?
  8. M

    D&D 3E/3.5 Steve Mulhern's Character Sheet (3.5) ??

    Any word on this? The Thread I got from Steve's Message board led to the old enworld board (cookies didnt work to post) and I cant find any thread's here on the matter. Anyone know anything EricNoah? Anything?
  9. M

    Alter Self and Planetouched(outsiders)?

    Ok Im playing a Gensie (Air) Wizard and was reading the spell and realized that as a Gensie I’m type (Outsider) sub-type (Air) This really changes what I can turn into as Human and Elf are not Outsiders. Is there a list of Outsiders that are 5HP or less that someone has compiled?
  10. M

    Alt Familiars (Staff)

    I remember reading someplace rules for a Staff as your Familiar. But I cant remember where it was. Anyone have something like this?
  11. M

    Continual Flame and Market price Ever burning Items?

    SO I got a scroll of Continual Flame so I could make Ever Burning Torches for my fellow night blind party members. And realized that it only cost 50gp to make a Ever Burning Torch BUT its Market price is 1000gp (Though I cant find them in the SRD) As a 4th lvl Wizard with an effective INT of...
  12. M

    Auto calc character generator?

    I have been useing Steve's auto calc excel sheet but now that we are moveing to 3.5 it does not work. and updateing it is almost impoible since I dont know excel that well. anyone know of a good auto calac excel character generator? One that can be edited/updated with house rules for classes...
  13. M

    Melee classed small Raced characters?

    How are the small races doing in 3.5 when it comes to melee? I used to play a Halfling Fighter/Rogue with a 16 Str 16 Dex and did pretty well in melee. What are your experiences with the new weapon size change in 3.5? Im looking at if I should ask to have the old weapon sizes put in the game...
  14. M

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Excel Auto Calc Character Sheet?

    Anyone know were I can get a good auto calc character sheet? One that does most everything Classes, equipment wt, item cost ect. I have been useing a really good one but the guy stoped updateing it because of the OGL and Wizard pressure. I also would like it to be easy to update and or change...
  15. M

    Thoughts on change to Sorcerer Class.

    What are your thoughts on a house rule to allow Sorcerer’s to pick spells from any 2 Class lists? This is the only change Im thinking of. The idea behind it is that they have a understanding of the flow of magic and so can shape it into anything they want. In a sense they are (copying) spells...
  16. M

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Whip. Hows it work now?

    I have a Lasher character and want to know what changes the 3.5 whip has. Thanks
  17. M

    Has the 3.5 Books come out yet?

    I keep seing ppl posting stuff from the 3.5 like they have the books? Are they out yet? I cant find any thing on the web that says anything other then "July 2003"
  18. M

    Wizards Spell Spreadsheet?

    Im looking for a Wizard spellbook excel sheet made by Bob Fitch. I like his Sorcerer and Cleric sheets and Im starting a Wizard Cheacter and want to use his sheet. Anyone know were I can get it?
  19. M

    Whats better XX resistance or bonus to save vs XX?

    In picking a race that gives a 5 or 10 resistance to say Fire or one that gives a +1 and +1/per 5 character lvls to save vs. fire. What is better IYO?
  20. M

    Elemental Savant and Races with Elemental Resistance?

    OK so how would you handle a Aasimar wizard from the Forgoten Reams book becomeing a Elemental Savant? The PrCl gives you elemental resistance but the Race has that already. So do they stack? if not why?